unning Mrs. Coulter groaned aloud and to let tiny ruggle free.
In a moment s up to ter, botime to be astonis enderly, and embraced ly before calling to ill.
"You! Boy!" ; t;
"Of course I ; said ill. If t kno o tell them.
"You and to follow us. ;
"Ama, from t; said ill.
"tell o return t;
ill didnt ate. ever tended, ill get ah below.
So , ed foro ter lay. Sunned ing, but s past her, and cried:
"Lyra! Lyra, my daug go! Dont go!"
Lyra looked do tepped over ers feeble clutcears glistening on her cheeks.
Crouc beside ted until ting, and ted do s, the leaping e of flames.
ill looked bace. In ters face ragic passion, and eously to and her arms, g:
"Lyra! Lyra, my love! My s treasure, my little c go, dont leave me! My darling daugearing my ...”
And a great and furious sob ser all, Mrs. Coulter ears run dohe girls cheeks.
But o be rut Lyras ed close to o a crouc ers pistol.
"Make for top of t; said t;and give yourself up to t ;
Mindful of t t iion of obeying. t , and Lyra and Ama ran behind him.
te men he Swiss Guard.
"Iorek!" cried ill at once. "Iorek Byrnison!" far a him.
But someone else came from noion so being in front of them.
But trained later t at teete in t in fear and sing co vanis of sigreetops.
Lyra all ill-dazed eyes. It aken no more t it ol and clamped o tt and pulled trigger, and t s t found t.
taneously ttle spies launc t tims before ill could blink. t, and eacab heir daemons vanishing in mid-howl.
ill leapt over t alaimon rag -formed at t, and dodging do pat, and a sed later o. tced on roots and rocks, but tumbled to to te rocks us broke the immense silence.
And t to omaccal to mention to ted at ing until omac y.
Lyra c .
ill finally recovered a little and looked around. And at o alone in ttle spies oo, ternly. t and tures so distinct t t about they were.
o Lyra, "ters in my rucksack, t;
"O, oo muco believe, to do, o even t... And its safe! Y it all t;
tumbled out of ly t even s expeser over and over, roking tal and they knew so well.
ill t: Itll tell us o mend the knife!
But , "Are you all rigy?"
"I dunno... yea not too much. Anyway...”
"e s; ill said, "just in case t and e t;
"Yes, ts true," s, ill carrying his rucksad Lyra happily
carrying ttle bag s ter in. Out of t t tand made no t.
Over t offered a narro be, for snakes, and s and some er from ills bottle.
ill said quietly, "t kno of my mot made t, or catouck till it mended. I didnt ttle people to kno, Ive got t you could ask ter, maybe, and...”
"Yea; s once. "Yea;
Srument out in a moment and moved into t so s as ill o turn talaimon, mouse-formed no on her knee.
Sarted before stle gasp of excitement, and s ill it finis, and sil trument fell still.
S it a;Iorek? Is I t I ;
"Yes. Could er said?"
"Oal, ill! Not only armor, tle delicate t; Sold tin box Iorek o s t;But w;
"Close by. obviously ing... And Balt ened..."
t be feeling.
"But Ill tell you more about er," ;Its se... old me so many tand too..." hrough his hair and rubbed his eyes.
"You got to tell me everyt; s;Everyt me. O still bleeding? Your poor ;
"No. My fat. I just ope up its better no t hed made...”
"You found your fat;
"ts rigain, t nig;
on some fresment from ttle old raion t came to tcrug o ting h Iorek.
"All t ; s;Dyou knoo me, ill, I t ted to me...S..."
She rubbed her eyes.
"O my dream, ill, I t tell ye it clearness and uanding going so deep you t see ttom, but clear all the way down.
"It old you about my friend Roger, and ried to rescue wrong and Lord Asriel killed him?
"ell, I saw , and he was, like,
being to me, calling to me, only I couldnt me to be dead, it t. ed to speak to me.
"And... It took o Svalbard, back to os and by t to Bolvangar to fetc say sorry, itll all be no good, just a e of time. I got to do t, you see, ill. I got to go doo t care . t doesnt matter after t."
ill said, "t a a to ;
S ruck by the idea.
"You could ask," on. "Do it no;
S over ter and ly. A mier she answer.
"Yes," s;but its a strange place, ill...Se ... Could ? Could o t, of us does t? Because daemons fade aay in t t;
"t be a t. A different part."
"You kno; sement, "I t must be true! Because I t my body and I t my daemon, so t be anot, to do t;
"Yes. And ts t."
Lyras eyes blazed. S;Maybe R out. Maybe we could rescue ;
"Maybe. e could try."
"Yea!" s once. "ell go togets exactly ;
But if t get t, to do not all.
As soon as omac calmer, up and called to ttle spies. te apparatus nearby.
"; ;And w;
t a . t.
"e are Gallivespian," s;I am tialys. e are spies for Lord Asriel."
Sanding on a rock tind brilliant in t. tle voice ly clear and loerial and a sleeveless top of green, and ume rousers reaidcalf. B, capable, ruthless, and proud.
" ; said Lyra. "I never seen people like you before."
"Our ialys. "e are outla."
"And to do ;
"to take you to your fat; said t;Lord Asriel sent a forder King Oguno rescue you and to ress. e are o ;
"A suppose I dont to go to my fat trust ;
"Im sorry to ," s;but to take you to ;
Lyra couldnt : s loud at tion of tiny people making it ake. Moving suddenly, talaimon, and oucip of a spur to Bolvangar ou.
But t ill up t ig use his spurs, and was holding him high.
"Stalemate again," said t;Put t;
"Let go of Lyras daemon first," said ill. "Im not in tue."
Lyra sa ill ly ready to das ttle people kne.
Salmakia lifted aalaimons leg, and at once free of o a , ail laseet posure. After a moment urned and fled to Lyras breast, ermine-sialys ba tner.
"You s," to Lyra. "You are a tless, i ake you safe. Youd do better to act politely."
"Yes," s;Im sorry, I ;
"As for you...” on, turning to ill.
But ill interrupted: "As for me, Im not going to be spoken to like t, so dont try. Respect goes ten carefully. You are not in c to stay and o Lord Asriel no it."
Lyra could see tling, but tialys ills , and s all costs tnt kno hen.
"Very ; said t;e ss task you must let us ko do."
"ts fair," said ill. "Ill tell you. ere going bato Lyras ed, and o find a friend of ours, a bear. far a;
"t; said Salmakia. "e sa t e o Lord Asriel."
"Yes," said Lyra, lying early, "o t."
Pantalaimon ed up to join them.
"t poison," Lyra said, turning back to t;in your spurs, I mean, is it deadly? Because you stung my moter, didnt you? ill s;
"It ; said tialys. "A full dose c;
And full of maddening pain, tell .
"I o talk to Lyra in private," said ill. "ere just going to move ae."
"it knife," said t;you cut to anot t so?"
"Dont you trust me?"
"All rig got it, I t use it."
on t t touc,
"ell just o put up ; ill said. "As soon as t;
"t; s;And t care, t;
"I just . I realized ."
"; sly.
Scalaimon as ed tiny mot go as far as t as fast, and even more brigterned. Stled on it, ransparent ing.
"Do you trust t; ill said.
"Yes. t I t."
t back to to t;Im going to sleep no;
t ond fell asleep.
Lyra sat do-formed and er ruly fearless, and s beyond measure; but good at lying araying and g, of t, s uous, because s for ill, never for herself.
Seo look at ter again, but to time instead of unscious, and s for a brief nap, as she assured herself before she fell asleep.