So seure, and upturnd
ril o the murkie Air, [ 280 ]
Sagacious of his Quarry from so farr.
t es into te
ide Anarchie of Chaos damp and dark
ers; [ 285 ]
Solid or slimie, as in raging Sea
tost up and doogether crowded drove
From eacoh of hell.
As wwo Polar inds blowing adverse
Upon together drive [ 290 ]
Mountains of Ice, t stop th imagind way
Beyosora Easto the rich
Cat. ted Soyle
Deatrific, cold and dry,
As rident smote, and fixt as firm [ 295 ]
As Delos floating o his look
Bound to move,
And ic slime; broad as te,
Deep to ts of herd beach
tend, and t on [ 300 ]
Over t, a Bridge
Of lengto the all
Immovable of this now fenceless world
Forfeit to Death; from hence a passage broad,
Smooto hell. [ 305 ]
So, if great to small may be pard,
Xerxes, tie of Greece to yoke,
From Susa his Memnonian Palace high
Came to t
Bridging h Asia joynd, [ 310 ]
And scd roak t waves.
Pontifical, a ridge of pe Rock
Over t Abyss, follorack
Of Satan, to the self same place where hee [ 315 ]
First lighted from his ing, and landed safe
From out of Co t side bare
Of t
And C, too fast they made
And durable; and notle space [ 320 ]
t of Empyrean heavn
And of t hand hell
iterposd; three sevral wayes
In sigo eachree places led.