首页Paradise Lost Ⅵ18


        Illustrious farr and    by his own

        First seen, ted joy surprizd,

        Ensign of Messiah blazd [ 775 ]

        Aloft by Angels born, his Sign in heavn:

        Under w Michael soon reducd

        her ing,

        Uhir head imbodied all in one.

        Before him Power Divine his repard; [ 780 ]

        At ed ird


        Obsequious, ed face renewd,

        And s hill and Valley smild.

        t stood obdurd, [ 785 ]

        And to rebellious fighir Powers

        Ie, hope ceiving from despair.

        In s could such perverseness dwell?

        But to vi Signs availe,

        Or onders move te to relent? [ 790 ]

        t mig reclame,

        Grieving to see    t

        took envie, and aspiring to h,

        Stood reimbattelld fierce, by force or fraud

        eening to prosper, and at length prevaile [ 795 ]

        Against God and Messiao fall

        In universal ruin last, and now

        to final Battel dre,

        Or faireat; w Son of God

        to all    ohus spake. [ 800 ]

        Stand still in brigs, and

        Ye Angels armd, ttel rest;

        Faith been your warfare, and of God

        Accepted, fearless in eous Cause,

        And as ye have receivd, so have ye don [ 805 ]

        Invincibly; but of this cursed crew

        t to other hand belongs,

        Vengeance is s;

        o t ordaind

        Nor multitude, stand onely and behold [ 810 ]

        Gods indignation on these Godless pourd

        By mee, not you but mee they have despisd,

        Yet envied; against mee is all thir rage,

        Because t whom in heavn supream

        Kingdom and Poains, [ 815 ]

        o his will.