Miss inter did not ent on my unications or, tain s as I am certain ts I requested o me . I g, ory” s on t of letters from Mr. Lomax a my request for o t, s a only picked up ory , as tal ex were happening.
C Isabelle, to all practical purposes we wo years before, and so ss.
Joed by Cer’s. C ric, a , but er of times a year, at time of asking, o keep tig over. And no hey do for money?
Joed on ing up ters—“It’ll make us all ill ot on teps outside, draook long batill it glowed pink. rils.
And iced track of ables o a mustom of t tc y, pulling potatoes from tables in er, peeling ttling pan lids at tove. e ate good meat or fisy of vegetables, drank strong, tea. t in se t to be asks. After t fell, t talking over tcable. would bee of us all?
‘Don’t he Missus said.
e out? Jo tten already?”
‘Gone!“ She shook her head and laughed as if he’d made a joke.
At t s lear of Cure, it arily but found a place to settle taired s but also , rail of t, s to tu opened be, came to vague, semipuzzled s: asn’t t ser, srapdoor in time, even realizing it, into t of o grieve for wife.
‘I kno of take t to ’ll do trick. In fact, I’ll go and look in on the baby now.“
Jo explain to Isabelle ri surprise and a demand to knoell me Miss Isabelle o tes on tered corridors of t, grieving over tragedies long gone as terday, and oday’s sorro to go t again.
Slo of ting one foot painfully in front of t of to see to t, op be his head in his hands and sighed.
to do? About C t everyt preoccupation. At ts of tion. s of Cside tlike s, no one o discover ion, Joo inform aor? tor?—of ed tion in ime o be no. A man rigo leave o go telling ination. t Joelling tor, ion in t not ill, and as for tor…
loud greed.
For if C return, or … ance ural. At Angelfield to ter sider to e e mistrust of solicitors. Jo Mr. Lomax, in o fide ty to a member of a profession t made its living from s nose in ote affairs. And besides, if geness already or be tent to put so t Joio pay t solicitors to kno it be as simple as t. Joing o every dark er and carefully cultivated so it.
And tor o e to to see t rig on tor being called in. And to to Isabelle. Saken away. do any good?
No. t got rid of osider; it ime to invite in anoto deal e tely. , no they were, by himself.
t ret entirely money. Also, er colleg cas e for it and t desperate. to pay for a lot of food, siables and fruit to feed an army in t. And if it came to it, if ty (Jo by t t a calamity? as it possible t cases of claret out of turn.
‘e’ll be all rig,“ old tte, one nigoo see.“
It ing prete versation; ing straig t of talking to oo long in o be given up ligio sit across table in tcs, s to find tiooo plex for o navigate, and t led o t he darkness.
food ing from tc up meat on te and put tiny forkfuls in ea and made freser, but teied in tood in ttic, looking at tco get t sorted,” it raining muo could . to do. s and clotiff and sticky s and plucked ps and roasted t o be done. a imes.
From time to time arden, but le could not enjoy it. t properly required more time to give it. In t of t up c go.
Once used to it, tain fort in our neeantial and discreet soure by, our o feel sustainable. Better really if C to stay absent. Unfound and uurning, o anyone.
So I kept my knoo myself.
In ttles, it er Isabelle aken to t till; I kneers on old needle.
It masked trao air s tenness, as. It was C.
I backed out of t g about ttles and t to get a of ayed seemed impossible to escape are.
o find fort?
ttle olen food t ting my breato ordinary life. And ood looking in, at a ing. t knoale.
I cil tbeat returo normal.
I o Angelfield. And I didn’t tell. e ter off as couldn’t make any differeo ?
of my gs.
It seemed to me t tor’s car er’s drive. arrived in Yorks became every oto tudied Miss inter carefully. I knes. Miss inter er elling me ory so drarengt ed by age and illness. I explaielling myself it ancy of tor’s attention t aining her.
A in o my eyes, s e seriously. For ed annou one m? Quite out of told me t Miss inter oo u me. t for a day or tervie o do ake a s holiday.
‘A er t my going a time, I to send me an a mas only a feoo!“
t fortion. Somet riged out of the way.
‘I pack a case for you, if it would ically, knowing I knew shing.
‘I do my o.
‘It’s Maurice’s day off, but Dr. Clifton o tation.“
Poor ed deceit and subterfuge.
‘And Miss inter? I’d like a quick h her. Before I go.“
‘Miss inter? I’m afraid she…“
‘on’t see me?“
“’t see you.” Relief flooded y rang out in last so say sometrue. “Believe me, Miss Lea. S ’t.”
ever it Juditooo.
‘s in Cambridge is your fated to kno all?“ I anser a time tempts at small talk came to an end. As o e, tmosper’s oppressive silence.