首页Paradise Lost Ⅷ14


        to ed brow. [ 560 ]

        Accuse not Nature, s;

        Do t t diffident

        Of isdom, ss t, if thou

        Dismiss not    t her nigh,

        By attributing overmuco things [ 565 ]

        Less excellent, as t.

        For    t transports thee so,

        An outside? fair no doubt, and hy well

        thy love,

        Not tion: weighy self; [ 570 ]

        t times nots more

        teem, grounded on just and right

        ell managd; of t skill t,

        thee her head,

        And to realities yield all her shows: [ 575 ]

        Made so adorn for t the more,

        So a    love

        te,    wise.

        But if touch whereby mankind

        Is propagated seem suc [ 580 ]

        Beyond all otsaft

        to Cattel and eac; w be

        to t

        to subdue

        the Soule of Man, or passion in him move. [ 585 ]

        ie t

        Attractive, ional, love still;

        In loving t ,

        rue Love sists not; love refines

        ts, and    enlarges,    [ 590 ]

        In Reason, and is judicious, is the scale

        By wo    asd,

        Not sunk in al pleasure, for which cause

        Among ts no Mate for thee was found.

        to w Adam replid. [ 595 ]