o a shadie bank,
t roof imbowrd
he Couch,
Pansies, and Violets, and Asphodel, [ 1040 ]
And softest lap.
took largely, of tual guilt the Seale,
till dewie sleep
Oppressd thir amorous play. [ 1045 ]
Soon as t fallacious Fruit,
t ing vapour bland
About ts powers
Made erre, was now exhald, and grosser sleep
Bred of unkindly fumes, h scious dreams [ 1050 ]
Encumberd, nohey rose
As from u, and eacher viewing,
Soon found thir minds
as a veile
hem from knowing ill, was gon, [ 1055 ]
Just fidence, and native righteousness
And t
to guiltie s his Robe
Uncoverd more, so rose te strong
-lap [ 1060 ]
Of Pean Dalilah, and wakd
Srengtitute and bare
Of all tue: silent, and in face
founded long te, as stru mute,
till Adam, t less t, [ 1065 ]
At lengtterao traind.
O Eve, in evil give eare
to t false orm, of
to terfet Mans voice, true in our Fall,
False in our promisd Rising; since our Eyes [ 1070 ]
Opnd we find indeed, and find we know
Bot, and Evil got,
Bad Fruit of Knoo know,
hus, of honour void,
Of Innoce, of Faitie, [ 1075 ]
Our ed Ors noaind,
And in our Faces evident the signes
Of foul cupisce; wore;
Even s of evils; of t
Be sure the face [ 1080 ]
h joy
And rapture so oft behose heavnly shapes
ill dazle nohir blaze
Insufferably brig I here
In solitude live savage, in some glade [ 1085 ]
Obscurd, rable
to Starr or Sun-lighir umbrage broad,
And brown as Evening: Cover me ye Pines,
Ye Cedars, h innumerable boughs
hem more. [ 1090 ]