the querd also, and enslavd by arr
S all vertu loose
And fear of God, from wie feignd
I of Battel found no aide [ 800 ]
Against invaders; therefore coold in zeale
tice o live secure,
orldlie or dissolute, on hir Lords
So enjoy; for th shall bear
More t temperance may be trid: [ 805 ]
So all surn degee, all depravd,
Justid temperarut;
One Man except, t
In a dark Age, against example good,
Against allurement, , and a orld [ 810 ]
Offended; fearless of reproad s,
Or violence, hee of wicked wayes
teousness, how much more safe,
And full of peace, denoung o e [ 815 ]
On tence; and surne
Of t of God observd
t Man alive; by his and
to save [ 820 ]
A orld devote to universal rack.
No sooner
Select for life she Ark be lodgd,
And serd round, but all taracts
Of open on th shall powre [ 825 ]
Raine day and nigains of the Deep
Broke up, so usurp
Beyond all bounds, till inundation rise
Above t
Of Paradise by might of aves be moovd [ 830 ]
Out of he horned floud,
itrees adrift
Do River to the opning Gulf,
And take root an Iland salt and bare,
t of Seales and Orcs, and Sea-mews g. [ 835 ]
to teac God attributes to place
No sanctitie, if no
By Men herein dwell.
And noher shall ensue, behold.