So spake tent, and h his words
All seemd all.
t day, as ot
In song and dance about the sacred hill,
Mystical dance, warrie Spheare [ 620 ]
Of Plas and of fixt in all her heeles
Resembles , mazes intricate,
Etritervolvd, yet regular
t, hey seem,
And in tions harmonie Divine [ 625 ]
So smooto Gods own ear
Listens delighted. Eevning noroachd
(For wee have also our Eevning and our Morn,
ee ours for cable, not need)
Forto s repast turn [ 630 ]
Desirous, all in Circles as tood,
tables are set, and on a sudden pild
itar flows
In Pearl, in Diamond, and massie Gold,
Fruit of delicious Vih of heavn. [ 635 ]
On flours reposd, and s d,
te, t
Quaff immortalitie and joy, secure
Of surfet where full measure onely bounds
Excess, before teous King, who showrd [ 640 ]
ithir joy.
Noh Clouds exhald
From t of God, ; shade
Spring botest heavn had gd
to grateful t there [ 645 ]
In darker veile) and roseat Dews disposd
All but to rest,
ide over all the Plain, and wider farr
t spred,
(Sucs of God) throng [ 650 ]
Disperst in Bands and Files tend
By living Streams among trees of Life,
Pavilions numberless, and sudden reard,
Celestial tabernacles, w
Fannd hir course [ 655 ]
Melodious throne
Alternate all nig not so wakd
Satan, so call him now, his former name
Is ,
If not t Ar Power, [ 660 ]
In favour and pr?eminence, yet fraught
it t day
Father, and proclaimd
Messiaed, could not beare
t sig himself impaird. [ 665 ]
Deep malice thence ceiving and disdain,
Soon as midnig on the duskie houre
Frieo sleep and silence, he resolvd
ito dislodge, and leave
Unhrone supream [ 670 ]
ptuous, and subordinate
Ao spake.