If your joynt poh affaires of hell
riment need feare, goe arong.
So saying h speed [ 410 ]
t stellations held
Spreadiarrs lookt wan,
And Plas, Plarook, real Eclips
tan down
to e; oher side [ 415 ]
Disparted C exclaimd,
And he barrs assaild,
t sd ion: te,
ide open and unguarded, Satan passd,
And all about found desolate; for those [ 420 ]
Appoio sit t thir charge,
Floo t were all
Farr to tird, about the walls
Of Pand?monium, Citie and proud seate
Of Lucifer, so by allusion calld, [ 425 ]
Of t brigarr to Satan paragond.
t tche Grand
In cil sate, sollicitous w ce
Migercept t, so hee
Departing gave and, and they observd. [ 430 ]
As ar from his Russian Foe
By Astra over the Snowie Plaines
Retires, or Bactrian Sophe hornes
Of turkis, leaves all e beyond
treate [ 435 ]
to tauris or Casbeen. So te
, left desert utmost hell
Many a dark League, redu careful atch
Round tropolis, and noing
Eac adventurer from the search [ 440 ]
Of Forrein orlds: unmarkt,
In sant
Of lo order, past; and from the dore
Of t Plutonian hall, invisible
Asded ate [ 445 ]
Of ric texture spred, at th upper end
as pla regal lustre. Down a while
e, and round about him saw unseen:
At last as from a Cloud head
And sarr briger, clad [ 450 ]
it permissive glory since his fall
as left ter: All amazd
At t so sudden blaze tygian throng
Bent t, and whey wishd beheld,
ty d: loud h acclaime: [ 455 ]
Forte t sulting Peers,
Raisd from th like joy
gratulant approach hand
Silence, aion won.