Of late years I en explained ilde to myself by ory. any fatraditions tcory still current in Dublin of Lady ilde saying to a servant. tes on ttle? are t for? tories, and even a ory, tion of some aug, t tells ook out to sult , and laid te, intending to replace t, and en by a cat. As a certain friend of mine, ure of cats, said slove eyes. t t fed tion of Cy, untidy, daring, and ies, mig ive and learned. Lady ilde, none migainly amid mucer and circumstance. S I to live on somee, because I all an imaginary life; perpetually performed a play off pletely opening iful erday ed in Flaubert and Pater, read as a scer reads oo, t because of all t eary toil of creative art and so remained a man of a, exaggerating, for te effect, every trick learned from ers, turning ting into painted ses. a parvenu ory io a lady of title, it to s omime beanstalk. "Did you ever ; a friend of ; say the Duke of York
old me o in Parliament and, ed, of Beasfield, ement, for e triump ty, if at all, from tact of events; table and made est talker of ime, and merit tation, noen defend ion for ry, for Broti, in t vogue isfy ion: never but once before ist seemed so great, never seemed so difficult. I o Cellini o do so satisfactory as to turn bravo and assassihe man who broke Michael Angelos nose.