

        In a valley so tream milky er splass fleiff    clustered below.

        tream better of is and time to time a strust of    another and groan like a cello.

        It    sunligs of lemon-gold brilliance lanced doo t floor betill, never stant, because drifting mist en float among treetops, filtering all t to a pearly sheen and

        brusure t glistened ed. Sometimes tness in to tiny drops    and ed do rustling patter among the millions of needles.

        tream, er of    t of to a    its reamed out in tual ains, and s of barley cakes and dried tea    of t, tual rainbows.

        tating and fasting and praying, and ted for t y feet or so deep,    tures living in it for years s.

        But t    lay rous golden fur, and urned a pine e t, snapping off tuts.

        Be beyond t er in a small pan over a napove. tered a er looked up.

        ing along t pater kne be kno sation and prayer, and under a voo speak to a man. Ama s sed.

        time, t alone. o ted a little way off.

        Ama came to trand bowed.

        "My fat; she said.

        "Greetings, c; said Mrs. Coulter.

        tton, ers feet. t a little ton to speak in a rapid, nervous voice. Mrs. Coulter uood some of tain people, but it o let tioo to close o c tle black terfly daemon tering closer and closer until tled on a horny forefinger.

        t o er felt a tiny stream of uanding floo o take refuge in t it    sh her who was in some way dangerous and powerful.

        It    er, or ? Did s place? ere to stay long? Ama veyed tions housand misgivings.

        A novel anso Mrs. Coulter as tanding filtered irut all of it, naturally, but some. S a little quiver of laug t kept it out of her voice as she explained:

        "Yes, t to be afraid of. Ser, and s made o er ry to cure ;

        Ama    voice, and ill; and talk of encers and spells added to t. But tly, and ser into the cave.

        ook a step for ayed where he was.

        Mrs. Coulter lit a dle, because t o ttered ogetitive gesture of finger on to s.

        "You see?" said Mrs. Coulter. "So be afraid of."

        Ama looked at t a about t, for    . ure like a mongoose, but red-gold in color and smaller. tenderly smooture stirred uneasily and uttered a tle mehrough her hair.

        "So you    tell your fat youve seen," Mrs. Coulter    on. "No evil spirit. Just my daug, please, Ama, tell your fat t be a secret. No o you t knoroy ell your fat;

        S beside Lyra and smooto kiss ers c Ama    ttle girl felt tears fill her gaze.

        Mrs. Coulter took Amas    back to trance, and sac ogeto er, o Mrs. Coulter and to ted sleeper, turned and scampered doo t off, to vanishe heavy rhododendrons.