首页Paradise Lost Ⅹ2


        I told ye then he should prevail and speed [ 40 ]


        And flatterd out of all, believing lies

        Against his Maker; no Decree of mine

        curring to ate his Fall,

        Or toucest moment of impulse [ 45 ]


        In eevn scale. But falln he is, and now

        rests but t tal Sentence pass

        ressio day,

        hich he presumes already vain and void, [ 50 ]

        Because not yet inflicted, as he feard,

        By some immediate stroak; but soon shall find

        Forbearano acquittance ere day end.

        Justice s return as bountie sd.

        But    thee [ 55 ]

        Vicegerent Son, to transferrd

        All Judgement wh, or hell.

        Easie it mig I intend

        Mercie collegue ice, sending thee

        Mans Friend or, his designd [ 60 ]


        Aind Man o judge Man falln.

        So spake t

        to he Son

        Blazd fortie; he full [ 65 ]

        Resple all

        Expressd, and thus divinely answerd milde.

        Faternal, to decree,

        Mio do thy will

        Supream, t thy Son belovd [ 70 ]

        Mayst ever rest o judge

        Oransgressors, but t,

        on mee must light,

        ime sook

        Before t repenting, taine [ 75 ]

        I may mitigate thir doom

        On me derivd, yet I semper so

        Justice rate most

        tisfied, and thee appease.