首页The Hour GlassSCENE-1


        SE: A large room    t to an inner room. A desk and a ear tool near it. Some beng at his desk.

        ISE MAN [turning over t passage I am to explain to my pupils to?day?

        is, and t it ten by a beggar on t;tries, t is er    is summer in t try; a; I ands at t .    sounds to me like foolis t ot be, for ter of t    it by itself on t    had been foolishness.

        FOOL. Give me a penny.

        ISE MAN. [turns to anotten: "times fot try." t I uand, but I augter.

        FOOL. ont you give me a penny?

        ISE MAN.    do you ? t teauch.

        FOOL. Suc eac refuse a penny to a Fool.

        ISE MAN.    do you kno wisdom?

        FOOL. O I have seen.

        ISE MAN.    is it you have seen?

        FOOL.    by Kil    t t by tubbervanaco be climbing to tting at t by Carrigoras ing and serving t misfortune    all t une, but it eag.

        ISE MAN. Run round to tco eat.

        FOOL. t is fooliso give.

        ISE MAN. hy, Fool?

        FOOL.    is eaten is gone. I    pennies for my bag. I must buy ba in ts in t, and strong drink for time o catd t to cook them in.

        ISE MAN. Go ahan giving you pennies.

        FOOL. Give me a penny and I s me sleep among ts in    iime because ime tures let me sleep s and t is lucky even to look at me or to touc it is muco give me a penny. [    lucky, Id starve.

        ISE MAN.     the shears for?

        FOOL. I    tell you. If I told you, you hem away.

        ISE MAN. hom would I drive away?

        FOOL. I    tell you.

        ISE MAN. Not if I give you a penny?

        FOOL. No.

        ISE MAN. Not if I give you two pennies.

        FOOL. You    I    tell you.

        ISE MAN. three pennies?

        FOOL. Four, and I ell you!

        ISE MAN. Very    I    call you teigue the Fool any longer.

        FOOL. Let me e close to you    you must promise you    drive t dressed in blad spread great blaets over t blaets.

        ISE MAN. ?

        FOOL. t tc of t every m, just before t and cut ts he angels fly away.

        ISE MAN. A you are teigue told me t I am wise, and I have never seen an angel.

        FOOL. I y of angels.

        ISE MAN. Do y luck to too.

        FOOL. O. But t ohe blades of grass.

        ISE MAN. hem?

        FOOL. s quiet; t like tars??not like t move, but like tars. [s upward.]

        ISE MAN. And w hen?

        FOOL. te one smells summer floall people go by, he color of burning sods.

        ISE MAN. Is it long since you eigue the Fool?

        FOOL. Not long, glory be to God! I sa    laug it    its head.

        ISE MAN. ell, t;Glory be to God," but before I came t. Run a ring the bell for my scholars.

        FOOL. Four pe means a great deal of luck. Great teac you plenty of luck! [ she bag.]

        ISE MAN. teigue t more fooliso be,    I ouc ar, I auget tecture, I s of ts daug is ter, I    to tions of battle ic t    ts of o t. But, Rorid Dialectic, t    of t star and out of tar, you apult! O ing arguments, it is because of you t I s of foolis ands upon tuffed    a    a came and stood upo I o ur sider t tries. My moto say somet    s are snatc t t be different, for only fools and ; ts ten upon the walls of Babylon.

        [ are you?     is t I h dreams.

        ANGEL. I am t high God.

        ISE MAN. o me?

        ANGEL. I    you a message.

        ISE MAN.    message    for me?

        ANGEL. You    grains urns the hlass.]

        ISE MAN. My time to die    e. I    I ot leave.    I die?

        ANGEL. You must die because no souls o try. tes are rusty, and t keep chere are lonely.

        ISE MAN. o?

        A open to you, for you ence of ory    open to you, for you ence of purgatory.

        ISE MAN. But I ence of hell!

        ANGEL. hose who deny.

        ISE MAN [kneeling]. I augo deny. I    old me. But, oiful Angel, five me, five me!

        ANGEL. You should have asked fiveness long ago.

        ISE MAN.    noo doubt. Storm, deatting, many siesses, t came to me. O? You carry t    to me! I he hem of your dress!

        ANGEL. You let go undying oo ago to take hem now.

        ISE MAN. You ot uand. You live in t try people only see in try t . Maybe it is as o uand o believe. O ime to undo w I    I may undo w I have done!

        ANGEL. You ot undo o er tory. For, from one fiery seed, t me, t    e again to    no of time.

        ISE MAN. Blessed be t, blessed be t!

        ANGEL [at ting at ttle y.

        [Goes out.]

        ISE MAN. Everyt. [Pulls the bell.]

        t. I    outside on t to please me; tend t too old to be overe all in a minute. Besides, I    prove w I once disproved.

        [Anot to my desk. I ly, as if nothing had happened.

        [ands at th a fixed look in his eyes.]

        [Enter PUPILS and the FOOL.]

        FOOL. Leave me alone. Leave me alone.    pulling at my bag? Kings son, do not pull at my bag.

        A YOUNG MAN. Did your friends t bag?    they fill y for you?

        FOOL. Give me pennies! Give me some pennies!

        A YOUNG MA go    is ing to pieces.    do you    pennies freat bag at your ?

        FOOL. I    to buy ba in ts in t, and strong drink for time d t steal ts, and    pot to cook them in.

        A YOUNG MAN.    your friends tell you wreasures are?

        ANOt t treasures? If one dreams times, treasure.

        FOOL [ ]. Give me pennies! Give me pennies!

        [to . anding close to t     to eaewer.]