tic co Cald. terruption caused o spill part of tents do could t be? It ely least six feet off t first, quite believe time aele and capsule el staff, suc ted, tamount to a gross invasion of privad a sure ancy.
Caldrusion and go aents of t tion ? antly opted for tter. It could be important. s of deated il rao tcic c cold and ach.
too small LCD s in t displayed ty camera outside. t on tside tc looked like a package. cside. tates of sleep gre to tine maze of corridors. surprised. its proliferation of cels, Angel, despite its of neigel, one of tter establiss, ill t could give even t ations.
Caldared at ticker attaco it urn-to-sender anonymous postal box at Union Mail. It a ly tel? less enemies in cyberspace, disgraced many a sys-op, puter tecy expert. One of tracked t o impossible. At any rate, t ing it to do t up carefully, as t tained uranium rods areated crao the capsule.
Caldon, slid td turention once again to ty vial on t even sure if ively. At least fact lost on iny? o opeive bubble of Styrofoam anot of a ductile syntic material.
Fetting for a moment ion ion of t yrofoam and s. tents of t make any sound but it t bore ionso its perceived size. ever triangular plastic card ter of Styrofoam in ter box. It o and it read: A o your future, Caldters, ten in some calligrap, seemed to float in mid air. t noto it a bubble of art to form. time noticed t it of minute geometric sogeted the cover off.
I protective skin sat a smooter sole and an expensive-looki of virtual reality goggles and gloves. but ate-of-t soles before and noto w . A cyberspace sole.
rembling and ies, Cald carefully. t, no standard input deviterface, just triangular optical sockets of a sype ranslut material t may or may not ier. tem sole designed not to ect her hardware.
Embedded erial of transparent optical cables floating in to small sensors at tips of eacry embedded cic. tics be six tiny devices, tular sockets. ts looked identical. Despite ting on t as clearly as if ced emerged from t of the sole.
Caldual keyboard appeared before ual fingers at t pixels so a digital rendition of a al face, a Japanese face. Kenzo Yamamoto?
“Cald too dissimilar to talons scraping on an antique blackboard, modulated slig to grate t of t symphere was no disable lag.
“Yes I did. ically enhanced room.
to a smile.
“You call me Kenzo, Caldo is to be formal. In anso your otion, you’ve proven yourself over tion of Sumitomo Bank of course. No to give you t freaking score in all of Europe, a ticket to time.”
Cald t. he mask suspiciously.
“ Sumitomo?” of Japan.
Peals of laugteo a ch.
“Caldime for questions. time for anse a omo Bank I stacked against you, I set it up so you .
“t up?” Cald arting to make sense noine score, turned out to be a ’s all over ting in severe er.
“Yes. I freaking score in all of Europe. You alent, Cald it is ed on tuff you used to do. o you? Union Euros, not t.”
Cald believe une. or ve didn’t matter, outfitted est cyberspace decks and spend t of ting lost in tous black zones of the Union.
“ do I o do to get it? And o do ?”
“A ty isn’t it? tly only o in t’s expensive beyond your dreams, priceless. tiste responsible for creating takes ime but it’s so olerate it. Unfortunately, ly, shall we say, indisposed.”
“ is it exactly or is t a stupid question?”
“Cald ying edge just a puter, Cald. But let’s talk about sce. sole and peripo eacary closed ransmitters and receivers to t in, range is fifty kilometers. Encrypted of course. Impressive, yes? tself is lio cyberspad beyond via encrypted ellite links. take t ill ected. I’m sure you see t no less. t poellite-enabled goggles makes it truly portable. sider yourself a lucky man to be looking at one no alooug one.”
“Satellite link is always on? ho pays?”
“Yours truly. My satellite. Stratelite to be exact. Lo assured you be receiving any bills. you’ll be receiving are instrus. I’ve been impressed ment in your future. I’ll be in touco ituting into black s.
“But ...” Caldested, he face was had disappeared.
Caldared at tco ly engineered ing in to set freaking score in all of Europe, Kenzo o tely a long time ago.
Kenzo Yamamoto ouc e uplink up and ja to cyberspace from anyact soon, om job like ts of t. Not quite t an OK living for about a year or so. Enougime to land somet ed a renewed lease on life.
ime, instead of a barrage of pixels ed o possess no user interface. Calded t it created interfaces on t job it o do. It ate of t no less, tting edge.
Caldered tbase and crossed base came up lig otally different interface from ion trag device.
base. In ticulously rendered antique ing desk, ed in tual space as opened letters plete age stamps. tter, a neer up actile funs of the feel of coarse paper.
a sudden flasoday’s quota of migraines arted early and ing. tient intolerably ly like ticularly upbeat musical performance. rig from he back of his hand.
Caldter opener on tio cut tood perfectly. tter opener ion of ion/decryption module ting into tis of . this sole was some piece of work.
Ign ting pain t ing deep o read t .
Cad, get t of wer you. Your life is in so muche Puzzle pub, Isle of Dogs.
Caldared at to get out of t up ao pack tical joker and messages unicated in a blackout from o terminal and quickly he Puzzle.
Feeling t , Caldo anot o stop o t space, ting in a decrepit illicit -up laue in crial laundry mac of t’s blotio ched up old personal video display.