首页Paradise Lost Ⅳ11


        Bet t

        g night; [ 550 ]

        About him exercisd heroic Games

        t nig hand

        Celestial Armourie, Shields, helmes, and Speares

        h Gold.

        the Eeven [ 555 ]

        On a Sun beam, s as a sing Starr

        In Autumn ts t, when vapors fird

        Impress the Mariner

        From    of o beware

        Impetuous winds: e. [ 560 ]

        Gabriel, to t h givn

        Crict c to this happie place

        No evil ter in;

        t o my Spheare

        A Spirit, zealous, as o know [ 565 ]

        More of ties works, and chiefly Man

        Gods latest Image: I describd his way

        Bent all on speed, and markt e;

        But in t t lies from Eden North,

        lighted, soon disd his looks [ 570 ]

        Alien from h passions foul obscurd:

        Mine eye pursud ill, but under shade

        Lost sig crew

        I fear, urd from to raise

        Neroubles;    be to find. [ 575 ]

        to wurnd:

        Uriel, no    sight,

        Amid t circle ,

        See farr and    te none pass

        t, but such as e [ 580 ]

        ell known from heavn; and since Meridian hour

        No Creature t of ot,

        So minded,    thie bounds

        On purpose,    it to exclude

        Spiritual substance h corporeal barr. [ 585 ]

        But if    of these walks,

        In wsoever shape he lurk, of whom

        tellst, by morrow dawning I shall know.

        So promisd o his charge

        Returnd on t brig now raisd [ 590 ]

        Bore o the Sun now falln

        Behe prime Orb,

        Incredible , her rowld

        Diurnal, or th

        By ser fligo t,    here [ 595 ]

        Arraying ed Purple and Gold

        t otend:

        Noill Eevning on, and t gray

        hings clad;

        Silence apanied, for Beast and Bird, [ 600 ]

        to to ts

        ere slunk, all but tingale;

        S long    sung;


        it led [ 605 ]

        tarrie , rode brig, till the Moon

        Rising in clouded Majestie, at length

        Apparent Queen unvaild ,

        And ore tle threw.

        o Eve: Fair sort, th hour [ 610 ]

        Of nigird to rest

        Mind us of like repose, since God

        Labour a, as day and nigo men

        Successive, and timely dew of sleep

        No slumbrous    ines [ 615 ]

        Our eye-lids; otures all day long

        Rove idle unimploid, and less need rest;

        Man h his daily work of body or mind

        Appointed, wie,

        And the regard of heavn on all his waies; [ 620 ]

        ive range,

        And of takes no at.