O by hese,
Above mankinde, hen mankinde higher,
Surpassest farr my naming, how may I
Adore this Universe, [ 360 ]
And all to man, for whose well being
So amply, and h hands so liberal
t provided all t h mee
I see not ude
happiness, who enjoy alone, [ 365 ]
Or all enjoyiment find?
tuous; and t,
As nd, thus replid.
callst tude, is not th
itures, and the Aire [ 370 ]
Replenis thy and
to e and play before t t
they also know,
And reason not ptibly; hese
Find pastime, and beare rule; thy Realm is large. [ 375 ]
So spake the Universal Lord, and seemd
So . I h leave of speech implord,
And ion thus replid.
Let not my hee, heavnly Power,
My Maker, be propitious while I speak. [ 380 ]
t made me itute,
And t?
Among unequals ie
sort, ?
be mutual, in proportion due [ 385 ]
Givn and receivd; but in disparitie
teill remiss
ot e soon prove
tedious alike: Of fellowship I speak
Suc to participate [ 390 ]
All rational delige
ot be ; they rejoyce
Each Lioness;
So fitly t bind;
Muc, or Fish Fowle [ 395 ]
So he Ape;
ors t, a of all.