


        From w is odensday,

        [tale e Diedricleman of Nes from its primitive settlers. orical researc lie so mucably sty oopics;    legendary lore, so invaluable to true ory.

        c up in its lotle clasped volume of black-letter, and studied it he zeal of a bookworm.

        t of all tory of tco terary cer of o tell trut is not a ter t ss c is its scrupulous accuracy, ioned on its ?rst appearance, but ely establis is noted into all orical colles, as a book of uioy.

        tleman died sly after tion of     ot do muco o say t ime migter employed in o ride    did no a little in t of some friends, for ruest deferend affe, yet ;more in sorro; and it begins to be suspected, t eo injure or offend. But ed by critics, it is still icularly by certain biscuit-bakers,    ality, almost equal to tamped on a aterloo medal, or a Queen Annes fart remember tskill mountains. t Appalaco t of to a noble , and l it over try. Every s; and t barometers. tled, t tlines on t sometimes,    ts, ting sun,    up like a    of glory.

        At t of tains, t smoke curling up from a Village,    s of t ao t is a little village of great antiquity, cs, in times of t about t of ter Stuyvesant (may    in peace!), and ttlers standing    of small yelloiced s, surmounted hercocks.

        In t same village, and in one of to tell trutime-en),     try    a province of Great Britain, a simple, good-natured fello of tly iuyvesant, and apanied o t a.

        ed,    little of tial cer of ors. I    ured man;    o tter circumstance mig meekness of spirit    to be obsequious and ciliating abroad, less, are rendered pliant and malleable in tic tribulation, and a curtaiure is eacues of patiend long-suffering. A termagant s, be sidered a tolerable blessing, and if so, Rip Van inkle hrice blessed.

        Certain it is, t    favorite among all took    in all family squabbles, and never failed, ters over in to lay all too, ed at ts, made taugo ?y kites and s marbles, and told tories of gs, c dodging about troop of ts, clambering on ricks on y; and not a dog     the neighborhood.

        t error in Rips position o all kinds of pro?table labor. It could not be for    of assiduity or perseverance; for    on a    rock, artars lance, and ?s a murmur, even t be enced by a single nibble. ing to s a fe a oil, and    man in all try frolics for one feoo, used to employ o run to do suctle odd jobs as t do for to attend to anybodys business but    as to doing family duty, and keeping    impossible.

        In fact,    o    pestilent little piece of ground in try; everyt it    e of inually falling to pieces; ray, et among to groting in just as -door o do; so t trimonial estate , acre by acre, until ttle more left tcatoes, yet it -ditioned farm in the neighborhood.

        oo, o nobody. ten in o in ts, rooping like a colt at -off galligaskins, her.

        Rip Van inkle, als, of     foolisions,     t or trouble, and arve on a penny t to led life a te; but    tinually dinning in    , ongue ly going, and every to produce a torrent of    one o all lectures of t, by frequent use, o a .    up    said not o drao tside of truto a henpecked husband.

        Rips sole domestic ad ers going so often astray. true it is, in all points of spirit be?tting in    and tting terrors of a o olf e fell, ail drooped to ting many a sidelong gla Dame Van inkle, and at t ?ourisick or ladle, o tation.

        times grerimony rolled on; a tart temper never melloongue is tool t groant use. For a long ual club of ts sessions on a benced by a rubid portrait of y Gee to sit in talking listlessly over village gossip, or telling endless, sleepy stories about not it esmans moo imes took place, raveller. en to tents, as dra by Derrick Van Bummel, ter, a dapper learned little man, o be daunted by t gigantiary; and e upon public events some moaken place.

        to ely trolled by Nicriarc took    from m till nig moving suf?tly to avoid tree; so t tell ts as accurately as by a sun-dial. It is true, o speak, but smoked ly. s,    man s), perfectly uood o gather his opinions.

        ed displeased o smoke ly, and to send fort, and angry puffs; but    it in ligimes, taking tting t vapor curl about oken of perfect approbation.

        From even troed by ermagant y of to     noug august personage, Nigue of terrible virags of idleness.

        Poor Rip    last reduced almost to despair; aive, to escape from to take gun in roll ao times seat    t of a tree, as of    ion. "Poor olf,"

        ;tress leads t; but never mind, my lad,    never    a friend to stand by t; olf fully in ers face, and if dogs    feel pity, I verily believe ed timent .

        In a long ramble of tumnal day, Rip o one of t parts of tskill mountains. er e sport of squirrel-sing, and till solitudes s of ing and fatigued, e in ternoon, on a green knoll, covered ain    crorees, ry for many a mile of ric a distas silent but majestic course, ion of a purple cloud, or ts glassy bosom and at last losing itself in the blue highlands.

        On to a deep mountain glen, om ?lled s from ted by ted rays of tting sun. For some time Rip lay musing on tains began to t it ering terrors of Dame Van inkle.

        As    to desd, ance ;Rip Van inkle! Rip Van inkle!"    could see not a cros solitary ?igain.     urned again to desd, ;Rip Van inkle! Rip Van inkle!"--at time olf bristled up o ers side, looking fearfully doo t a vague appreealing over ion, and perceived a strange ?gure slooiling up t of someto see any ed place, but supposing it to be some one of tance, ened doo yield it.

        On nearer approacill more surprised at ty ers appearance. , square-built old felloique Dutcrapped round t--several pairs of breecer one of ample volume, decorated tons do tout keg, t seemed full of liquor, and made signs for Rip to approac rustful of tance, Rip plied y; and mutually relieving eacly tain torrent. As tant t seemed to issue out of a deep ravine, or rat bety rocks, to, but supposing it to be ttering of one of traen take pla tain s, o a re, surrounded by perpendicular precipices, over trees s t you only caug evening cloud. During time Rip and ly    of carrying a keg of liquor up tairange and inpre t inspired awe, and cy.

        Oering tre, nes of ed t in tre    ninepins. t outlandis doublets, ots, and most of tyle    of the guides.

        too,    entirely of nose, and ed by a    off tle red cocks tail. to be tout old gentleman, en tenance; , broad belt and    aogs, and ing, in t over from    time of ttlement.

        seemed particularly odd to Rip    tly amusing t tai faces, t mysterious silence, and    melancy of pleasure nessed. Noterrupted tillness of t tains like rumbling peals of thunder.

        As Rip and ed from tared at atue-like gaze, and suge uncoutre te    turogetied tents of te ?agons, and made signs to o    upon trembling; turo their game.

        By degrees, Rips aaste t urally a ty soul, aed to repeat t. Oaste provoked aed s to ten, t at lengto a deep sleep.

        On    tering among t, and breasting tain breeze. "Surely," t Rip, "I    slept .&que man ain ravireat among ty at ninepins--t;O ?agon! t ;

        t Rip--";

        in place of ted , to. ed t terers of tains    a trick upon oo,     rayed aer a squirrel or partridge. led after ed    all in vain; ted le and s, but no dog o be seen.

        ermio revisit t evenings gambol, and if    y, to demand his dog and gun.

        As o s, and ing in ivity. "tain beds do not agree ; t Rip, "and if t of tism, I sime ; ity    doo t to onis a mountain stream , leaping from rock to rock, and ?lling t to scramble up its sides, s of birccimes tripped up or entangled by t ted tendrils from tree to tree, and spread a kind of work in h.

        At lengto re; but no traces of suced a rable    came tumbling in a s of feato a broad deep basin, black from t.    to a stand.

        led after ing    a dry tree t overion, seemed to look do ties.    o be do famis of . o give up o meet    it    do to starve among tains. y ?relock, and,    full of trouble and ay, turned eps homeward.

        As    a number of people, but none ry round. too,    fas to ared at    eyes upon roked tant recurrence of ture, induced Rip, involuntarily, to do, to onis,    long!

        ered ts of troop of strange g after ing at oo, not one of    ered: it s range names range faces at trange. o doubt cive village,    a day before. tood tskill mountains--t a dista ;t ?agon last nig;

        t ;;

        It y t o    aing every moment to o decay--ttered, and tarved dog, t looked like olf,    it. Rip called    teet indeed.--"My very dog," sig;ten me!"

        ered to tell trut i order. It y, forlorn, and apparently abaeness overcame all    hen all again was silence.

        eo , t it too y ood in its place,    gaping s aicoats, and over ted, "tel, by Jonattle." Instead of t tree t used to ser t little Dutcall naked pole, op t looked like a red nig tering a ?ag, on ripes--all trange and inpre even tamorp re, ted , and undered in large cers, "GENERAL ASON."

        t t    Rip recollected. ter of tling, disputatious tone about it, instead of tomed pranquillity. tering clouds of tobaoke, instead of idle speecer, doling fortents of an a neer.

        In place of ts full of ly abizeions--members of gress--liberty--Bunkers y-six-and ot Babyloniso the bewildered Van inkle.

        ty foracted ttention of tavern politis. to foot,    curiosity. tor bustled up to ly aside, inquired, "on ; Rip stared in vat stupidity. Anot but busy little fellooe, inquired in ;; Rip    a loss to preion;    old gentleman, in a s, made ting to t a ing ing orating, as it o ere tone, " brougo tion     to breed a riot in t;

        "Alas! gentlemen," cried Rip, some;I am a poor, quiet man, a native of t of the     King, God bless him!

        burst from tanders-"a tory! a tory! a spy! a refugee! le ; It    dif?culty t tant man in t restored order; and enfold austerity of bro, o keep about tavern.


        Rip bet , and inquired, heres Nicholas Vedder?

        ttle ombstone in t used to tell all about    ts rotten and gooo."


        "O off to t t of Stony-Point--ot t of Antonys Nose. I dont know --;


        " off to too;    militia general, and is no;

        Rips    died a he world.

        Every aing of sucime, and of matters and:

        ony-Point;--o ask after any more friends, but cried out in despair, "Does nobody ;

        "O; exclaimed t;Oo be sure!

        ts Rip Van inkle yonder, leaning against tree."

        Rip looked, and beerpart of    up tain; apparently as lazy, aainly as ragged. tely founded. ed ity, and    demanded w was his name?

        "God kno; exclaimed    s end; "Im not myself--Im somebody else--ts me yonder-no--ts somebody else, got into my s nig I fell asleep on tain, and t tell ws my name, or w;

        tanders began noo look at eacly, and tap t their foreheads.

        t seg t tion of    maired ation. At tical moment a freso get a peep at the gray-bearded man.

        Se o cry. "; cried s;tle fool; t    you." tone of rain of recolles in his mind.

        " is your name, my good ; asked he.


        "And your fat;

        "A its ty years since    a a little girl."

        Rip    one more question to ask; but    it ering voice:


        Ooo    a s time since; s of passion at a New-England pedler.

        t, at least, in tellige man could tain    er and ;I am your fat; cried ;Young Rip Van inkle once-old Rip Van inkle no;

        All stood amazed, until an old    out from among t o    in    exclaimed, "sure enoug is Rip Van i is y long years?"

        Rips story old, for ty years o    as one nigared o    eagues in tant man in t, o t the assemblage.

        It ermined, o take ter Vanderdonk, orian of t name,    ats of ter    a inant of ts and traditions of ted Rip at once, and corroborated ory in t satisfaanner.

        it , or, torian, t tskill mountains ed by strange beings. t it    t    discoverer of try, kept a kind of vigil ty years, ted in to revisit terprise, and keep a guardian eye upon t city called by    epins in tain; and t ernoon, tant peals of thunder.

        to make a long story s, turo tant s of tion. Rips daugook o live out ced for one of t used to climb upon o Rips son and to of    tree, o    evinced an ary disposition to attend to any t his business.

        Rip noime; and preferred making friends among tion, o great favor.

        o do at    t y, ook    triarcimes "before t; It ime before    into track of gossip, or could be made to preras t aken place during orpor.    tionary    try , instead of being a subject to y Gee tizen of ted States. Rip, in fact, i; tates and empires made but little impression on    tism uicoat gover.     an end;     of trimony, and could go in and out yranny of Dame Van inkle. ioned,    up    pass eition to e, or joy at his deliverance.

        o tell ory to every stra arrived at Mr.

        Doolittles el.    ?rst, to vary on some points every time old it, o ly a at last settled doo tale I ed, and not a man,    by . Some aleo doubt ty of it, and insisted t Rip    of    t on ts,    universally gave it full credit. Even to torm of a summer afternoon about tskill, but t t is a on    ing draug of Rip Van inkles ?agon.


        tale, one , ed to Mr.

        Knickerbocker by a little German superstition about t and tain; te, o tale, s it is an absolute faarrated y.

        "tory of Rip Van inkle may seem incredible to many, but    my full belief, for I knoy of our old Dutctlements to    to marvellous events and appearances. Indeed, I raories too icated to admit of a doubt. I alked    I saional and sistent on every ot, t I tious person could refuse to take to ti?cate on t taken before a try justice, and signed ices oory, ty of doubt.

        "D. K."

        travelling notes from a memorandum-book of Mr.Knickerbocker:

        tsberg or Catskill mountains s, , said to be t on t peak of tskills, and    to open and s t t up to stars. In times iated, s summer clouds out of cob of tain, ?ake after ?ake, like ?akes of carded cotton, to ?oat in til, dissolved by t of tle s, ts to ripen, and t in t of ttle-bellied spider in t of its he valleys!

        In old times, say traditions, tou or Spirit,    t recesses of tskill mountains, and took a miss upon times er a s and amed rocks, and t on tling precipice ing torrent.

        te abode of tou is still s is a rock or cliff on t port of tains, and, from t it, and ts neig of it is a small lake, t of tary bittern, er-snakes basking in t a t er    pursue s prects. Once upon a time, er ed to tcrees. One of t, but i    it fall among t stream gus o pieces, and tream made its o tio ?oo t day, being tical stream knoerskill.