Dinner onig to go to some otry, s t Florence says notion, no elaboration, after a satisfied look around table bang! s Florences rig uand. I give iating look (a look t says, "to , I er in ters Kat;). Lentils vegetate in talking about Quemoy and Matsu. "Its a matter of leading from strengt is tro possible move on our part? to deny t; Baskerville, a sop ters Scport, ecticut, of being a famous er, is making ed arys knees, very promi and irritating. Florence began t;tairs bat; does Quemoy and Matsu? I t remember, I t remember. . .
Ocer first your life, is it t kind of life, does it people in it, is it going ead you are beglamoured by J. D. Ratcliff. t city iates ion over 100,000 is Santa Ana, California, le toget t very brilliant, very ingratiating, I adopt tiating tone because I t , called tensioion (social-psycudies, learned disputatioers-to-tor, ay in rats). Isnt t distasteful? Certainly it is distasteful but if Florence Green takes o anotry . From an article in tensioion: "One source of in ter betient and psyc is tients fear of b tor." tor no doubt is also en minutes bette in and to kno to play, tor (. I am free associating, brilliantly, brilliantly, to put you into tensioion is ed ensions (drums along to interpersonal relations (Baskerville and too musion in t example, my stomaotice tiating tone , I refer to tomacrodug quarts of Fleisc source of tensioion, I favor tablis of fort stations providing free Fleiscreet er of ty of Santa Ana, California, and all oties. Be serious, t you?
ting over t are very promising. Surely . I am tempted to remove my s and srim midse sp cly developed pectoral-latissimus tie-in. Ja called er ty, S.C.; but Parton ary evideo s Ja y, N.C., less ter mile from t emporary reports are to be believed, lousy lats. I am also a and admirer of Ja and tion and four miscarriages; only at ters Scport, ecticut, but in every part of t ;ts a slo one," teac;t boy is ; eac;ts a sloc; eac, rigirely correct, still I learned about Andreions, many of you reets of Santa Ana, California, and all oties k;In sut sees tor as a icated er of outré material, a oisseur of exotic beends to propose riore ill) tty, or asticates." You see? Isnt t sensible? In tages try of t openly advocate tensioion but I did run an article titled "Alco; ten by a talented soak of my acquaintance drinkers in psyts all over t, dry and misuood try. . .
"ts a sloc; eac a meeting called to discuss tion of a special program for Inferior Students, in exas eyes, s secured by post from Joe eider, "trainer of terr; (are ters? do t terror? or do t? tter ing plans for tending ters Sco learn o e. "You ; said trar, tis of Baskervilles tale lying unexamined before ;Run along noo t; "I am ing doctor an immense o be called t; (ors name, girl eige texaco! texaco breaks my , texaco is particularly poignant. Florence Green girl once made a voyage pianist Mandrake t could not be persuaded to play. t use of try refused to sell o title of my sed book tairs bat;I and look at it, and y-five dollars for a ne a ; So obtain a ne of solid be ingratiating? Does s ; make parts for t kind any more." No table, except for erious statement, delivered to go to some otry!), s soever. . . ter of t ter of t tor is 7926.68 miles, mark it and strike it. I am sure tor, ors doctorly air of being needed and necessary. o tion as if to say: Just make me Secretary of State and tion. "Ill tell you o of C; Surely tone, Baskerville oned by ty of ters Scation of lesson: is Florence adores doctors, , as a doctor? t tant researc (use of radioactive tracers iiles) ant ramifications in stomacestine is very like a reptile). t ty, cer frig in Ne very brilliant, very ingratiating, I edit ? And you accepted my explanation? really Kat is Joan Graroduced s;Oive of Dallas Mr. Baskerville?" No Joan baby I am a native of Bengazi sent o screiful ass rigo t is not er and poet (t is to say: a man stronger and more eloquent t;It moves," Mandrake said, pointing to tect test movement, ty tradicted (trument sat in tar in the sea).
ttling t appears to be a sebaceous cyst (I clear t up for you; my instrument if Mandrake if ed rument, raised ? t to to ask questions. If not try, t try? Italy? "No," Florence says smiling t;not Italy. Ive been to Italy. Altaly." "to bore tor is to bee, for tient, a case similar to otient strives migo establisactic for evading tic issue." t to Florence Green at ta is closing time in t Cyril olly." t rengted again, on t;Before trude Stein." Joan is like one of tease in a ;It moves," Mandrake said, and tself a fe;It moves," tic suggestion. "It moves," Joan says, pointing at to side rembling movement. I give tro possible terms, and Joan grins gratefully not at me but at Pamela ;e ion, I sat up all nigomac believe." tions, tion is not ted men is ty-seven. You t do mucfit like t." true, I myself am ty-seven and if C rely on men of my sort t as ter telligent versation except t in bed Ligalic.
Despite ed ion of t o be "promoted," but on trary ;promoted," t e of ential, as a c rue , still Andreernoon in June 1945 -- it ting untidily on a cy identically framed pograpeen to eigy at eig aining t pictures from Buc look a, or a little of text, ted. icle again, but uanding it. did exterminated mean? It meant notness at mentioned a little girl op of a truckload of corpses to be burned. Floreo t i Virginia. Later sted me to tell tsk. "I spotted you for a ; Joan says. "But not for a poet," Baskerville replies. " ten?" s;Mostly I make remarks," I say. "Remarks are not literature," s;t; I say, "it uesday." "Publis; s;Not finis; I say, "s very violent and necessary. It o do I mean really ars, recoilless rifles, tral figure is teen. One day ty, in a park, and takes up positions. t begins killing tand?" "I dont t," Joan says. "I dont like it eit; Baskerville says, "but it doesnt make any differe I dont like it. Mr. es fi as t y Oscar ilde."
Does Florence ; make parts for t kind any more." Last year Floreried to join telep to plain. "I ers," Joan says. I feel feverisake my temperature doctor? Baskerville t simple preliterate soaks up all taylors e malmsey in reaot Japan dear, I to go baole niece is, ty-t t ; t is ant Lakes of tric System is us measure sometogetrade you a er for a single golden mi. table is Florence y-one ;Meano c a very good job , I t e Duff o all t trouble, . Mind you Ive been using taics batime." In fact tory of Florences radio liste. In fact I o e a paper called "tory of Florence Greens Radio Listeners; Or pereentury style, "true ory of Florence Greens Radio Listeners; Or per I am b you, I se, let me say only t sill elicit, from larynx, to introduce Captain Midnigable is a description of Florences es. Florences es line a special room, tion is kept. taire es and rougocks, blackterstaffs, cudgels and sicks, bamboo and ironangier, Maine, Zuricy, Quebec, togoland, tas and Borneo, resting in notts t resemble arms racks in an armory. Everyer dark and dinner) as vast as tsk, 590,000 square miles. I ting, I remember, in a Germaaurant on Lexington, blo t table talking. At Florence Greens able t named Onacles rue poets and ; I am ter ted after all t is o o Joan? of eyeed to o see ers Sc could be mlamorous or necessary t;An army of youtandard of trut; as o sing in my fourt Our Lady of ter Scica whe head of a pin. . .
Florence I eresting. Srying to establis really to go a tant Lakes of terminate serviployees e you, brig seems to knoered, dined, sat in a cime tenant els and t into treet. t German man sing traffic. into traffic island and tugged at politely toed one, and cracked . reet. to ting tely, until so you of t Florence did more or less, suro try under restraint on a military plane. "; "Because everybody ely dead. You and I and On; "Youre not very sanguine." "ts true." For an earls younger sons ters ence: Madam. . . "e put in tairs bato visit us. Bad er and s climb stairs." about Casablanca? Santa Cruz? Functa? Iráklion? Samos? or Bay? Dubrovnik? "I to go to some ot; Florence says. "Some; For tale a necessary but not a suffit dition for matriculation at ters Sc;Impressions of Akron" reets of Akron carrying little transistor radios ;
Florence s on tuesday evenings, at al old multibato recite and ted you must pose a poem. t in t;Florence Green is eigs of fun. . ." On;t; Florence carries t apled togetly ricly egotric old-! Six modifiers modify o somet. "But you grasped ty, t; J. D. Ratcliff?) said severely: "Baskerville, you blank round, discursiveness is not literature." "terature," Baskerville replied grandly, "is tion of a strange object covered ." Joan says: "I ;?" I ask. "I dont kno; sruck by ty of ening and may be described as a ;ts a terrible to say," , rigirely correct, errible trengt ters, love bees possible. 1 carry in my an eigant of my young immaculate Army to troops: "(1) You are io be. So you o do do of to do nobody is important t ogetant and anybody of t be afraid of t you. (5) Everybody o do s to do. People any more. (6) talking to people rictly forbidden. Ot uand t laugaken a of t ts to do noroy t;
I to go some idea. total otsu remain ours, temporarily perairs bating, drifting a very brilliant, very ingratiating, I edit. . . but I explained all t. In t is dangerous but it is a everyt oian arrives to resume . No one aken Florence seriously, aken seriously? But I kno or Bay? S in anot. Outside it is raining. In my rain-blue Volksreet to drive my tiny car in idiot circles i, I begin to sing t great Kyrie.