Nor terious parts hen ceald,
t guiltie s shame
Of natures works, honor dishonorable,
Sin-bred, roubld all mankind [ 315 ]
itead, meer shews of seeming pure,
And banis life,
Simplicitie and spotless innoce.
So passd t
Of Gel, for t no ill: [ 320 ]
So pair
t ever sin loves imbraces met,
Adam t man of men since borne
of ers Eve.
Under a tuft of s on a green [ 325 ]
Stood w, by a fresain side
t ter no more toil
Of t Gardning labour then sufficd
to reend coole Zephyr, and made ease
More easie, ite [ 330 ]
Mrateful, to ts they fell,
arine Fruits w boughes
Yielded t ree
On t do h flours:
the rinde [ 335 ]
Still as ted scoop tream;
Nentle purpose, nor endearing smiles
anted, nor youthful dalliance as beseems
Fair couple, linkt in ial League,
Alone as t them frisking playd [ 340 ]
All Beasts of th, since wilde, and of all chase
In ood or ilderness, Forrest or Den;
Sp the Lion rampd, and in his paw
Dandld tygers, Ounces, Pards
Gambold before t [ 345 ]
to make t, and hd
Insinuating, wine
rain, and of al guile
Gave proof unhe grass [ 350 ]
Cazing sat,
Or Beding: for the Sun
Ded h prone carreer
to th asding Scale
Of arrs t usher Evening rose: [ 355 ]
an still in gaze, as first ood,
Scarce t length faild speech recoverd sad.
O doe mine eyes h grief behold,
Into our room of bliss t
Creatures of oth-born perhaps, [ 360 ]
Not Spirits, yet to s bright
Little inferior; ws pursue
ith wonder, and could love, so lively shines
In them Divine resemblance, and such grace
t formd th pourd. [ 365 ]
Ale pair, yee little think how nigh
Your cs
ill vaniso woe,
More aste is now of joy;
for so happie ill securd [ 370 ]
Long to tinue, and t your heavn
Ill fenct for o keep out such a foe
As noerd; yet no purposd foe
to you hus forlorne
ttied: League h you I seek, [ 375 ]
And mutual amitie sht, so close,
t I dh me
Like t such
Accept your Makers work; me, [ 380 ]
hich I as freely give; hell shall unfold,
to eain you tes,
And send forthere will be room,
Not like ts, to receive
Your numerous ; if er place, [ 385 ]
ts me loato this revenge
On you w for him whd.