I oo discuss my ts t I could n to a maing some peting t, but partly because tea & toast saved my pennies for t from timate exc, I imid and abasting on a seat in front of tis near and begaig my pigeons araig of me, very indignant, and presently into t turning my oen ty or merely very young. Sometimes I told myself very adventurous love stories otimes I planned out a life of lonely austerity, and at otimes mixed terity mitigated by periodical lapses. I ill tion, formed in Sligo in my teens, of living in imitation of ttle island in Loug Street very tle tinkle of er and saain in a stle ball upon its jet and began to remember lake er. From t lyric s ro loosen rorid from t emotion of t roric brings, but I only uood vaguely and occasionally t I must, for my special purpose, use not tax. A couple of years later I ten t first line s ventional arc stanza. Passing anots, a building t I admired because it is not very good, Morris it is better t and so te it.??I gre , tone and brick all round me, and presently added, If Joist, or o e again and upon it, into some y, and t t, is still vivid in t a fe Oxford copying out a seveury translation of Poggios Liber Facetiarum or to?may troubled family. I ea because I t t if antiquity found locust and ive, my s enougo need er. I gesture, putting to one scale of to t ty years ters brave tropolis some like stimulant; and all, after teen years, acc to obstinacy, ood t le diligeary stitcage from my stimulant: I could ink my socks, t t not s y mind, imagining myself, and my torn tackle, somees and crows.
In London I saantly remembered t Ruskin o some friend of my fato my tis.
I vinced myself for a time, t on t are no loiced: t blotu too mu Dublin I en seen old bodies, talking to ty, but t, to romance: Da Vinci heir bodies.