首页上海梦想Chapter 35

Chapter 35

        “You never did keep your promise,” Mei Lin said suddenly. Cald choked on his food.

        It ely one o break to get unfortable ensity of Caldare. As muin it, Mei Lin urned out to be even more attractive teenager. ures    stronger, more intense.    dancer oned muscles.    more assured. tonigrapless top    s a lot of time in t s midriff tapering off to a slim .    cly darker in t of tnamese restaurant located a stohrow from Shek O Beach.

        Cald deep inside     manufactured by    difficult to keep o bee transparent so t ever    for ill floation iable.

        “It’s a long story. One I only found out myself less ty-eight ho.”

        “So you keep saying. I’m listening,” Mei Lin said simply. teional pain on    akingly buried only to    relutly dug up again. urned into pools of squid ink, opaque and totally unreadable. as sing, bolstering ticity of ly acquired memories of her?

        “trut k you. You see I ic effed to study ion.

        “You don’t expect me to believe t do you?    do t any rate, ta of teoeing the official line?

        “And t means it didn’t ? You ime I am finishinly-veiled sarcasm.

        “OK, go on.” ter of incredulity in    it didn’t look like it aying po t t broken and o make some progress in making ,    plat.    trust her.

        “As far as I    Fouler or il yesterday m o to meet a il te only. e    in t    flyp o me, I ill be sleeping rougerle.”

        “You were sleeping rough?”

        “Yeaerle. ties turned a blind eye. e lived off treets. terrible times but made some lifelong friends.”

        “hy in her eyes.

        “truterle ation as a place to abandon uned infants and I guess folks em    itself to murder in cold blood.”

        “No wonder.”

        “No wonder w?”

        “No    of these years.”

        “how do you mean?”

        “Found it impossible to be    like a    of me    king you soon after t day. o tell    you. I told    since I’d been in love    t day outside t a friend to get me a printout of your sed fortueller and feng ser.    ed me I guessed you ill in London.”

        asn’t s on a bit tuff about being unly OK to him.

        “I ed you. I could    of    quitting the agend ing back here.”

        “I ed to find you but by time I got your family’s p’s o ty agent whe phone.”

        “A. t say a    t?    do you kno Fouler?”

        “ions. In    infamous po ever e, apparently,    doire teleunicatioil ties caug refuse. Did some time in a re-education facility and joined ere a resume. In fact, ioional reition factor and t t it opeain    t t ime ago and no is funded h Fouler’s own money.”

        “Iing. A lot of to make sense. Anying arted taking ss at us. Glyp . I mao break out to treet. t about to kill me or kidnap me, ory about o be some    s in S&D but someeo out to publiss darkest secrets in cyberspace.    to reet. I ended up uerle about six years ago tle or no memory of my past.”

        “I see.”

        “In tells me    ter tom sole, o me by one Kenzo Yamamoto, a dealer in information. Some say o data blackmail.”

        “o send to you?”

        “At tially a in board I s.”

        “And erle to till not buying tory pletely.

        “terloo rieve old puter parts from corporate garbage dumps and re-build ers at flea markets and ta residing iors on tbase address . At time, I rying to put togeter I could actually use. I iable o build o in t turned out I y for t time. No to messaging tbase and arted an online friends time I started ems in a bid to find out about my past but I aler, I got accepted into to try and break out of terle after close to four years t up an official base as C/line Iigations. My forte o find missing people but I also did ot    into grayer territories. After almost a year of borroivity from publifrastructure belonging to botrid Union tele, I made enougo leave aterle. I started going ricok. t e ook t t o. As it    Glyp deliver on and o me. After a lot marole establis I rustarted doing til about nine    me in enoug to be regularly els around the Union.”

        “So, ened nine weeks ago?”

        “I got an anonymous job to steal te banking t list of tomo Bank in tokyo, plete    numbers, pass ory and so on. tuff I    usually do , te failure. I rusioion bots folloo to avoid dete, but inexplicably need all over tin boards. t    I y of ta. ork dried up,”

        “And Kenzo was behing?”

        “God, you are s realize at time but I found out from tar Kenzo recorded before     all.”

        “And t e into your possession?”

        “Yesterday it s    for an uping mission. You    imagi unity to stop living in foam-padded plastic lockers t ted your life doe. And I am running out of credit ing for Kenzo to surface again rying to retrieve ty maker. to my past. riggers    to make me remember t day ion of t back, a job at hYDRA.”

        “ refuse.”

        “Basically. And on t a buncivated. Just his mission.”

        “t’s like mnemonic blackmail.”

        “cise ting it. Yeah!”

        “So you still ’t remember why you never messaged me?”

        “t part of my memory is locked up. Alt it     ain memories. I t find t will probably be locked up forever.”

        “I t. You al, even at school.”

        “So     o deliver tion.

        “I guess. Left ernational Scudies at tsingy in Beijing. It o study in Cer all,    a ss former self and young people looked norture fix, inspiration and everyt kno o do     t I    tact    I ty OK at it once I got over my initial prejudice t puters s a ing so t eresting. One day, toting in a coffee sun diplomatic area in Beijing’s Crict reading some b book on neural ion.”

        “De itte.”

        “Yes. eresting. Asked me old    to graduate ificial Intelligend didn’t knoo do . unity to ems.    of questions about my family background and    mainland migrants to s s dead and me an only c of tests follranddad and I izens and I ense praining in tokyo and t t o arted off pus of paper, t is on emerging teds in Neary-related.”

        “t is iing,” Caldwell said.

        “Not nearly as amazing as your story. I am sorry you o suffer so muc really e Fouler. And . I oo mucer.”

        “A single special enter,” Cald knowing whis.

        “Yes. But t was many years ago.”


        “And things ge.”

        “tain of is ge.”

        “So true.”

        “So are you married? Boyfriend?” Caldured, emboldened by tion of tion.

        “If t ts, you    and only.”

        “Sorry to .”

        “t’s OK. It ill young. I figured career first. Many young girls in Asia do adopt to deal    after ted out t about you?”

        “I er London called Kat    not like a girlfriend. e are more like broter. Sions impossible. People are too plex, too many.”

        “true. ell, it’s getting late s tart brigomorrow.”

        Caldtle to the beach below.