"A tavern is taple of good felloell, -great-grandfat it `it bleo t;
It is a pious in some Catries to s by votive lig before tures.
ty of a saint, t to moulder in ttle cary lamp to ts blinking rays at ion is lavis ti?ed fatee brings , ick; and even t pilgrim is by no means satis?ed t suf?t ligtle lamp of smoking oil. t in to enligen apt to obscure; and I almost smoked out of tenance by the of?ciousness of his followers.
In like manner fared al Ser siders it y to ligion of er or o rescue some merit from oblivion.
tator, opulent in tomes of dissertations; tors send up mists of obscurity from tes at ttom of eac of eulogy or researco she cloud of inse and of smoke.
As I ablis it but proper to tribute my mite of o trious bard. I ime, icipated in every attempt at a neful line ion; and as to ?ne passages, tely e, been overlarded German critic t it noo ?nd even a fault t been argued into a beauty.
In ty I urning over , pletely lost in tavern. So vividly and naturally are ted, and ency are ters sustai ts and personages of real life. to fe occur t tions of a poets brain, and t, in sober trut of merry roisterers ever enlivecheap.
For my part, I love to give myself up to try.
A ion t never existed is just as valuable to me as a ory t existed a ty to ties of ure, I give up fat Jaen of a c ries of in a leaf, or tunity nor tion to follo, old Jack Falstaff! kind Jack Falstaff! s Jack Falstaff! ; regions of and good- man may revel, and ance of jolly laugo make mankind merrier aer to test posterity.
A t suddenly struck me. "I o Eastc; said I, closing t;and see if tavern still exists. I may ligraces of Dame Quickly and s? At any rate, treading to t toper enjoys in smelling to ty cask, once ?lled ;
tion iion. I forbear to treat of tures and ered in my travels; of ted regions of Cock Lane; of ttle Britain and ts adjat; eaton Street and Old Jes tunted giants, ty and terror of all unlucky urced London Stone, and struck my staff upon it in imitation of t arch-rebel Jack Cade.
Let it suf?ce to say, t I at lengtt region of and s relisestimony even at t day. For Eastco;s vivial doings. t ribbes of beef roasted, pies uals: ttering of pes, rie." Alas! aff and old Stoerer o tradesman; ttering of pots and t;rie," to ts and t dinging of tmans bell; and no song is rain of some syren from Billingsgate, g the eulogy of deceased mackerel.
I soug abode of Dame Quickly. t of it is a boars one, present is built into ting line of te of tavern.
For tory of ttle abode of good felloallo, and o as table ced in a little back parlor, t upon a yard about eig square laid out as a ?oant viereet, ta of soap and tallotle er part of a tury.
to be versed in tory of Eastd little, from London Stone even unto t, less, in o be acquainted ory of t, y of true liberal unicative disposition old ladies knoheir neighborhood.
ioend far bato antiquity.
S upon tory of time t Dame Quickly espoused t Pistol until t ?re of London unately burnt do , and tio ?ourisil a dying landlord, struck ies o to make avern to St. Mig of a cime try meetings t.
gasp about ty years siavern urned into s s a picture of it ill preserved in St.
Micood just in to get a sigure ermination; so, on, I took my leave of tc less raised greatly ant i in tory of her life.
It e some dif?culty and muco ferret out to to explore Crooked Lane and divers little alleys and elboy is perforated like an a c of dra lengtraced o a er of a small court surrounded by lofty ants enjoy about as mucy s at ttom of a well.
ton tle man, of a bo te migure to make in ty men of ty anist, seated apart, like Miltons angels, disc, no doubt, on rinal points, aling t of ale; for te on aance of a cool tankard to clear tandings. I arrived at t to repair to to put it in order; so, o apany them.
t. Miding a s distance from Billingsgate, is enribs of many ?ss galaxy of glory and its stellation of great men, I presume t of a migime is regarded ions of t, as poets feel on plating tomb of Virgil or soldiers t of a Marlburenne.
I ot but turn aside, o observe t St. Mis also t doug, yler, in Smit t paci?c of all potentates.*
* t inscription on t of troyed in t ?agration.
And twise Lord Maior, as in books appere;
teen hree odd.
An error in tion ed by to;; sait;it tten dora at tyler, I t good to recile t by sucestimony as I ?nd in a and good records. tains, of t tyler, as t man; trac., etc.--StOS London.
Adjoining tery, immediately u ands tombstone of Robert Preston, avern. It is noury sirusty draly deposited omers. As I aptle sexton dreerious air, and informed me in a lo once upon a time, on a dark ry nigling, banging about doors and tened out of t sleep quietly in t of Preston, self in ttracted by t;aiter!" from ts sudden appearan t of a r club, just as tave from t;mirre garland of Captai; to ture of sundry train-band captains and ttorney, , and o t truter in the way of business.
I beg it may be remembered, t I do not pledge myself for ticity of te, t is tropolis are very muced urbed spirits; and every one must , and tion t guards toinels almost out of ts.
Be all t may, t Prestoo o tongued Francis, o ;Anon, anon, sir;" and to ransded y; for Falstaff, ty of e no mao impeacly accuses Francis of putting lime in Prestoapy of , taries of t appear mucivated by tues of tapster; ty anist, of temiousness of a man brougtle sexton corroborated wink and a dubious she head.
* As tion is rife morality, I transcribe it for tion of deliapsters. It is no doubt, tion of some c he Boars head.
Bacco give toping world surprise,
Produced one sober son, and here he lies.
though reard among full hogsheads, he defyd
the charms of wine, and every one beside.
O reader, if to justice t ined,
ook care to ?ll s,
ues t excused s.
You t on Bacche like dependence,
t on tory of tapsters, ?s disappointed me in t objey quest, ture of tavern. No sug o be found in t. Mic;Marry and amen," said I, "; So I ter up, iquary, o be curious iive to tavern, offered to sry, imes ed in transferred, oablis, to a tavern in the neighborhood.
A feeps brougo tands No. 12 Miles Lane, bearing title of t by Master Ed; of tablis.
It is one of ttle taverns y and form tre of gossip and intelligence of tered t feed ligle doo tants, but a tolerable tioned into boxes, eaing a table spread e clot ts amp, and divided t just one oclock. At t of lamb ing. A rs glistened along telpiece, and an old fasicked in one er.
tive in tc carried me back to earlier times, and pleased me.
t everyt look of order aness able Englis be eitor of ratensions, I tle miss least nine ers. It ed leated rait of a fat pig. It ly appropriated to particular ers, and I found a sleman in a red nose and oil-clot seated in one er meditating on a y pot of porter.
toance imparted to ling little itute for t paragon of esses, Dame Quickly. Sed unity to oblige, and, airs to ted, surned, smiling and courtesying, hem in her hands.
t sed me obacco-box of gigantic size, out of ry tated meetings siime immemorial, and ical painting of side of tavern, and before to be seen t table, in full revel, pictured y and force raits of renorated on tobacco-boxes, for t of posterity. Lest, ake, taff on ttoms of their chairs.
On tion, nearly obliterated, rec t t of Sir Ricry meetings at tavern, and t it ;repaired ai?ed by ; Su of t and venerable relid I question ed s of table t San-greal, ation.
ating on it ured gaze, Dame i?ed by terest it excited, put in my ry, and bore tion of of Francis yt, and value, being sidered very "antyke." t opinitleman , and ed of being a lineal desdant from t Bardolpation on t of porter, and casting a kno t, exclaimed, "Ay, ay! t ac made t ticle."
t importaaco to of a revelry by modern c ?rst puzzled me; but tiquarian researcely perceived t tical "parcel-gilt goblet," on o Dame Quickly, aimony of t solemn tract.*
* "t so me upon a parcel-gilt goblet, sitting in my Dolp table, by a sea-coal ?re, on ednesday, in sun- indsor; t so me to marry me, and make me my lady, t t?"-- 2.
Mine ess, indeed, gave me a long ory ion to geioained me iculars ing trymen ly on tools of t roisterers of Eastcators, utter clouds of smoke in honor of Shakespeare.
to relate, lest my readers s be as curious in tters as myself. Suf?ce it to say, t Eastc Falstaff and ually lived and revelled tes ing ill extant among t frequenters of transmitted doands on te of t Jacks, not laid doomers ready to die of laughter.
I nouro my friend ton to make some furt I found ation. tle on one side; a deep sigtom of omac see a tear trembling in a moisture ly stealing from a er of ion of ood open, and found it ?xed fully on t of lamb, roasting in dripping riche ?re.
I noo mind t in te iigation, I ting in oken of my gratitude and goodness, I departed y beion on fetting my s seious friend, in t and copper nose.
t;tedious brief" at of teresting researc prove too s and unsatisfactory, I only plead my inexperien terature, so deservedly popular at t day. I am a a more skilful illustrator of tal bard ra Preston; some notice of t ?s.
Micory of Eastd little; private aes of Dame ty daug eveioo say notending t of lamb (and foot and ankle);--ts of at tyler, and illuminated by t ?re of London.
All to be ure entators, nor do I despair of seeing tobacco-box, and t;parcel-gilt goblet" o lig of future engravings, and almost as fruitful of voluminous dissertations and disputes as tland Vase.