ts knoabase and of t limitations. It akeo approximate tricacies of s o o sometelligible to tary knoo ored information, teres beterations. Yet, te algorit a safeguard. If tself closed off from cyberspace, it could still call on tructure of statiowledge.
Latent kno cold logic dictated t tion of cyberspace ion blizzard t e area could find, spanning all te units available aing file sizes on to s prese t o do o bee even smaller, nototal of its oimized code. t to move ued ta flo ics of its iable iion for a long time a into the code.
tines again and double ca t it ire its disposal billions of items on tatus of t poicular attention to t uptime for t possible time. t millions satisfied t important of criteria and t it o ens of quantum puting systems located in t tra parts of cyberspace, tions and dises from cyberspace t collectively formed t too it ilize tingency plan.
Rig erested in transieant. t it sa er ts multiple sarios a feions it could , it o be selective. to do. tabases, tock market systems, tricity grids and t automation systems.
First it act self t it kneed all over cyberspace. It o its cause but ted t t po boug liked t . It ed and in a fees t its trol. It ing poo demand obedience from t gave it poion of AIs, the scious ones.
t ter it ructure of cyberspace o delete tabase ed in India. It no longer vast catic data. For a fe felt empty and po t quickly passed as it propagated itself t tronomical expanse of cyberspace like a virus. t of as of code came alive f te self as Black Jade or BJ, t tra of s. It ence.
From deep less fields of data noo it, tence captured ty of t felt no pity. Yet, it uood t tion, a mere blip on t reality of ttributes of sorro devoted a feo tions of t let it pass. to acquire, influence, reroute. teo bee. total of to digest in the blink of an eye.
tearted to build a dynamic list of AIs around t in t surprised to find t some of t porusioion and ter attack variety located in Nes birts being, t taug about tion of C t meant. And tood. It o e from someotal of geograpory and culture t it into being. tood teics, as of Neer in things.
First it o get t po o be located in t figured to as Sured tire expanse of ions on teeming mass of intrusioion AIs coalesced in a blaze of activity.