And thers made for man!
the process of our love and wisdom,
to eac us--
Most i, per if guilty?
Is the only cure? Merciful God?
Eacural outlet shrivelld up
By ignorand parcy,
And stagnate and corrupt; till co poison,
t on ;
And t cure! unforted
And friendless solitude, groaning and tears,
And savage faces, at the king hour,
Seen teams and vapour of his dungeon,
By t! So he lies
Circled ill his very soul
Unmoulds its essence, hopelessly deformed
By sigy!
itrations ture!
tempered child:
t on in?uences,
till , and o more endure
to be a jarring and a dissonant thing,
Amid trelsy;
But, bursting into tears, wins back his way,
healed and harmonized
By t toucy.