


        " you, t;

        "I could..."

        "Do it no me see."

        to dense and so a little vortex in midair, and to t ills feet.

        "Fly to my s; said ill.


        "I ss absolutely necessary. Its unspeakably ing."

        "too bad," said ill. " in fussing uing. Just do it."

        t. Before t back taking tive.

        "; he said.


        "t oo, in t;

        day ill ed for t part of loion, but found ion in ty broiness ant smudge of darker green,    and t its , ried and failed to sleep among some low bussore and weary.

        "Slo; said Balthamos sourly.

        "I t ," said ill. "If you t say anyt speak at all."

        By time , t imes, startling a bird t flew up shrieking from somewhere nearby.

        "t    living today," ill said.

        "o camp?" said Balthamos.

        trees.    ill could see of ulant.

        ill said, "Ill o stop . I    ream, see if you    find it."

        trudged on, tle, o follo    co stop soon, or to stop    a choice.

        "Left," said Balt;A stream and a dead tree for fire;

        ill follo ream splasly beto a narrotle crees. Beside tream, a grassy baended a little o bush.

        Before    ,    about colleg o a useful lengtrying to get t.    kno o go about it, and ed several matco coax to life.


        Oe tmeal biscuits, some dried meat, and some Kendal Mint Cake, er. Balt nearby, silent, and finally ill said:

        "Are you going to cime? Im not going anyw;

        "Im ing for Baruc;

        "ould you like some food?"

        Baltly: empted.

        "I mean, I dont kno at all," ill said, "but if youd like somet;

        " is t..." said tidiously, indig t Cake.

        "Mostly sugar, I t. ;

        ill broke off a square and    out. Balt up,

        and cool against ills palm.

        "I t; ;One piece is quite enoug;

        and nibbled quietly. ill found t if    t at tronger impression of him.

        "; ; e ;

        "I feel t urns, alking is best."

        And barely ten minutes later t sound of s came to tood up eagerly. t moment, to tual affeore tion: th a passion.

        Baruc do a cloud of smoke drifted past t    of outlining t    time. Baltly be mingled y disdain ender, ardent sympature could let    ts. But s in Baruc o t of all knoher.

        "Did you find out    for news.

        "Yes," said Baruc;t is turned into rainbo mistake it. tive in a cave among trees, kept asleep by t;

        "Asleep? And t;

        "Alone, yes. In ;

        "And Lyras not ;

        "No. Just asleep, and dreaming. Let me s;

        itraced a map in took ebook and copied it exactly. It sine s identical mountain peaks.

        "No; said t; side of ter runs t. t;

        ; and tting closer in eacime, so t ill felt    difficulty, provided t undra and tains. tti couldnt abolisance hem.

        "t; Baru by to t wer ;

        "Do t; said ill. "And ss    uand. ;

        "It seems so."

        ill folded t tin cup on to to    some er, and noo it, stirring it ick, and o drink.

        A burning stick settled in t bird called.

        Suddenly, for no reason ill could see, botion.    sa do t from ch

        someto t and up, and so did this.

        "Put out t; Balthamos whispered.

        ill scooped up some eart oruto o she cloak around himself and looked up again.

        And noo see: above t    the moon.

        ;t? Could it be?"

        " is it?" ill whispered.

        Baruc;take your knife and...”

        Before led out of to Baltion of a sed Baru it, and Balting to free    t in t ruggled together.

        use too quickly. Instead, ook tric tor.

        None of ted t. ttacker to    ill could see    roh.

        "ill!" cried Balt;t a    …"

        And at t ttacker tore himself free of Baruchs hands, and cried:

        "Lent! I !"

        later to t ill dropped orc for using t beating o    til te, remembering even in t sensations true fles. roronger even t po rue: o the ground.

        ttacker ill sing in t ear-splitting voice: "Lent! to me, to me!"

        ill mao glance upirring and s gleam, someth energy, like plasma.

        Balt;ill, e a through, before he es...”

        But truggling o irely. Baruco tackers head bad back.

        "No!" cried Balt;No! No!"

        ill, stacker rying to s again, but Barucremor, like a mig too loo    soms of ted the marrow in ills bones.

        " sobbing, and noc;Please, please, ill...”

        ill looked up.

        ting, and t first, but as it

        came closer sed by sed, traigakable malevolence.

        "ill, you must," said Barucly.

        ill stood up, meaning to say "ig; but even as to    t like mist, and then he was gone. ill looked around, feeling foolish and sick.

        "Did I kill ; he said shakily.

        "You o," said Baruc;But now...”

        "I e t; said ill passionately, "truly, truly, I e t stop?"

        "e must go," said Baltly. "Quickly ill, quickly, please...”

        tally afraid.

        ill felt in tip of t of t sly, and looked up: t oterrifying. Even from t distance, and even in t urgent sed or so, ill felt o t, brutal, and merciless intellect.

        And o hurl...

        And in t it took to d turn uprigo fling t i a s it    her world.

        t moon. Giant ferrees greended for miles along t was    and humid.

        "?" said ill, trembling, fag two angels.

        "t atron," said Balt;You should have...”

        "Metatron? tack? And dont lie to me."

        "e must tell ; said Baruco ;You s;

        "Yes, I s; Balt;but I ;

        "tell me no; said ill. "And remember, its no good telliers to me, none. Only Lyra matters, and my mot," o Balt;is t of all tapion, as you called it."

        Baruc;I tell you our information. ill, take you to Lord Asriel. e discovered a secret of tys    s ; ;t;

        "t    universe."

        tood on , and ting. t; tterly alone.

        "tell me, t; said ill. "tell me about Metatron, and    is.    angel call ? And y? Is ;

        do t h him.

        Baltly, "ty, God, tor, ty, tor.    arue, t po    as    is only a name fins to uand itself. Matter loves matter. It seeks to know more

        about itself, and Dust is formed. t angels densed out of Dust, and ty    of all. old ter    ed t it er    trutill. And ty still reigns in tatron is .

        "But as for ain,    tell you t of it. e so eac t to ;

        "tell me    keep me in t;

        "e found our o tain," said Baruce    on: "Im sorry; erms too easily. Its sometimes called t. Its not fixed, you see; it moves from place to place.    goes, t of tadel, y     surrounded by clouds, but as time passed,    for tadel is knoain."

        " did you find t;

        "ty    t of tain. e could close, although we saw him. his power...”

        "ed muc; Balterrupted, "to Metatron. Youve seen w    is more, he knife. I did say...”

        "Balt; said Barucly, "dont c be blamed for not kno took us so long to find out."

        Balthamos looked away.

        ill said, "So youre not going to tell me t of yours? All rigell me tead: w ;

        Balthamos looked back, in surprise.

        Baruc;ell, t is, and o Balt t    of Baruc dark to us."

        "It is a prison camp," said Balt;ty establis in t to kno in time."

        "My fat died, ts s a ;

        Balt Baruch, whed.

        "And    on.

        "Its impossible to say," said Baruc;Everyt it is secret. Even t k t ts a lie. If people really kne;

        "And my fat ;

        "it a doubt, and so less millions w;

        ill found ion trembling.

        "And ly to Lord Asriel    secret,    is," ;instead of looking for me?"

        "e    sure," said Balt;t    entions. take us seriously? But if e o ;

        "ell, Im sorry," said ill, "but t sounds feeble to me. If you ,

        you    need an excuse to see Lord Asriel."

        "t; said Baruc;e kroo make sure t fall into o e to Lord Asriel first, t least...”

        "Os not going to ; said ill. "Youre making it o reac easier. S important tting ely. ell, Im not.    you just go to Lord Asriel and leave me alone? Make en. You could fly to o find Lyra first, e    do t, just go, just leave me."

        "But you need me," said Baltiffly, "because I    pretend to be your daemon, and in Lyras and out ot;

        ill oo angry to speak.    up and y steps a, deep sand, and topped, for t and y unning.

        urned around to see talking closely togeto    proud, too.

        Baruc;e are sorry. I so Lord Asriel and give ion, and ask o send you o find er. It ime, if I navigate truly."

        "And I say ; said Balthamos.

        "ell," said ill, "t;

        t and cool, like thamos.

        "If o; ill said, "will you find us?”

        "I s; said Barucepped hack.

        t into tly into ttered stars. Balter e longing.

        "S; urning to ill.

        "Sleep ; said ill.

        "tc for danger. ill, I        burden, and I s cry to be kinder from no;

        So ill lay do, tc t tle fort.


        get us out of ;

        uand. he spread his pale hands and shook his head.

        "I dunno ;

        "o me," s;and me and ill, o kno tc as surbid skies of tic. S    ter, wo kill; fear of w was o er.

        Meaning ice cap, ts, t sick.