"Yea; said ted o. "e seen ;
Fat;And do you remember w s;
"S," said ttle boy. "Sy in t."
"o be?"
"About..." said t;I suppose maybe forty or fifty. e didnt see y, maybe. But s, like Paolo said, and s;
Paolo t as in his face.
"Yea; said tiently, "I knoers," so Fat;sers at all. S y and never . I ain never seen a gro before, all rig t; s h a challenge in her eyes.
"t I dont kno; said Father Gomez mildly.
ttle boy plucked at her sleeve and whispered again.
"Paolo says," sold t, "o get t;
Fat le. estimony of Fra Pavel in t torial Court: t be t.
"If I ," ;I s?"
"From torre degli Angeli," said ting at tooops. It s;And tole it, ullio. ters got . You to kill t boy, ts okay. And t;
"too?" said t, trying not to seem too ied.
"Lying filt; spat t;e nearly killed t there came some women, flying women...”
"itc; said Paolo.
"itc took t. But ter. e t maybe s some kind of ko keep ters a; sing o stare at him boldly.
"I ; said Fat;But I ask. Maybe t is proteg me against ters."
"Yea; said t;maybe. Any soutoains. e don kno, because t before and not no;
"t; said t. "Bless you, my c;
t off t, silent streets, satisfied.
After tures, Mary Malone k deal about her.
t first m t o a settlement by a river, and table; so o, and tures back frig t of t made ed enougo ig.
And in tures pons, t eacime in tant past, a line of aral creatures must ructure and found it as geions
of long-ago craral spine.
t er a eered by leaning to one side or tled along at a speed Mary found terrifying, to admit t ture sest feeling of danger. If only so o, s.
At t of tand of t trees, and nearby a river meandered on t looked like a er, but s spend long looking at t, because tures tlement on ty to see it.
ty or ty s, rougo s to see, tle-and-daub mixture on tcures out of thers bringing brushwood for a fire.
So ty. And about tment being made in ures became t told s not theyre us.
te close noo eaco look. ty from to a , and Mary clambered stiffly do ser on.
"t; so ? eed? -eyed amiability t stood beside tled for, friend.
runk and imitated her words:
"Anku," s.
Sook ure ("Anku! Anku!") and and on to the village.
And tion truly began.
In t feo be just as ruck by o begi erunks felt over every joint, searc tly, and tc as so , t runks. tely flexible, and about as long as e poions at tip gentleness; tures seemed to be able to vary tone of t of fiips, from a soft velvet to a solidity like , te task like milking a grazer and tearing and shaping branches.
Little by little, Mary realized t trunks in unication, too. A movement of trunk sounded like "c; meant er runk from left trunk curled up at tip, sadness o t. As soon as sated it, moving sures realized t so talk to t .
Oo talk (mostly in to teaku" and "grass" and "tree" and "sky" and "river," and pronoule difficulty) t an individual the
sounds for it oo subtle for o imitate easily. So e it all doionary.
But before s ruly absorbed, sook out tered paperbad talks, and asked this, or should I go on somewhere else and keep searg?
till, so t restlessness dissolves; tumult, one perceive t laws.
It on: As a mountain keeps still self, t permit o stray beyond uation.
t could alks a scures around her.
One said, Question? Permission? Curious.
She said, Please. Look.
Very delicately trunks moved, s talks in ting movement surning tonis t surn t time. to coget;teeple," or make t over-and-over to-opposite forefinger movement t exactly t in Lyras s away.
Oalks and t to C meant t to do ly, at t moment, w she should do.
So s o learning more about t.
S t ten years at least, gro tion. ttlement, one almost gros, t mao move as t on t for all turousness (skipping up to Mary and srying to clamber up tree trunks, floundering in ter, and so on), t. ts artling by trast, and Mary sa long for t. Sc cly to tore, and try to fit o tral o stand up, orapping tracted an adult. truggled to get free, squeaking y, and Mary couldnt t, at t parent and ty c at t minute and scampered away.
tmost importance, and soon Mary began to see just hey were.
t mucime, to begin aining tly lifting and ting t out of trunks to examirong: a spur o tly curved so t t part, in t as it rested on tc .
Mary remembered t seedpod. it on stay on the claw seemed
impregnated ly fragrant oil, and after sesting, cate of to wonder w: wree?
Alt as ures could only use ural be some feature of tent of tone roads t made t savanna, and be so resistant to tle by little, Mary came to see toget, seemingly, managed by tion of every and of grass, aree, and te. On one occasion sing some individuals and , to dispatk. Noted. one in trunks, tted tes, and tg out tender meat and tougs, trimming t, removing tly t Mary c at seeing anything done well.
Soon strips of meat and , er use, and to soak in pits of er filled o tan; and t c of ending to be a grazer, making t evening t to eat, and Mary feasted well.
In a similar fiso be ly s. Looking for somet to t-makers and offered to on t trunks togeto tie a knot, sonisie knots on first s t tage, s cut . And from t time on, so knot task icular friend, fingers and trunk moving in and out together.
But of all t rees t took most care h.
ter by t ty of oty out to cy trees, and to any fallen seedpods. It rees be from terco a , surrounding one individual , so ted; but tself aken back to ttlement.
t open and took out all t pale ovals as big as Marys little fingernail, and examiant pounding t on to crack at all, and also t t to germi ttention, trees would all die.
Eac made it possible. It and, but to be saying t ter of t young ones didnt use their claws.
And t ioion t few years of her life.
But before s any furtions he mulefa were long and plex,
because trating ts ten notely for referetlement tacked.
Mary to see ttackers ing, t knohey were.
It ernoon, oory climbers; but Mary c it in place wo echey could.
So s ters of a co er t empering t of t by a flase.
It came from t distant glitter s of tall of t making grace for th.
Mary called t are you seeing?
S kno, so sail, we, many.
At o stopped o ter of ttlement, calling te all to flee.
Atal, ualapil tualapi!
It Mary e sails by time ered t t. Mary acked so sly, togetarlings, all simultaneously. And tiful, te slender sails, bending and dipping and filling...
ty of t least, and tly t. But s t boats at all: tic birds, and t, and flexed and trimmed by their own muscles.
time to stop and study t. tall as sened noer.
Ser treamed out of ttlement and onto t in time: al ing, and as Mary scrambled on al beat t, speeding aer her panions.
t move as fast on land, soon gave up turned back to ttlement.
tore open tores, snarling and groossing t cruel beaks and all t and grain. Everyte.
And tualapi found tore, and tried to smas seedpods, but t ense c of ter pod o ty legs, but of course no o t. several of toer, ohe sea.
t sno about demolisal, raking blo and stabbing, smasearing movements of the mulefa around
ing h sorrow.
I help, Mary said. e make again.
But tures finis; iful ed among tation and voided ted up te dung lay among ttered t land giving trut, t back to ter and sailed aream tohe sea.
Only tore.
Out of teen pods t . t o ter and lost. But t bend of t s a ook off , and so it. On t o five of teniers, shem behind her.
titude. tered ter taking care to keep t and .
Later t niger a sty meal of s roots, told time ual joy. But sometue of te every effort and all ttention trees were dying.