首页Sabriel (The Abhorsen Trilogy)chapter iv

chapter iv

        Sabriel found t dead Aierran soldier about six miles from t, fading ernoon.

        t    o topped to look at its dark bulk, rising rocky and treeless from ts peak temporarily , puffy clouds t occasionally let fort.

        If s stopped, sed- of a drift on t as soon as s, tention focused and Sabriel felt th.

        Crossing over, one in t doly brushe snow away.

        to a young man,    of mail over an Aierran uniform of k oucless eyes, and laid t o , so folloo Deater t ion to eil sely o. ever rapped—or killed—ing to ambushis dead soldier could even be a lure.

        Quasural curiosity to find out exactly er first unc    ill —per been taken totally unaer all. tood and dreer marks of fire, sing, peace    and sleep in t any t every Cer Mage kne . A gloiplied into many stabbing, darting flames, ter it    and only asaining a corselet of blaed mail.

        Sabriel took t it ted snoo t stuck fast, uprig casting a sed in tedly, Sabriel remembered t tity disc .

        Sing o rebalance s doy dis one finger, pulling it up to read t    botierre and so uo and ter Magic fire. to as to eye level and to its po links, p beteel s.

        “Perhey’ll know you from your sword,”

        said Sabriel. range in t of t like a small,    fog.

        “travel    regret,” s look back.”

        Sabriel took her own advice as she skied away.

        ty in    ly academic before and every sense , cold t ticularly so. But t intellectual knoempered by ravelers.

        Noy of the danger was slowly ing home . . .

        opped to look up at Clove again, neck cricked back to cruck beting up te of the bluffs.

        Stractive destination. As s started to snoo ed snoraced tear trails dos tration totally tered upon some small mouse or vole creeping across the snow.

        te dropped like a cast stone, and a feer, Sabriel felt some small life snuffed out. At time, s tug of e dined, more people lay dead.

        Sabriel s the hill again.

        Acc to o Clove lay in a narrowo bluffs.

        Se clearly    be, but t dire. ever    also still be there.

        t on t t ime freeing t, and noo o reac before nightfall.

        S about ion. Stabbing o tepped out of    ened skis and poles togeto be strapped diagonally across ied terspell on t m, but it seemed like weeks ago and a world away.

        t done, sarted to pick er of tter drifts. So leave t it looked like ttle snoeep, rocky slopes of Clove.

        As a final precaution, s, so an ind easily w.

        Sabriel expected to find t, but tprints, and coo Clove.

        t pate gouged out by a stream falling from some deep spring ream several times, epping-stones or tree trunks across ter to save    feet.    ground togetream self a s    ge, about t y feet long and deep. o build a bridge along tream, rat.

        Sabriel found t of tierran patrol umbled on ter murmurione arg overhead.

        t soldier, it e clear    a guaras urn.

        glued to t, Sabriel stepped around t of t bodies and onto ter bely iced over, s it    refuge over it.

        Running er e from dead creatures or t torpid stream    ed snoream    bet er. t t time of year.

        Sabriel sigly, tant, and te everyte t    another.

        Once again, s temptation of to take ture , to reso make these men live again, laugh again, love again . . .

        But    tory term t Free Magieancers used for ter revenants, tle of telligend none of tiative. ts, ted corpses or t S    back.

        Sabriel grimaced as s of S t give tes and free ts.

        All sreat t and, in the bridge.

        It o dusk, and dark already in t stle voiside    op.

        By time s    to t side too. So dark, so risk a faint, Cerjured lig ar above .

        A slig one ed sequences, for, as s t burned into brillian t of t faded into red embers almost immediately, but left ter marks. e to Sabriel, but, from two, ss meaning.

        togethey held a message.

        ter Magic about t ter Mages. ter mark on t body on t    .

        tainly hold his message.

        Sabriel toucer mark and t. t dark. A voice came from noal panic.

        “One of ter Dead! It came be from t turn back. It s, ! t Gerren. tell el . . .”

        ever ed to tell el    in t of ood still, listening, as if t be more.

        S ill, nauseous, and took several deep breatten t for all y ually die. termat to deal    not t.

        Souc again, just    ter marks ting t Gerren’s message er     Mage to ill time did its    and bridge rotted or    away by flood.

        Sabriel took a feilled omaco listen once more.

        One of ter Dead    o stop. It    certain t ted.

        Once again, tened.

        tarting tears, so aone.

        ted and, in tars started to t t into t.

        tself and s cast she snowflecked ground.