I e t of ts in my diary on t of Normandy, and as I finis Saint Miced for a day tion of my scers on t, t s, or men at arms sat at meals, beautiful from or or proportion. I remembered ordinances of tems of gold to t a bare dormitory to sleep in. Even majestitasy, seeming more of Egypt tendom, spoke noto tary soul, but seemed to annouo e an emper of social men, a bondage of adventure and of more patiently and I sa emporal rule by land and sea, a dession to knave or dolt, an impoveris of t to make it serviceable and easy, but a dead language and a union in o test saint, is of incredible difficulty. Only by tantiation of t, ure or in sanctity, s, tions from all else t fasteogetingly; for t but create a province, and our Irise, Goetravel in tride, define races and create everlasting loyalties. Synge, like all of t kin, soug tory, or even in ture, but and??indeed because it does not??may lie ts of far?brancs. Only t eac cry out, ible. It is made by men minds; uresque and declamatory ers, t te kilts and bagpipes and ne miy, and in Ireland and Scotland England runs into t s and maxims, because t and t pleases te t for t groo or found about t perion, associated s of try, by t poets, ude, and ing iructible spiritual races, like ted in t.
. B. Yeats.
September 14th. 1910.