

        "No!" sen sulpes mepic vapors in sudden gusts and belcary    its edge.

        If ook to ts    if ayed on t ake so long to get past t t    arrive too late.

        o take ter risk. ed until a cloud of stinking smoke billoed upo t.

        Four pairs of eyes in different parts of t, and at once four pairs of     tco the cloud.

        t in    all. t to break out of tage, and t mig might mean a successful kill.

        And unluckily for ter one of    orailing streams of vapor, and dizzy, bot of it at first, but ter fle and furious struggle, all ting in to fall, finally, among the cloud.

        At tern end of a range of saootains, on a peak t anded ress of basalt seemed to gro of tain as if some volo    it up a million years ago.

        In vast caver ored and labeled; in ted, armed, aed; in tain, volic fires fed migitanium ed and bined in alloys never known or used before.

        On t exposed side of tress, at a point deep in ttress    lava-floe, a postern d c to enter.

        cs above, I try stamped once or t , and ttle nap beside . en minutes, and o te, t of all his bed.

        to    ttle door    ted. , and    time opening tap t allo ligtress outside. In t tinct, and who seemed ill, or wounded.

        t try kne ;e found    t an urgent message for Lord Asriel."

        try unbarred terrier daemon quivered as ty tra involuntary    off, as try sa ttle po an angel, heless.

        "Lay ; try told tureleped ch.

        On t rampart of tress o: just one fligeps up to a set of rooms , and . t room ed t.

        Lord Asriel sat in t totered papers. A napable, and a brazier    tter side the door,

        a small blue .

        tain o look at: aller t t of Lord Asriels captains treated , f in the spurs on his heels.

        It o sit on table, and o repel anyt test courtesy y and malevolent tongue. ies of good spies except, of course, tional smallness: touc they had been of Lord Asriels size.

        "Yes," tering like droplets of ink, "your c ly I kno;

        Lord Asriel looked at ly, and ttle man kne o aken advantage of esy: t    o put out a o steady    later Lord Asriels expression uous, just as ers could be, and from then on Lord Roke was more careful.

        "No doubt, Lord Roke," said Lord Asriel. "But for reasons I dont uand, ttention, and I o kno ;

        "terium is alive ion; one brancigating s to keep its discoveries secret from t. t active brancorial Court of Discipline and ty of t, and," said Lord Roke, "I ;

        "urned a member of ty, t; said Lord Asriel. "I gratulate you. to be impregnable."

        "My spy in ty is t; said Lord Roke, "a very skillful agent. t ed t tual desigo iical moment, t of    noe    s;

        Lord Asriel smiled and said, "And ;ty t your daug important c a great crisis    te of everyt t point. As for torial Court of Disciplis    t, nesses from Bolvangar and elseialys, is in toue resonator, and ting me kno, I    ty of t    very soon    it. It ake torial Court a little longer, but    once."

        "Let me kno you ; Lord Roke boo table. Sirrups. Lord Roke sprang on    of t it open for a minute, in spite of tter air, and leaned on t, playing he ears of his snow-leopard daemon.

        "So me on Svalbard and I ignored ; ;You remember t co arrive    a fatal mistake? I didnt sider er t, not for a moment, but sant, Stelmaria!"

        "Lets t; ;    s;

        "Do, not muc;

        "Ser; so kno;

        "ts not;

        t tur once.

        "My lord," said t;an angel    arrived at tern gate, o you."

        And a mier, Baruc to t it    ttle orn and his eyes dimmed.

        Lord Asriel sat close by and to t    of defining t more clearly.

        "ell, sir," ;ell me?"

        "t me say ty, and so o your standard as soon as you raised it. But ed t you somet long ago o find our o t of tain, tys citadel in t;

        o stop for a moment to breato steady inued:

        "e learrut ty. e lear ired to a cal deep ain, and t ead, emplates deeper mysteries. In atron. I o kno angel ;

        Barugue and ed for Baruco tinue.

        "Metatron is proud," Baru rengt;and ion is limitless. ty co be , and togeto discover. ty siders t scious beings of every kind , so Metatron is going to intervene mucively io move ty secretly aain, to a perma citadel someain into an engine of    and o set up a perma inquisition in every ly from t campaign o destroy your Republic..."

        trembling, t one from ement.

        Barugt on:

        "t    cut openings bets poed, but only in to use it. And t person is a boy..."

        Once again to stop and recover. ened; ing apart. Lord Asriel could see t o oget tensely gripping til Barugto go on.

        "My panion is ed t ly to you, but    tell you: er are friends. And    agree to e to you until ;;

        "anislaus Grumman." Lord Asriel was so surprised ood up

        involuntarily, sending billohe angel.

        "Grumman ; he said.

        "Grumman    born in your o it and its bearer, intending t to you. But to..."

        " Once again Baruco stop. Lord Asriel sat doook several slohe only sound.

        "take your time, sir," Lord Asriel said gently. "Do you kno;

        ";    mountains. A cave near a valley full of rainbo;

        "A long way from ;

        "It is t I ; said Baruc;except t;

        "And if you found her so easily...”


        Lord Asriel seized a great atlas from t and flung it open, looking for t she himalaya.

        " you be precise?" ; you sly w;

        "it; Barucried to say, and Lord Asriel realized ;iter and leave any    atron kno me alone on t atron , because I... O; ";

        "Yes. Yes. A cave... attered flags on t; o look at tlas.

        t to    in one s movement a to t it oo late: t ing. t    ; but seeing t urned back to see Baruing and quivering to oget oo mu t an eddy of air across ticles to randomness and vanis;Balt; came a illed uro t;My lord, I beg your...”

        "Not your fault. take my pliments to King Oguno attend, er. Finally I    No. 2 Squadron of gyropters armed and fueled, and a tanker zeppelin to take off at ond . I s;

        ted and,    uneasy gla ty bed,    out and s the door.

        Lord Asriel tapped to open t out t t    the snapping wind.

        "ell, , Stelmaria," ly.

        "But not enoug; she replied.

        t trist came in. eukros Basilides, and ingale.

        "Mr. Basilides, good evening to you," said Lord Asriel. "to put everyt..."

        old t Baruclas.

        "Pinpoint t cave," ;Get me tes as precisely as you . t important task you aken. Begin at once, if you please,"


        stamped    so    even    ;You dont believe Id do t, Roger, so dont say it. I    fet, so t;

        S all s and sorrowful.

        Rogers face .    tained hope.

        S;?    you miserable, like t you at t;

        And ;