t day. Cy smocks and s covered co drive tes into t- place early in terrific radesmen’s vans o get to do tle sing and ticks. t a bull to market. Even at t age it struck me t most of tes t oo get to talls in peace, but a bull ourn out and etimes some terrified brute, generally a o break loose and creet, and to be in tand in ting, ‘oo! oo!’ to ic effe an animal aainly it did frighem.
o tually Fattle business afford to give long credits. Mostly ty class of business, poultry food and fodder for tradesmen’s ingy old bastard o stand tting to in an absent-minded manner, after buying anyt t, and u s in it. All ting sergeant used to be in turday nigo times m you’d see saken too drunk to see and found in t it y pounds to get out of it. People used to stand in t, almost as if it ed for a soldier! Just t! A fine young fello!’ It just sing for a soldier, in t equivalent of a girl’s going os. ttitude to to tions t ts are traigo at time triots, stuion Jacks in t as an article of fait ten in battle and never could be. At t time everyone, even ts, used to siimental songs about ttlefield far ao die ‘and, but it produced a queer picture in my mind to t any rate times to ts. Old Bre so fed up er totitude to rue-blue Englis Vicky queen t ever lived and fners , but at time nobody ever t of paying a tax, not even a dog-lice, if t.
Before and after tituency. During tion oo young to grasp , I only kne I ive because I liked treamers better t because of a drunken man side tement nobody took any notice of sun dried it ime tion came along I and it, more or less, and time I ive didate o a pond full of duckook politics seriously in to begin st up rotten eggs ion.
Very early in life, tle boot-sreets off treet, and also did some cobbling. It eo get smaller, ter greatly because Uncle Ezekiel married. y years older at least, and for teen years or so t I kneall, e est ledion from bending over t, I suppose—after ury Liberal, t not only used to ask you one said in ‘78 but could tell you tuck to t o as ‘ts fling it too far for me. , ious kind of voice, ing back at e man’s burden and our dooty to treated someter Uncle Ezekiel gave it out t tle Englaerms. trocity stories started. Fatales ackled Uncle Ezekiel about it. Little Englander or no, surely t rigo tcs, even if t Uncle Ezekiel just laug it all t is grabbing five—to illustrate. ‘tell you! Same as I miger let go of me, and I ure of myself flying t.
Fate different from Uncle Ezekiel. I don’t knos, t my grandfate in life o didn’t really suit Fat and ingly on Sunday and very occasionally on of ies and must y little man, aly-looking because of t nose, a ratacacles, and butter-coloured most of it and it tered ed at alton Grammar Scter-off tradesmeo boast t o scaugo read by a talloer ed man to quote Carlyle and Spencer by t of mind, aken to ‘book-learning’, as , and good. On Sunday afternoons, time tle doo te paper . I see ternoon—summer, of course, al pork and greens still floating in tarting off to read test murder but gradually falling asleep acles, feeling of summer all round you, tarling g some tableclotent. After tea, as alk in a ruminative kind of tuff y, and tice t to turns up in t on taken out ter, alive but bleace by tric juice. Fat sceptical of tory, and of til 1909 no one in Lo o fly. trine if God us to fly t if God us to ride even believe in the new flying maes.
It ernoons, a, t Faturned o sues really suc to do, but o be al beruggling about y little cubby-er in tebook ump of pencil. man and a very obliging man, very anxious to provide good stuff and s o get on in business. tmaster, for instance, or station- master of a try station. But eiterprise to borroion to t ic of treak of imagination ion of a neure fe-birds (Boure it o Uncle Ezekiel. Uncle Ezekiel of a bird-fancier and ities of goldfinctle s ion in t. In tiny plot of ground in ty kinds of ting, and o dry to be an advertisement for Boure. Certainly, unlike most bullfined black.
Mot ever since I remember it’s from I in my pituitary deficy, or is t makes you get fat.
S taller tendency to except on Sundays I never remember an apron. It ion, but not a very big oo say t I never remember cooking. o see eristic attitude. It seems to you t tly t as ump of pencil ly cable, a lump of dough.
You knoc beam across tone floor and cellars under seemed to me one sink an iron pump, a dresser c one ige ook God kno table rolling out a ile-traps (ed o table to try and cadge a bit of food. Mot i along going to you off a trip of died peel.
I used to like to cry. tion in ds. atco cook, I mean—rolling doug a peculiar, solemn, indraisfied kind of air, like a priestess celebrating a sacred rite. And in ’s exactly led s to do. sood. Except t of gossip tside really exist for o read es as ime I en years old. Sainly couldn’t old you of England, and I doubt o tbreak of t ar sold you ern tries ing guard over to t. I almost ting t! t t s a eunu reality s must as private as ts . S into t beo t tomer. S , and until to flour s knos. t s very mucy. o look after t if srying to seton for himself.
So far as t, ours like clock ural process. You kne breakfast able tomorroo bed at nine and got up at five, and s it vaguely of det and fn and aristocratic—to keep later mind paying Katie Simmons to take Joe a for e to ick. Enormous meals—boiled beef and dumplings, roast beef and Yorkston and capers, pig’s ted dog, and jam roly-poly—er. t bringing up cill fast. In till t to bed on bread and er, aainly you o be sent aable if you made too mug, or c ice t mug ‘Spare too art. o’ give Joe a good o tell us stories, ful to give rap, but not. By time J for Moto get er t th him.
At t time it ill t proper for parents to say ‘don’t’ to ten ing t of’ ealing apples, or robbing a bird’s . In some families tually took place. Old Lovegrove, t lumps aged sixteen and fifteen, smoking in t you could all over toole apples, robbed birds’ s, and learo smoke sooner or later, but till knog around t created rougically everyto Mot a boy ever s to do rees apults and squailers, and even fis s, and Jackie ts special reized mettag you. , bats got into your into your ears, sossed you, and snakes ‘stung’. All sung, acc to Moted to t t t sting but bit, sold me not to ansoads, frogs, and neung. All is stung, except flies and blackbeetles. Practically all kinds of food, except t meals, atoes ter a meal you died of cramp, if you cut yourself bet lockja s. Nearly everyt te in tard seed and Karsry spice. Ss iain kinds of eati Moto let us eat tuff t op, and e ourselves till ain t erious virtues. Ra everytog tied round your neck . Sulper acted as a tonid old Nailer’s boer year, never dissolving.
e used to ea at six. By four Motea and ‘read . As a matter of fact s ofte on Sundays. t t tors of t people don’t really mind e and of tside Loed. Murders errible fasation for en said, s didn’t knoing ts, burying t floors, t time o dra dated from tters for s, most of treet didn’t Mot safe be Jack t t er, ting I’d do to t man if I got of t little Ameri doctor by taking all t and co tly) tears actually came into her eyes.
But of tter of fact it still exists, t’s been a bit cro by treamlined a copy only t’s c less t till tories t go on for six mont all es rigo follos, and t’s d trations t o look like aimer and noting of ting in t on ttle pot of stroeeadily from cover to cover, rigories, ts, to correspos. ed , and some imes t of ttles on summer afternoons, about a quarter to six sremendous start, gla telpiece, and t into a steea o be late. But tea e.
In till 1909, to be exact—Fatill afford an errand boy, and o leave to o tea op cutting slices of bread for a moment and say, ‘If you’ll give us grace, Fat our s, ly, ‘F to receive—Lord make us truly ter on, oday, Joe’, and Joe out. Mot o be someone of the male sex.
ttles buzzing on summer afternoons. Ours a sanitary o ained five ainly ’t en y bins. And all s in tles in ting and crickets someo object to in blackbeetles. t of tc ts and is. treet beie Simmons lived, it o say t you didn’t even kno.
t blue flies used to e sailing into t longingly on t. ‘Drat to say, but t of God and apart from meat-covers and fly-papers you couldn’t do muc ttle t tbins is also a pretty early memory. e floor and tle-traps and teel fender and to tles buzzing and smell tbin, and also old Nailer, en to, a bluebottle or a bombing plane?