O Sons, like one of us Man is bee
to knoaste [ 85 ]
Of t defended Fruit; but let
, and Evil got,
o have known
Good by it self, and Evil not at all.
s, and prayes trite, [ 90 ]
My motions in hey move,
I know, how variable and vain
Self-left. Least therefore his now bolder hand
Reacree of Life, a,
And live for ever, dream at least to live [ 95 ]
For ever, to remove him I decree,
And send o till
taken, fitter soile.
Mic hou in charge,
take to the Cherubim [ 100 ]
t the Fiend
Or in beo invade
Vat possession som nerouble raise:
the Paradise of God
it remorse drive out the sinful Pair, [ 105 ]
From h unholie, and denounce
to to thence
Perpetual banis. Yet least t
At tence rigorously urgd,
For I bend and ears [ 110 ]
Beerror hide.
If patiently they obey,
Dismiss t dissolate; reveale
to Adam w sure dayes,
As I sen, intermix [ 115 ]
My ant in the womans seed renewd;
So send t in peace:
And on t side of the Garden place,
rance up from Eden easiest climbes,
Cche flame [ 120 ]
ide ,
And guard all passage to tree of Life:
Least Paradise a receptacle prove
to Spirits foule, and all my trees thir prey,
itoln Fruit Man once more to delude. [ 125 ]
h Argelic Power prepard
For s dest, bright
Of chful Cherubim; four faces each
hir shape
Spangld hose [ 130 ]
us, and more o drouze,
Coral Reed
Of e Rod. Mean while
to resalute t
Leucoth fresh dews imbalmd [ 135 ]
t Matron Eve
hir Orisons, and found,
Out of despaire, joy, but linkt;
o Eve his wele words renewd. [ 140 ]
Eve, easily may Fait, t all
the good which we enjoy, from heavn desds;
But t from us ougo heavn
So prevalent as to e the mind
Of God , or to ine his will, [ 145 ]
o belief may seem; yet this will Prayer,
Or one s sigh, up-borne
Evn to t of God. For since I saught
By Prayer tie to appease,
Kneeld and before , [ 150 ]
Met I saw him placable and mild,
Bending his eare; perswasion in me grew
t I was urnd
o my brest, and to my memorie
thy Seed shall bruise our Foe; [ 155 ]
minded in dismay, yet now
Assures me t tterness of death
Is past, and hee,
Eve righer of all Mankind,
Mothee [ 160 ]
Man is to live, and all things live for Man.
to wanour meek.