Not of my self; by some great Maker then,
In goodness and in po;
tell me, how may I know him, how adore, [ 280 ]
From hus I move and live,
A I am hen I know.
rayd I kne wher,
From beheld
t, wurnd, [ 285 ]
On a green shadie Bank profuse of Flours
Pensive I sate me dole sleep
First found me, and oppression seisd
My droused sense, untroubld, t
I to my former state [ 290 ]
Insensible, and forto dissolve:
ood at my head a dream,
ioly movd
My Fancy to believe I yet had being,
And livd: One came, met, of shape Divine, [ 295 ]
And said, ts thee, Adam, rise,
First Man, of Men innumerable ordaind
First Fathy Guide
to t prepard.
So saying, by took me raisd, [ 300 ]
And over Fields and aters, as in Aire
Smoot step, last led me up
A ain; wop laine,
A Circuit trees
Planted, w I saw [ 305 ]
Of Eart seemd. Eacree
Loadn Fruit, t o the Eye
tempting, stirrd in me sudden appetite
to plud eate; w I wakd, and found
Before mine Eyes all real, as the dream [ 310 ]
had lively shadowd: here had new begun
My wandring, hee who was my Guide
Up rees appeerd,
Presence Divine. Rejoyg, but h aw,
In adoration at I fell [ 315 ]
Submiss: st I am,
Said mildely, Aut
Above, or round about th.