

        Mrs. Coulter ed till nig. Jerome. After darkness    tention craft do treetop . tinctive s buildings of Geneva, and sers, toorial Court of Discipliimes before; s ty of ention craft.

        Flying sloiles,    rain, so a little gully beteep tiled roof and toenearby; it would do very well.

        S delicately onto tting its six feet find t to keep to love t sprang to    as s ; it could o touc olen it, Mrs. Coulter ered the

        trols, but sill     : selling .

        Oled, and t to support it, sook off t and climbed down.

        iles. Sed    of ttens on    through.

        "Go in and look around," so the dark.

        Stid tood at ond folloo let . In t stic ure of all kinds    into ste.

        t to pusall cupboard in front of tiles iptoed to t tried t    ses later sanding at one end of a long corridor, aircase desding at ther.

        And five minutes after t, try o tto te around to t ant to arrive in tter eo leave.

        "take your ; so t;and sesy, or I sell t t Mrs. Coulter    so see    once."

        teet tantly coucked ail stump as lo would go.

        telepe later a fres came ening into teed to s.

        "; she said.

        "Brot; said t daemon, "vener of tariat of torial Court. If you would be so kind...”

        "I    e o parley ; sold ;take me to Fat no;

        t h relief.

        Broter trying times to make versation, gave up and led o ts rooms in to ions, and poor Brotly as steps crossed the floor.

        ts eyes widened as    was, and he smiled wolfishly.

        "Mrs. Coulter," ;I am very glad to see you. My study is cold, and our ality is plain, but e in, e in."

        "Good evening," sole fuss and so a c;t; so Brotill ;Ill take a glass of ce."

        Noting it o treat , but    t . t nodded, and Broto leave and deal , to    annoyance.

        "Of course you are under arrest," said t, taking turning up the lamp.

        "Oalk before ; said Mrs. Coulter. "I came arily, as soon as I could escape from Asriels fortress. t is, Fat, I    deal of information about    to give it to you."


        "My daugoo late for any of us to prevent tastropure and opportunity ogetio your intervention, t is no;

        "It y t o our care. Instead, you co skulk in a mountain cave, telligenaio me."

        "t deal ts mysterious to you, my Lord President, starting io for one moment t I y, men y fingernails, reeking of a s, men ions , my Lord President, you are more stupid take me for."

        tray. ray on table    t in o stay; but Fato relutly.

        "So o do?" said t.

        "I o keep il t;

        " danger    ; he said, handing her a glass.

        "O I mean. Someer, a serpent, so to speak, and I o keep ting."


        "Yes. And if you    interfered, trol. As it is, t least t ;

        "I    raordinary po alone."

        "Im a," said Mrs. Coulter. "I mao break ? it, and o get it mended again."

        t ched boy?

        "e kno; ly.

        "ell, ; s;Fra Pavel must be getting quicker.     to read all t."

        Se, o take teous absti on tors, too.

        "tell me about Lord Asriel," said t. "tell me everyt;

        Mrs. Coulter settled bafortably and began to tell    everyt    for a moment t sold    tress, about t t the foundries.

        Fat    moving a muscle, his lizard daemon abs and remembering every word.

        "And    ; he asked.

        "I stole a gyropter. It ran out of fuel and I o abandon it in tryside not far from    of t;

        "Is Lord Asriel actively searc;

        "Of course."

        "I assume er t knife. You kno s of t troyer,"    on, crossing to ters. "ts o do, isnt it? Destroy ty? t God is dead already. Presumably, Asriel is not one of tains tion to kill ;

        "ell, er, "if     to o look at er, in time of Daniel,    of Days. ill alive, at some inceivable age, decrepit aed, uo t or speak and uo die, a rotten    is ion,    it be t merciful truest proof of our love fod, to seek    and give    of deat;

        Mrs. Coulter felt a calm exion as s out alive; but it oxig, to speak like t to this man.

        "And Dust?" ;From t is your vie?"

        "I ," s;I dont kno is. No one does."

        "I see. ell, I began by reminding you t you are under arrest. I ts time e fortable; no one    youre not going to get aomorro;

        at once. "Ser to t guest room," said t. "And lock ;

        t guest room    least it er turned beer looked around at once for te ligting and ahen had a horrible surprise.

        atcop of t of drawers behe door was Lord Roke.

        S and put a o steady ting cross-legged, entirely at    ;And ting me kno;

        "Before," ;tell your daemon to calm down, or Ill disable ;

        teetanding on end. to make any normal person quail, but Lord Roke merely smiled. tered in t.

        ttle spy stood up and stretched.

        "Ive just spoken to my agent in Lord Asriels fortress,"    on. "Lord Asriel presents s and asks you to let    entions are."

        S he bed.

        "Did you e o spy on me, or to ; she said.

        "Bots lucky for you Im    some anbari do kno is, but team of stists    rigo ;

        "I dont knotered or alarmed. As a matter of fact, Im exed, and Im going to sleep. If youre o c;

        il so into bed. rolled ture rail, tains, ters out of tcer, and t once.

        Lord Roke    told    rag t of all kinds of beings in tiers of ticed a tration of . t patrols out to iigate, but so far tever it    self in imperable fog.

        t it best not to trouble Mrs. Coulter , ted. Let ly about tening at tc of t.

        An er s e into t side t scratc t a dim liglio t er and stood beer hes.

        A minute    by, and turned very quietly in t    out.

        Lord Roke could see    truder    for o adjust. Finally t Brotepped in.

        iptoed to t, but t merely listeo Mrs. Coulters steady breato see o table.

        tery lig, letting a t table so closely t ouc . Mrs. Coulter    a fe into bed, a couple of s, a ring, c Brot ied in those.

        uro    tering a soft    of    on ters neck.

        Lord Roke moved silently along ting board tohe door.

        t crossed o o touc over tirred.

        tstretc daemon trembled at , no use at all: s least    c. turned over in ill again.

        After a minute poised like a o Mrs. Coulters neck.    Lord Roke t t tally ed t gently aood up.

        Lord Roke, as quid as quiet as a mouse,    of t urned around. ed in tiptoed out and turo follow him.


        Fat alone: Fra Pavel, trist, her

        figure stood nervously by tal th looked up.

        "ell done, Brot; said t. &qu it    down, s;

        Fra Pavel moved some of    laid table. t over to look as Fatife, and t click.

        "A; sig.

        Lord Roke climbed to top of t    t ing it bet t.

        "Are ain t; he said.

        "I am certain," came the weary voice of Fra Pavel.

        "And is t, Dr. Cooper?"

        t loook t up to t.

        "O; ;One single ;

        "Im very pleased to ," said t. "urn t to t;

        t sagged faintly: ask    placed t t, looking up and around as o drop out of sight.

        "Fat," said Brot;I s may I know w;

        "No, Brot urb you. Leave tters to us. Off you go."

        took t a, smotment. Lord Roke t of going back er just as rying to replace to see    ant to find out o.

        As t bato tened.

        "?" said tist.

        "Every time sio; t said, " to t. No be ready?"

        "A matter of ; said Dr. Cooper.

        "And t do you do ?"

        "e place ting d, eac of geic particles quite distinct... ell, as soon as its analyzed, tion is coded in a series of anbaric pulses and transferred to t locates terial, ts a process t actually makes use of tokes ;

        "Dont alarm yourself, Doctor. Fra Pavel old me t ted by means of t;

        "Yes. to eac. ts rig;

        "So oroyed, w;

        tist, and tant "Yes."    on, "t as an atomib needs a high

        explosive to force toget off tion, t to release ter pohe severance process. I was w...”

        "It doesnt matter onated, does it?"

        "No. t is t. Anyw;

        "And its pletely ready?"

        "Nohe power, you see...”

        "I o t. ting station at Saint-Jean-les-Eaux ioned for our use. t you say?"

        "Yes," said tist.

        "t out at once. Please go ao tus, Dr. Cooper.    ready for transportation as soon as you . tains, and torm on t;

        tist took ttle envelope taining Lyras . Lord Roke left han a shadow.

        As soon as t of ears of ts room, tairs, felt an agonizing stab in er; but rangely , to land semiscious at ttom.

        Lord Roke    of tcy, for it oer was asleep.

        t t of to slip t    dared to try and fasten ters neck: it lay beside he pillow.

        Lord Roke pressed o    s ond sat up, rubbing her eyes.

        he envelope.

        "You sroy it at once," old ;One single ;

        S ttle curl of dark blond hair and shook her head.

        "too late for t," s;t from Lyra.     bae of it."

        Lord Roke h anger.

        "; ;Aco be out of ,     it aside t;

        "And t it," said Mrs. Coulter. "Still, if he bomb...”


        t ening, and t, too: steps ohe room.

        Mrs. Coulter t t Lord Roke,    a for top of t to urned noisily in the door.

        "?    ? tack Dr. Cooper?" said ts    fell across the bed.

        Mrs. Coulter tled to sit up.

        "You do like to keep yuests eained," s;Is t do I o do? And w;

        teorco t ers eyes     s left her bed.

        "You ; ;Someoacked a guest of t? ;

        "I    test idea alking about. And ;

        doo    up,    on topped, picked it up, and looked at t ing as s;But ts it doing aken taken it? s going on?"

        And no himself.

        Fatook a step back o his head.

        "Someone else must    ;    t;;

        "I ; s;If ts te at ;

        Fato t;take o t     of it as soon as s;

        S Lord Rokes eyes for a fra of a sed, glittering in t    ond uood exactly w s o do.