首页And Now, And HereChapter 15

Chapter 15

        Discipline of Suess

        6 August 1970 pm in Bombay, India

        Question 1




        In many ially the mind.

        Even urns out to be a psychological phenomenon.

        All bodily maions s in the mind.

        Let me explain a fe o folloion.

        Until fifty years ago, all reated as illnesses of the body.

        In t fifty years, t illion of p of the psychological illnesses has increased.

        Eve of ps is ready to admit today t more ty pert of all s are psychological.

        Siesses whe mind.

        Mind is tratum of mans being, ence.

        It is t is t is th.

        ts o the will.

        If you nessed an experiment in    it h keeping in mind.

        A ized person is simply one whose sind is asleep and whose unsind is awake.

        o sleep, tops doubting, because all doubts and misgivings are limited to the sind.

        If o ten parts, it    one part of it is scious whe remaining nine are unscious.

        Nine parts are in tion -- ohe mind -- is awake.

        It is t doubts, thinks, ponders.

        If to sleep, ts beloay totally receptive.

        tions are asked, no doubts are raised.

        In tate of ing mind is put to sleep and ting, receptive mind es into effect.

        In t state, if you o place a small piece of ro tized person and tell    is a    coal,    in pain as if his hand had been burned.

        o as    coal had been placed on his hand.

        Up to t one may assume t just an idea in    o happen.

        But tonis blisters appear on    would    coal here.

        So apparently, altotally accepted your    it was a    coal.

        And t acts accly.

        Remember s totally, to follo.

        t too, wonishing.

        You    pla ember in tized persons ell    is just a cold pebble.

        t no blisters will appear on his hand.

        it to do anything.

        t is    on fire -- t.

        Its just a little experiment in the sind.

        ten fakirs dang on te ao join tion of any fraud.

        You are o dance hem.

        But t    affeg them.

        Once you are vinced -- t if t    eitate a ized person does.

        In t state, t of your mind is not doubting, and ts are believing -- noo t    burn.

        One    jump, but the one who has none will jump in.

        t even fire ot burn you if t open to it, and even ess    cause burns if t.

        Experiments in rut the mind.

        For example, I ing experiments in hypnosis on a girl.

        I    in her house.

        e ting in a room.

        Altogeten people: t oted right across from her.

        old     the room.

        to open    t in the room.

        Sed nine because for ting across o.

        I asked imes ;ty.

        "    to her.

        S at tting -- to see where her voice came from.

        As far as s seated on the sofa.

        Once again I asked o close old     in tting across from he sofa.

        to open    the room.

        Sed ten.

        I asked, "You y;    no; S;t empty, fatting on it.

        " ually sitting o for her.

        But    even in ted him.

        otally accepted my word.

        A resolute mind ies.

        For ts in to accept defeat is far more responsible tances.

        ttle to do    by people -- y pert of ty lies hemselves.

        y pert ready to enter failure, it tle too muc cooperate even ten pert    -- ten pert tribution.

        to ttaining success as it does to t h failures.

        tly sick, tinuously restless -- all are subject to the same principle.

        Deep do to be ts w you bee.

        ts bee objects, ts bee s create your personality.

        Essentially,    which we live.

        e alone lay tion of the life we live.

        Orutood, o you will bee clear.

        I ioo you t as long as oered deatarily,    be free from th.

        Someday deat t be entering into it voluntarily -- you o face it.

        It    be surprising if you closed your eyes and became unscious wo go somewhere.

        You t be forced into something if you are fully scious.

        But to be under supulsion.

        Dying voluntarily, one    see death even while being alive.

        atg experience -- far more fasating th is seen of your own free will.

        You may ask, ;arily and see deat;

        to be uood.


        ts in your body wh your willingness.

        For example, my    it to; it    move if I dont    it to move.

        But t floo my desire; it    stop flo    it to.

        So tary.

        t, ting of my pulse, ting in my stomas folloary.

        So our biological anism sists of ts: o o our desire, and t of our desire.

        o increase    is outside t of it.

        Similarly, if ones o decrease, he reach of his desire would be no longer.

        tidition is a case in point.

        More ty pert of all cases of paralysis are psycure.

        Actually it is not t a man is struce, go beyond trol of his willpower.

        Even t rigo say.

        o get out of ones trol? truly speaking, the scope of his willpower bees narrow.

        it means is the will of such a person has shrunk.

        It is as t are stig out from under.

        t remain beyond t.

        Similarly, tic person ss trol over the limbs.

        It imes; for example, once a    fire at nig.

        But t t behind.

        Before t o rescue t of the house.


        t all about t;? o ; t to ;Are you joking? ; And he fell down.

        In tress and fear caused by t came    -- and t.

        , ? And t once again    from u!

        te    be brougary trol.

        t a feat t only yogis    perform -- you    too.

        Its a very small experiment.

        Ce for a minute.

        t your pulse is beating faster.

        Open your eyes after ten minutes and check.

        Youll rarely e across a man    increase if .

        ts he same.

        t ouxious, and t causes te to increase.

        true if you are being cor!

        tbeat    be trolled too -- almost to t of stopping it.

        Stific experiments    to t and t ed.

        About forty years ago, a man by tounded doctors at toppi pletely.

        ed t at Oxford, and later at Calcutta Uy.


        Firstly, op tion pletely -- not only could op it, but rol its flow as well.

        it run or s movement at will.

        op tion, not a drop of blood    even w.

        to take in any kind of poison aain it in omacer    of em.

        finally caused er on.

        Many X-rays aken will inside omach.

        No gastric juices, no blood released and mixed he poison.

        te until o mix.

        the man died in Rangoon.

        After    of taking poison at ty, he was driven home in a car.

        t into an act, and by time y-five minutes ook the poison.

        more ty minutes.

        So he reached home unscious.

        mao keep t during ty-minute range of ice ed to ty minutes only.


        For t fifteen mio pee ts of o ernal system.

        t in our body side ther.

        Bothings    happen.

        Enteriarily is a deeper experiment.

        Its an experiment s    will.

        o be kept in mind is: if totally, to shin.

        It t be otherwise.

        Actually, t is a result of our oo.

        For example, o see because we have eyes.

        Acc to tists, t to see t of our body, there.

        Ot of our hands.

        t t it ransparent.

        t has bee specialized in pig up smells.

        t made transparent made tive to smell.

        Similar is to our ears, except they have bee capable of pig up sound.

        All t of our ive ed over millions upon millions of years.

        It    e about as a sequence of an individuals ion after geion, and it s.

        t Braille, t by plag ed letters.

        As a result of tice, ive t tect tesimal differe and the blank paper.

        Our fingers    be able to do to sut.

        a tree, ers eyes see a trees housand ways.

        So er t o many colors of the same kind.

        to    is between green and red.

        ain kind of sensitivity in order to see such fine shades.

        Obviously, people ordinarily dont possess sucivity.

        A musi is able to catuances in music w.

        Not only is o catco experieiness betes.

        t born of sound, rat springs from ts of sileihe sounds.

        tes oing t siles all.

        But people han noise.

        For a master musi, tes    bearing upon the music.

        to es merely serve tate of no-sound t exists iween.

        So ice tinuously, ently, begins to ma, ss.

        ts live, is determined by their will.

        ever we resolve deeply is w we bee.

        t at in the life of Ramakrishna.

        In iced six or seven spiritual disciplines of different religions.

        t if all religioo t follorut tians, tes, tantrikas, and so on.

        ever metried.

        iced on the inner plane.

        Outh Ramakrishna.

        For instance,    from tside    w he was involved in.

        ices    tain discipline    even people from outside could not miss w was o him.

        t in Bengal called the sakhi-sampradaya.

        In t, the seeker looks upon himself as Krishnas beloved or wife.

        o live like Krishnas girlfriend.


        to t, Krishe seeker bees his beloved, his Radha, his girlfriend.

        For six mo, and strangely enougone of his voice became feminine.

        No one could distinguisance.

        became feminine.

        Actually, men and    ructure is basically different.

        Si purpose -- h men.


        No matter ake eps, she ever walk like a man.


        But Ramakrisures, ook on a feminine quality.

        One could explain a any man     alk like a woman.

        tonis s developed and became womanlike.

        Even too, one    rationalize by pointing out t many men gros in their old age.

        But t incredible t Ramakriso rual period in muche same way as a woman does.

        For medical sce, t i and .

        After iced t took a year and a o recover from its impad e back to ate.

        Just by exerg y ged accly.

        In Europe, stigmata appear on tian monks.

        Stigmata are

        o .

        So tian monks h Jesus.

        th Jesus.

        As to chem.

        tand spread as if tied to the cross.

        And, as if nails o to flow.

        itified , as it ual crucifixion.

        it any means being used, a o floheir hands.

        e are not aies in wive.

        Enteriarily is t profound of all experiments in exerg ones will.

        Ordinarily it is not difficult to make a resolve in favor of life --    to live.

        But it is very difficult to make use of h.

        t to k once.

        it    deat life is h.

        ts to realize t th.

        One    deat for    all.

        Simply using your total s of your body.

        You close your eyes a the sciousness is shrinking inward.

        You feel t tohe inside.

        You see the energy moving down from your head.

        to verge upon ter from ed -- to s.

        If t is carried on ense feeling, in an instant t remains inside, alive.

        tire body bees lifeless, whe inner core remains alive like a flame.

        ter oe from the body.

        It is as t    in pitc o differentiate bet and to    one point -- trast bet .

        So    a certain point, one begins to feel tire body separate from t point.

        Notle     of the body.

        t t of t of your body.

        Noside, lying like a corpse.

        A till keep you ected he navel of your body, however.

        t of the body.

        You o see t as soon as ta of t assumes a nes o it enlarges and bees a new body.

        tle body.

        It is a duplicate of t t its like a fuzzy film, transparent.

        If aouc affeg it.

        So t principle in ting to pull all t one point.

        t t t jumps out of the body.

        Just a desire to e out of the phenomenon occurs.

        And again, just a desire to get bato t is ba.

        t involve any doing on your part.

        t requires any a is t of simply dra a certain point.

        O le body    easily get out of t ba.

        If tire life is transformed instantly.

        t il t moment, o call it the same.

        Similarly,    look upoil then.

        a little difficult to run after t.

        It will be o figo.

        o ighings he ignored previously.

        to c is t t was.

        tation must at some time or ot-of-the-body experience.

        Its an essential step,    incredible sequences for ure.

        Its not difficult, only a firm resolve is required.

        Making a firm resolve is    tecself.

        s a little difficult to jump directly into t.

        One needs first to begin experimenting ions.

        As one succeeds in these, his willpoes on increasing.

        Actually, tices in t religious practices really.

        t, preparatory to building ones resolve.

        For example, a man fasts fthening ones willpower.

        Fasting in itself is of little adva t ed    ained his resolve.

        Anot and in one place for twelve hours.

        No es from    resolve and tion of it.

        By and by, people fot t tec for strengtermination.

        tanding in itself is enougio stand.

        of t t simply standing there is purposeless.

        to exercise to stand, and tig to t decision.

        Any means    be used in order to fulfill ones determination.

        Even small resolves    do -- o make big resolutions.

        For example, a man may stand in t to look below for six his much will do.

        tion is not t t looking downward.

        tion is t ermined somet on to fulfill it.

        ermio do somet, ronger; ered.

        ing in the air.

        A sort of crystallization begins to take place hin him.

        For t time, some foundations are laid in his life.

        So one sing    thin.

        e e across lots of opportuo do so.

        For example,    read the billboards.

        Your doing so is obviously not going to    its an opportunity to exercise your will.

        And no one o kno it -- its your own inner process.

        You    ting in t prove to be hless.

        You     you    you are ri you were a half ho.

        So tion is not    purpose.

        I just gave you an example.

        t is, you may follo t hen your will-power.

        It he small ones.

        If a man is asked to go iation for forty minutes by simply closing    do it; ly and looks around.

        No a ered.

        t advantages in closing t causes no harm.

        But t even o y minutes; not muced of him.

        o breaten minutes, es hing.

        o take deep breattempts and again goes back to slohing.

        t tered at all.

        Breaten minutes deeply is not a very difficult to do.

        And actually tion is not    by breaten minutes.

        is certain,    by resolving to breaten miered.


        ance w inside him.

        And    mind    o realize to puso get along o obey.

        You drive by every day.

        Maybe you dohe road.

        But t to read ts utmost to force you to read tisements.


        As your determination grohe mind goes dead.

        trohe mind.

        trohe will.

        t press you to look at t because you    c.

        today you posed the challenge.

        to look outside.

        It rive a to force you to break your resolve ahe signs.

        It s ing.

        things are.

        e only live by the mind.

        A seeker begins to live by his will.

        One    all.

        Only one wrue seeker indeed.

        A seeker means one o will.

        So pick very small situations -- you    c a feimes during the day.

        No one o kno it, but to go into isolatioher.

        Just do t quietly and move along.

        For example, make a small resolve t " me, I will laug off.

        "    a number of times, eac    you.

        So make tiny resolve: "s angry at me, Ill simply laugter w.

        " iteen days youll find you    person.

        ty of your being een days ago.

        Make very small decisions and try to live up to them.

        In t of making bigger decisions, ttle ions.

        tion a seeker s of meetiarily.


        ermi to know.

        ture in to add to it.

        Question 2



        BUt    E BA tER AtE.


        Suicide    be used as an experiment in    normally people    do it for t reason.

        Ordinarily, ts suicide does not do it feeling .

        Mostly o it suicide; certain circumstances, certais are pelling o end his life.

        If tances    suc tempted the suicide.

        tance,     returned.

        Noo end his life.

        ed, to embrace death.

        In fact, templating suicide is not doing so o die really.

        o live only on one dition.

        Siion    been fulfilled, he denial of life.

        t ied in dying actually; trut i in living.

        So basically this kind of suicide is a forced one.

        t to end opped even for ttempt it time.

        Just ts    be enougs al resolve    -- it    together forcibly.

        A man itting suicide is not making a resolve.

        t is he resolve.

        Ordinarily, a man w a brave man; he is a coward.

        Actually, life elling ;the woman you loved before


        no her.

        " But t y.

        Life ing out to ;Fet the person you loved before, love someone else.

        " But t s.

        Life tells someone, "You erday, today you are bankrupt.

        ;    he ce.

        able to make a determination and live.

        : self-destru.

        o avoid making firm resolves.

        Meeti a demonstration of ive    is a sive will.

        A ive will is of no use.

        Suc life -- ent soul tuation t unity to arouse his will.

        It is as if a    hour approaches.

        In a ion too.

        ty students aking t to run away.

        tes a ive will.

        to appear for tive o meant o put up a struggle.

        But truggle.

        An escapist sermination too.

        ed by a lion runs and climbs up a tree, in a way he also uses his will.

        But t    necessarily make er all, he is running away, he is esg.

        A suicidal tendency is essentially an escapist tendency.


        Deat ts a different matter.

        For example, in traditiothen willpower.

        Mao use deathis purpose.

        No one else has given such permission.

        Only Maual discipline -- but not tantaneous deataking poison.

        One t build ant; it requires a long span of time.

        Ma;Go on a fast, and die of hunger.


        It takes y days for a normal, o die of hunger.

        If tle bit -- turn t day.

        By t ed sucart finding o get out of it.

        It is very difficult to maintain to stay y days.

        ;Stay ; to create aion, because in y days


        anyone    lack of will would escape muche process.

        So to deceive.

        If Mao die by taking poison, droain, it er of instah.

        Of course, o make a resolve good enoug.

        But a tlefield, because    moment.

        urn out to be a co ago.

        So Mao it santo oneself as a spiritual discipline.

        If anyo, even if it meaiarily, Ma.

        truly very signifit and .

        Ma person on t a seeker    follohis discipline.


        For o no one dies really.

        to his discipline.

        Sedly, besides being experie if a man o seek deaty, sixty, seventy, eigy, or a ness of t event is bound to transform him.

        e all experience a moment or th crosses our mind.

        t    least a feimes during his life.

        Of course, t    die is a different matter.

        t is, sue wo die.

        But takes a cup of tea and fets thing.

        ts fed up emplates hanging herself.

        tickets for the movie.

        ts it, the whole idea.

        S to.

        Once I o stay at a place w-door neighbors.

        t nigay I her side.

        terrible fighe husband and wife.

        I could he wall.

        tening to kill himself.

        I was in a quandary.

        t me, and ther serious.

        I wondered wher I should go over and help.

        Alt    nigotal strao me, I felt it didnt matter if we knew eac.

        I said to myself, "too if the man dies.

        " rained myself in t    to kill op him.

        time all .

        I t tter tled bet both had cooled down.

        But still I felt I s and see w was going on.

        So I came out.

        t to my room ting inside.

        the fellow had already gone.

        I asked ;;

        S;Dont be worried, imes before; hell be back soon.


        I said, "But o kill ;

        S;You need not be worried, o e back.


        And indeed, about fifteen minutes later turned.

        I ill ing outside.

        I said to ;You ;    I kne suicide.

        ;t you see ts going to rain.

        I    taken an umbrella h me, so I came back.

        " A man ing to kill    an umbrella! t is.

        e all times, but not for the sake of dying really.

        to us because there is some problem in our life.

        e tion.

        Just a little trouble, a little difficulty, and one ruso end it all.

        One o meet deat face t a man of will.

        s out to , positive experience of deato kitude, if     against life, this man is searg for life.

        totally different thing.

        t anot factor involved in tter.

        Ordinarily,    determine our birth.

        Altimately    our determination of it ate.

        e never know w purpose we will be born.

        But deatermined by us.

        Deat in life, its a very decisive happening.

        Notermined by us as far as birt is, ake birtaking birtances surrounding th, and so on.

        But about deatainly decide o die, wo die, wo die.

        e    definitely determio die.

        So Mao follo one ically bee terminer of    birto co die voluntarily, for ure provides an opportunity to c birtoo.


        If os from te of life y and grandeur, in full knoes will bee wide open and wele oo.

        So to determi lives s go their own willingness.

        the reason why Mahavira gave his permission.

        So t is, an ordinary man ing to it suicide is not a man of will.

        Question 3



        to follonessing requires a great resolve.

        Folloata requires eveer resolve.

        It is test resolution ever.

        ermio live like a ness, t in itself is a great resolution.

        For example, a man decides    eat.

        o remain he day.

        Anot, but instead of c,    chfully.

        t resolution.

        It is not too difficult to give up food.

        truty to eat, it is easy to go    food for a day or two.

        ts y ts of dieting and fasting bee popular.

        For example, in America ting has bee very popular.

        People immediately bee attracted to naturopathy.

        o eat, ting on a hem.

        It seems to make one feel lighter and more cheerful.

        In fa a poor society, staying hungry may be a kind of use of ones willpower.

        But in an affluent society its a matter of venience.

        Actually, if food bees suffitly available t ting urn out to be a y for everyone.

        People y stomachs on a while.

        But nessing is a very difficult thing.

        Lets uand it this way.

        For instance, you make a decision t you     you ed in t hours.

        No a big thing.

        You decided not to    walking.

        Someone else decides     a big to walk, he is walking.

        But nessing means youll    time you    you are not walking.

        does nessing mean? It means youll    it is not you nessing t of walking.

        tle resolution, a supreme resolution indeed.

        tata, suc resolution; its timate resolve.

        termination his.

        Even to enter deatarily is not so great a resolve really.

        tata means accepting they are.

        In a o die voluntarily s roots somewance.

        t is,    to kno to verify .

        tata means, if deatio live.


        If darkness falls ay in t appears tle .

        If someto us ; if somet.

        soever o accept it -- hing.

        Let me explain to you h an example.

        Diogenes .

        iful body.

        It seems quite possible man must arted o cover his ugliness.

        this seems highly possible.

        e are alerested in s of our body.

        But this man Diogenes was a very handsome man.

        he lived naked.

        So as , four men engaged in turing and selling slaves, saw him.

        ture trong, pohey may receive a good price for him.

        But t very appre find any o capture    risking their lives.

        Someried and mao surround him.

        Diogeood in turbed.

        ; do you    to do?" the men were very surprised.

        took out s.

        Diogeretc his hands.

        Full of fear and rembling ors began to    him.

        Diogenes said, "o tremble.

        e, let me tie the s for you.

        "    on the s.


        After ; sort of a man are you? e are putting you in c lead to some figrouble.


        Diogenes said, "You are having fun ing me, I am having fun in being ed.

        rouble? Its great! Noell me, w;

        t;e feel very embarrassed in telling you t he business of slavery.

        ell noake you to tplad put you up for sale.


        Diogenes said, "Good, lets go.

        " ook off    excitement and begaors.

        t;Please slotle.

        s t;

        Diogenes said, "No o tplace, ;

        So finally tplace.

        It was very crowded.

        to buy slaves turoward Diogenes.

        ty, because he looked more like an emperor.

        A hered around him.

        o stand on tform wioned.

        Raising ioneer said, "here is a slave for sale.

        e forward and name your price.


        Diogenes said, "S up, you fool! Ask t, or did tie t tie t;

        ors said, "t.

        Left to ourselves,    believe we could ured him.

        And i    keep pace o practically run behind him.

        So it is not correct to say place.

        truto this place.

        And it is no say we have made him a slave.

        t is, t make him.


        Diogenes said, "Stop talking nonsense you fools, a me do my oi! Besides, t loud enougo his large crowd.


        So Diogenes raised ;A master has e here for sale.

        Aerested in buying him should e forward.


        Someone from t;You call yourself a master?"

        Diogenes said, "Yes, I call myself a master.

        I tied the s on my own.

        I have e here on my own, willingly.

        I stand here for sale of my own free will.

        And I so leave.

        Not my will, because wsoever    my will.


        Diogenes is saying, "soever    my will.

        " ttaio tata, suess.

        it means is: wever goes on, .

        s not all.

        In no    ed man; you ot beat o     subjugate .

        You t do anyto sucter .

        tration of a truly supreme resolve.

        So tata is timate will.

        Oa tained God.

        tion is not a tain ttains by follohe discipline of will.

        It is already attained by    any problem.

        t elementary.

        tnessing is of termediary kind, and tata is timate sadimate discipline.

        So start ice of ake a voyage tnessing, and reacimately to tata, suess.

        t among three.

        Question 4


        In nessing, ty is present.

        tness finds e from t which he experiences.

        If a t, tnessing man says, "t pricked me, it .

        t one place,    somewhere else.


        So is a duality, a separatio and tual occurrence of it.

        t rise up to tate of advaita, nonduality.

        And tops at tness, a co a kind of dualism.

        imately divides teo scious and unscious.

        seans t which is known.

        So eventually o end up dividieo purusi.

        Boti, are .

        Perrue meaning of prakriti may not o you, Prakriti doesnt mean nature; in fact, ti In English.

        Prakriti means t o be -- pra-kriti.

        Prakriti does not mean srisure, because sris er creation.

        ti means t wion.

        the word purusha is also very meaningful.

        ts of sucremely difficult to find in any ot of very special experiences.

        You knoy.

        For example, Kanpur, Nagpur.

        So pur indicates ty, and ty is the purusha.

        toy, and t -- he purusha.

        Prakriti, t -- separate, unattache purusha.

        So tness es as far as tion of purusi.

        t as tities -- tance ed bethe known.

        tata is even more remarkable -- timate.

        tata means, ty.

        to be known.

        Or, in othe known.

        No is not t ting me and I am a; or t te from eacher.

        It is not even t it er if t pierced me, or t it    -- no, t.

        , t, thing.

        And t parts of thing.


        I am the very occurrence of prig.

        I am this occurrence.

        I myself am tion of this.

        ts whis I, my very being.

        I ot t;It er if t pricked me" -- , and the knowing of being pricked as well.

        Nor    I t;It    prick me," because t antamount to tearing myself apart from my very own being.

        tata is timate state there is.

        In t state, wsoever is, is.

        Its a state of timate acceptance of t-which-is.

        It tains no distins.

        But one ot reacata     a ness.

        op at tnessing, if    to arrive at tata.

        Similarly,    t attain tate of nessing.

        Alto stay t e to t of nessing.

        Oaining firmness of resolve     be able to attain wisdom.

        And ty to make a resolve    be misused, because    required to attain it.

        One    of po t is precisely w.

        tire black magic is a product of willpower.

        One    gains a lot of po otally.

        po any discrimination.

        A man of h power.

        It is difficult to predict rig use .

        it to bad use.

        Poself is ral.

        is necessary -- o use it food or for evil.

        And as I see it, rat is better if one uses    one    nohe same power food cause.

        One her.

        ts ter to be poo be impotent and a wimp.

        So a man of po out on th of good as well as evil.

        It is better to folloly, it o tate of nessing.

        You    end up as a ness if you follohe fines of your willpower.

        t into mesmerism and ism, tantras and mantras, d voodooism.

        All kinds of t t lead you on a jourohe soul.


        t goray.

        If t on t is sure to give rise to tness imately t poo knotain oneself.

        t I call the course of goodness.

        By trolling, possessing, enslaving ther.

        t black magic is.

        Making use of ttaining oneself, knoically, is moving in goodness.

        And it oness.

        If to attain tate of nessing is satisfied o tops there.

        ensified, one discovers t    alone, ains everyt tars, t of    encorporates all t.

        If tense feeling, ata.

        tata, sucimate flo is t.

        It is total acceptance.

        soever o it.

        Only sucotally silent, because even a little bit of rese    prolong tlessness.

        Ones restlessness and tension io remain if .

        Eve idea, "It didnt    s; and tension io persist.

        test freedom from tension, and t of timate liberation is possible only in tate of tata.

        ually attain tate of nessing, and only o nessing    bring o tate of tata.

        One    knoness means ever knootal acceptance is.

        One    e from t yet ready to kno t of him.

        In fact, one eness of take t step of feeling one horn as well.

        So tata is tal principle.

        Among all tual disciplines discovered all over tata is test.

        ts .

        It o anding of at means.

        It a.

        Buddat for himself.

        ance, "tat said

        " tat means, thus gone.

        Just as a breeze es and goes a any purpose,    any meaning.

        Just as a breaters your room and goes out --    any reason.

        So tivated, as desireless as tat.

        But who would e and go like a breeze?

        taio tata.

        Only o whe going makes no difference    move like a breeze.

        If o e, o go, he same as Diogenes did.

        It made no differeo     put him in s.

        Diogenes said later on, "Only one    being a slave.

        Sino one    make me a slave, aken as a slave? One    a urned into a slave, .

        And one who has such a fear is indeed a slave.

        Since I o be ter myself, you ever enslave me.

        Even in cer, and will remain so in your prison as well.

        It makes no difference er.

        My mastersotal and plete.


        So ts of to ness, and from o tata.

        Question 5



        No, its not the same meaning.

        stitution in t sense means an individuals makeup, ructure.

        stitution in tem, ones physical and psychological makeup as such.

        Prakriti is somet.

        Normally i in t "t mans stitution is such

        " But t correct.

        Prakriti means t ed.

        And pralaya means: post-creation -- t ion.

        So prakriti means t o be, t o be created -- which has always been, beginningless.

        t which already is.

        Srised -- t wo be.

        tands for prakriti, because tianity.

        In Europe tion, and tor.

        In ts ti, alt everyone uses it i.

        to them.

        In t , i.

        It is already ting anything.

        For example, ure of it is its stitution.

        But terial t goes into t -- t -- is all prakriti.

        t    is simply its structure.

        ructure -- e, i.

        t to prakriti in any of the European languages.

        Question 6

        IS tAtA t AARE?

        Actually, t differeata and ;just awareness.

        " itnessing is also slig from it.

        You    say t being "just a; makes up tnessing and tata.

        As you move from nessing to tata, you pass tate of "just awareness.


        In tate of nessing, ts a firm feeling of "I am" and "you are.

        " In tate ;I am-ness" remains, the feeling of you disappears.

        t the feeling of am-ness.

        In tata, besides t my am-ness, my existend your you-ness, your existence, stitute only one is-ness, oe the same.

        As long as ts just t tside my state of am-ness -- a    exists beyond ts of my am-ness, separate.

        tata is limitless, it is simply being.

        So if you mean tata, t is not just a means just being.

        ts t expression; being ation.

        t you say "just a; you obviously leave somet.

        t is indicative of omission.

        ;just sciousness," you exclude somet does not fall ers set by using t; ot before sciousness?

        Question 7


        Yes, saying "only a;    again, to add only before it.

        Awareness is enoughere is no problem.

        Question 8


        At ER DOES t tRAtE At t t SOME Ot?    IMPORtANt ChAKRA, AND hY?

        ttle sideration.

        th occurs.

        Before one embarks on a neurn to a point.

        ts all ant belongings.

        in every part of to the living room.

        So at time of moving, s out his possessions.

        ant stuff, as out on a new journey.

        Just as    he seed.

        Up to no funed as an actuality; iality, because no er a new body.

        Just as a tree leaves seeds beoo leaves be meets death.

        by t time of death.

        to deaticipation of death.

        tains tire built-in program of your body, it tains t replica of your body.

        As ts ready to depart, it leaves beiny seed.

        t one level -- the physical.

        Similarly, sciousness, on a different level, gatself and bees a seed in order to e in some other body.

        All journeys begin he seed.

        Remember, t whe end.

        t started.

        e begin from a seed, we end up again as a seed.

        So tion is: at t of deat o s    ter yh all your life.

        It rate at ter o you in your life, because t    active ter; one s    from ioned.

        For example, if a man lived o enjoy sex,    after a ion in t of sex, ed to    o sex -- if sex    predominaer funing in    is    t of death.



        t ter in ts, and t is t wo an end.


        ter, trated a from t ter.

        ter around wer from w.

        t t.

        t chakra.

        tened man s from there.

        t from he clusive proof of how one has lived his life.

        Sucec t by looking at a dead body one could say t the body.

        All trance as .

        tering anot used for exiting the dying body.

        ter t came out at ts t knows.

        tal dition of tate of sciousness at time of intercourse, determi type of sciousness, t kind of soul tracted to seek t er closest to tercourse.

        If tation make love not    as an experiment in giving birto a soul -- t possible c purpose.

        to    for a long time -- because ty, o find.

        take birth again for hundreds of years.

        the evil souls.

        t away.

        take birtantly,    any difficulty, because many suitable o them every day.

        About oake place every day, excluding the number of people dying.

        Every day about t to the ordinary souls.

        Many souls,    difficulty o take birts.

        th again.

        tist born in India o find a suitable job in America.

        er, care and nouris, but not a single living opportunity befitting raining.

        Obviously, o seek a position in America.

        today, most of tists from all different parts of ttled down in America.

        to be so.

        In t make available a suitable    birth.

        Naturally, to seek opportunities for birts.

        Question 9


        No, t any necessary correlatiowo.

        ting a stist depends o of requirements    depends on some ot of factors.

        Giving birto a stist depends on s previous lives.

        If t of lovemaki, it    will be born.

        Providing ist, ire society is set up,    funs.

        Our stist may ear a thousand rupees in India.

        Moreover, ory and researcies in America    for a thousand years.

        In America,    be lost in tic maze or rot in tacks of files -- they will earn him a Nobel prize.

        a lid on it and    to see t of day.

        And some day, if o t eiti or    for it --    for s.

        So all of things.

        Many individuals tain o seek birts.

        Actually, people ion from ots to ts.

        Its only no tists y ts.

        Yogis    times.

        In t,    o verify it.

        But s took birt thesis was firmed.

        Similarly, t to ots are also different kinds of souls -- t be ceived on th.

        At t of deatogetotally.

        In t crystallized form it draies, desires -- total esseencire life -- and moves on to its    journey.

        Mostly, tomatic -- t be any element of c.

        It er and it moves into small h.

        Similarly, in to wers.

        t ordinary cases a man is bain and again in ty, in try.

        Very rarely does this ge.

        tion occurs only    available.

        ts    in t take birth in Europe.

        Annie Besant, Madame Blavatsky, Leadbeater, el Olcott -- to take birth in Europe.

        Lobsang Rampa, for example, is a tibetan soul born in Europe.

        t a    available to try of to look for it somewhere else.

        An ordinary man is born immediately.

        to move from your he same neighborhood.

        If you fail to locate a    somewher neighborhood.

        If you dont find it in Bombay proper, you may    for it in t succeed there, you may move ahead and look somewhere else.

        But once you ter is over.

        t to a wonderful use.

        It o sider a couple of to see his principle was used.

        It is necessary t ake a look at it no carries a special signifi text of t times.

        t amazing application of it e system.

        tion    value.

        tire society into four castes.

        t if a brahmin died, his soul should be reborn as a brahmin.

        If a ksriya died, riya.

        It is obvious t if a society is divided into fixed divisions, t possibility t    abode in the same neighborhood.

        It er into triya woman.

        And if a persons soul tio be born as a ksriya for a feimes, it will bee ksriya-like.

        You    be able to produce sucriya, sucer, even by giving someone a regular military training.

        Similarly, if a soul o be reborn as a braen or ty times, ty t    ever be created by putting oo a gurukul -- a residential sceag him.

        tional means good for only one lifetime.

        Some people in t    a system of education t    for an infinite number of lives.

        It , but it met h decay.

        It became corrupt and putrefied -- not because ts application    because its fual sutras, its main principles .

        And to be todians of tem do not ra to vouch for.

        No brara, any uanding on wy.

        te tures e t a brahmin is a brahmin, and a sudra is a sudra.

        But scriptures are of no use; only tific principles work.

        So t incredible experiment try did    of planning th of a soul for endless lives.

        t means t only prepared ture lives, trolled and systematic effort to redired che lives ahead.


        Because it is possible t a braake birte enviro,    be able to carry t lives into    lives.

        t difficulty.

        It is also ceivable t w en days by being born in a bra a years in a sudras home.

        So sud farrea    ty.

        t taking birt one may keep finding y for lives together.