But e, five at
to us, wo keep
these from harm.
So spake the Cherube, and his grave rebuke
Severe in youtie, added grace [ 845 ]
Invincible: abasood,
A how awful goodness is, and saw
Vertue in her shape how lovly, saind
co find here observd
re visibly impaird; yet seemd [ 850 ]
Undaunted. If I must tend, said he,
Best , t t,
Or all at once; mlorie will be wonn,
Or less be lost. thy fear, said Zephon bold,
ill save us trial doe [ 855 ]
Single against thence weak.
t, overe h rage;
But like a proud Steed reind, ie on,
Co strive or flie
vain; awe from above had quelld [ 860 ]
, not else dismaid. Nohey nigh
tern Point, whose half-rounding guards
Just met, and closing stood in squadron joind
Ai and. to whir Chief
Gabriel from t thus calld aloud. [ 865 ]
O friends, I read of nimble feet
ing this way, and now by glimps dise
Ithe shade,
And ,
But faded splendor wan; we [ 870 ]
And fierce demeanour seems the Prince of hell,
Not likely to part test;
Stand firm, for in his look defiance lours.
And brief related w, where found, [ 875 ]
form and posture coucht.
to hus Gabriel spake.
tan, broke the bounds prescribd
tressions, and disturbd the charge
Of ot tress [ 880 ]
By t
to question tran this place;
Imploid it seems to violate sleep, and those
ed here in bliss?