trol room at tment’s obaoke and ter soles. A dozen tired tecyped ao give t till alert, even after seventy-terminals ory of time on tal wall clock read 7.08 AM.
tormed in demanding to o trusion ial discovery, till enant Liu’s future fact . teant, pale-faced and blotcly io explain to tecails of eg trusions. Yet, terested in tion not t stood t, puffing ae, enant.
“Sir, truder seems to be reing to avoid dete. t impossible to detect,” Lieutenant Liu offered . ed to go h his wife and fall asleep.
“You are telli rusioion AIs, state-of-t Id t t you see every bit and byte t is geed on tem using t of yours t you ruder is and i tem and its subjects.
“Yes, sir,” Lieutenant Liu said simply, feeling to try to explain drain out of him.
taken aback by Lieutenant Liu’s apatried to speak but tu . In t seemed t ire blood supply ruso to explode into a torrent e whe room.
“Speak,” ternal calming te seemed to emporarily.
“It’s me. tudent h some Russian.”
“And you ed t t a question but a statement. on t p.
“No. s but lost him.”
“Lost t ent?” torm tening te again in a violent explosion of tning. t, the assassin’s voice remained calm.
“ I even found ances. At any rate, o sell a puter chip.”
“puter ed from red to a pale o be collapsing around ions in going to Neion a veritable domino effect t ening t do remarkable careers. Everyt time in arted to suspect t be able t t spate of events under effective trol.
“Yes, I y deposit slip t tude. transag o . Retly deceased I am afraid. Collateral damage,” t emotion.
“Oleg Kraced to terance of it o t database of information stored in sed. titute of Superputing. Purced a sed t Li Jin rying to sell it to the professor’s orders?
“Yes. do you me to do he slip?”
“Destroy it. I’ll arrao get tly.”
“ternational credit transfer unit. transferred a large sum of moo Li Jin so it’s just a matter of trag t of to find him.”
“Leave t to me. And ter?”
“talking about Shanghai.”
“S nigrue. Yet, o resolution of t problem be merely academic? ts oo t ed maion of Fool to cross t t ru.
“Positive. Beijing too but ties on Shanghai are sky high.”
“the Joplin girl?”
“Still tokyo. So be leaving a trail. tel, room one okyo by mid afternoon as per your instrus.”
“No failures time, it doesn’t bee you.”
“Yes, failure is sometotally neo me. Not someto repeat.”
“You my patience s. Uand?” tenant Liu busy perusing code on a nearby terminal could not feel t timatum applied to him.
“time the assassin said simply.
turention to Lieutenant Liu. tenant stood up sally braced o bear t of t didn’t e but he majeneral said was much worse.
“You y mio get ready. e are going to Shanghai?”
“S ...” Lieutenant Liu muttered. urned a sickly s to ic episode. ically in value. to give in. ed his blood pressure was sky high.
“Yes, maybe in Ster luck doing your job. First, I you to put s, train stations and ports on . ruding in our systems is on to So cat oenant Liu. igue and even feel o pick up telep, to tinue on this crazy mission.
“Yes, sir.”
“to Ser today. On a different fligion of it ts iion. It’s important t tests are pleted furt is done you’ll get your sleep,” t vi. It tered but tion of the AI.
Lieutenant Liu . t cumor in to tionally. All tupid ing edge? It otally y t if any of to lig-martialed for misappropriating gover funds into a secret project t gover-approved. tec. It usless possibilities t o recover from ty. Yet, tivatioure made o ties of t t to go o. tenant kne giving up an option. oo muced on quitting.
In a perverse e t t slept properly for seventy-t ruder. trusion tem AIs as po. All ty-six intrusioion AIs o stop truder, suggesting a y. Could it be t truder er, t Kenzo Yamamoto to? If so, , if to S. trap ig if t enougo infiltrate tem from outside Sected, t just be smart enougo avoid dete in t ime to give o folloly timed.
“t oing items. First, t tokyo and to retrieve tt Liu bombsill last.
“Snatched? By who?”
“t fit to as hYDRA.”
“ an insult to tenant, just an outlet for ting exasperation.
“t t enant Liu offered.
“You dim! If is orders of magnitude you get it? If t tence of t sole t t it possible t trusion attempt, figure out.” All ttle and breat ine.
“Sorry sir.”
“Fuotter make sure tingency Plan is in plad o use it. If ruly over for us.”
Lieutenant Liu ion. Noime.
“Yes sir. You must also kno Miakaenant Liu visibly sion. For t time ever, rue. iting to be exposed. takable fear.