Enter expeg to find ty (I. A. L. Burligame it is not, tting side, er moments t t if ile, (no bulb be sign, ainty t it leads aack of t People. Previously observed films at same ter, Cool and t of t, Diary of a ending toed offs rapes, obse tortures: man y, cut to girls face, to pliers, to mans face, to girl, scream, blackout.
"Its better ing voice sligo carry over Pinocc people. Voice pleasant, eyes beer? difference, pique, se. Keep eye o, boy in lobby, e for? "Of course its never been full." Apparently to be a versation. "Not all tter of fact, youre t oo e in, ever."
"People dont alell trut;
Let . Boy in lobby -s, pri of tion, duties: lying, spying, tapping ting fires, civil disorders. Seat myself on opposite side of ter from Negro and observe film. S torn from top to bottom, a large rent, faces and parts of gestures fall off into t Joanding, psyding, falls back at onrus people. Young lieutenant defends Army nurse (uniform in rags, tasty t) from obvious sexual i of splinter men.
"Dont you kno; calls friend in friendly tone. "Didnt you see t;
"ture is on. And youre ;
Signs after all mean everyone, if to be exceptioed: soldiers, sailors, airmen, ces, dogs under suitable restraint, distressed gentlefolk, people o peek. ell-dressed Negroes beers, ttempt to scrape acquaintae of menace as in Dragstrip Riot, as in terror from teur nigo deal?
"t keeps running," alleges friend. "ts ing. tinuous performances since 1944. Just keeps rolling along." tilts rically. "It even any good t;
"I dont ts an iing question."
Friend looks bland, studies film. Fires arted in many areas, trust myself to t so also are treets, opening doors, looking strangers in t live plag ance, as in planes, women. Flig is alossible.
" I meant ; tinues friend, animated n, "oters. lost in t you in a minute. But most people, t; I. A. L. Burligame e ores ectives ings of Sons and Daug s? Keep moving, terpun of motives reveals appeal of dark places o do ance. But because I feel imation people do old, NO L, N BEtEEN 8 AM AND 5 PM, KEEP OFF t. Negro moves ts closer, loially.
"Of course its no of mine. . ." Face appears gentle, ied, as -cum-strangler in Circus of ;Of course I couldnt care less. But frankly, I feel a certain of seriousness."
"I am absolutely serious."
On tagonist is purely, simply o be: er. But ? All of life is rooted in tradiovement in dire of self, t be room for irony.
"t are you doing ; Friend sits ba slidi . "Surely you dont imagiable place?"
"It looked good, from tside. And t you."
"A I am do you kno me? Notely not;
"So could I be anybody. And I notice t you too keep an eye on t;
"tic for eac; Said smoot;Names Bane, by t; Ligations. "Not my real one, of course."
"Of course." Pipe signal to federates posted in baly, be signs? Or is all tal, cealing vaiy brain? On s famous stist o tain puppet people, involving mutaes t try is in a panic, all Street looks grave. And -s, e?
"Im a dealer in notions," friend volunteers. "Dang dolls, learn ing analysis by mail, secrets of eternal life, s and stamps, amaze your friends, pagan rites, abarated ion of rare daggers, gurkilettos, bo;
"And w are you doing ;
"Like you," ;atcure. Just dropped in."
e resume vieives in igniting versation: (1) Agent of terespionage, (4) talent scout for Poliformers Sc researctack of t People, (6) Plain nosy bastard unected tenable, if (6), ered in remark "People dont alell trut; in remark "I notice you too keep an eye on t; Also discourse tern, too curious, too kno. Cover story to rare daggers, gurking, to even t i operator, as in gover elevision, uranium, systems development, public relations? Also disguise is onplace, ends fasation s on s, o my certain kno last empting to suggest tability of time? Odor of sness from someify at tance, w does ? Now very well.
"tell me exactly is you ; orious mission.
Bomb fails to fire, Burligame reaot. Face ty, in rocious p care less. Bane noask ore, it is clear t sent by , tio clear.
"Look," pleads cs, en for trayal. fide ile longer, sometimes I times my eyes close instru. tcter tell you my real name."
Possible emotions in tant siy: repugnance, , camaraderie, denouies (till auties). A, is t circumstance before real life, risk and danger, as in Voodoo oman, as iure from the Black Lagoon?
Bane tinues. "My real name (?) is Adrian is tumely, it able. tems, in 1944 I mailed a letter in , I moved t day, it urn to accuse me. My life since er anotford, atkins, atley, atloson, att, noity is gone, blown away, w;
Bane-o sob, cooling system scy life a texture of mysterious noises, starting and stopping, starting and stopping, rol of t only at tory, ive, termites dev puppet people at a great rate, decorations for tists, tasty nurse for young lieutenant, t real after all. g exists on every level, ttempt to deny to be true. Bane-rains credulity, a pig in a poke, if not (6) or (1) am I prepared to deal y? But oleration, unnatural, it s occasions, telegram in t, rail disasters, earthquakes, war.
"I s" (my voice curiously tentative, fluting), " boy in t Our Lady of ted me to go out for basketball, I , Fatic priest said I avoided o seek out occasions of sin, in addition to tion to various oted before an ied group of my poraries."
Bane-ens, ceases sobbing, mean U. S. Army, t Joions, oonates on launger and ser, are t, is time in truth passing?
"Fatook ed on knoo knoo believe. Or believed too mucely. to one o slogao my fessor t certain aspects of tual pared unfavorably ion se in Bride of Fraein. ;
Bane-hipkiss pales, he himself is shocked.
"But because ed i io make clear t ierest, it embarrassed me, I my fault t in all t undernourised suffit o pusy to t?"
"You could ; Bane-hipkiss says reasonably.
"t unately only t of a good Act of trition, Fating ed doo return. Running past people doing tations of t tiny Negro lady, somebodys maid, our only black paris in t roe, er: impure ts, anger, dirty ;
Bane-ravels ts nearer ( a time?), to ;Impure ts?"
"My impure ts icularly detailed and grap t time principally Nedda Ann Busreet from us and ing revelations of beauty, t being just rig, 18 October 1943, a particularly sfer of pants from person to clotes subsequent exposure in state of nature. Before s to turn out t."
"Extraordinary!" Bane- is clear t fession is doing ;But surely t extended some sort of spiritual solation, sel. . ."
" of a Baby Rut;
"ed me to gro . y title."
"But it of kindness."
"t old going out. In terious eadfast refusal to uand tio in female parts ly pursued, as under ioning inte fortail, including self-abuse and pulsive overption of Baby Rutterfingers, significe of pointed out to me by t;
Bane-urbed, is a disturbing story, t disgust, life is not all Vistavision and to plumb. tion of risk is tions and foundations, fe sinners.
"Became ticlerical. No longer loved God, ged at y limericks involving rotally alie became clear t t so one-sided as first appeared, t t."
"to me by a renegade Brot good i recesses of , ing t issue."
"Good God!" expletes Bane- flavor here of. . .
"It is kept rigorously up-to-date by tor, a ratical man. As are, in my experience, most aries just under episcopal rank. Paradoxically, t."
Bane-;You still believe in saints?"
"I believe in saints,
"Poor boxes,
"Ashes on Ash ednesday,
"Lilies oer Sunday,
"Crèches, sers, choirs,
"Albs, Bibles, miters, martyrs,
"Little red lights,
"Ladies of tar Society,
"Knights of bus,
"Cassocks and cruets,
"Dispensations and indulgences,
"the efficacy of prayer,
&quht Reverends and Very Reverends,
"tabernacles, monstrances,
"Bells ringing, people singing,
"ine and bread,
"Sisters, Brothers,
"t of sanctuary,
"the papacy,
"Bulls and cordats,
"t Judgment,
"heaven and hell,
"I believe it all. Its impossible not to believe. ts ."
"But t;
"It ball I didnt believe in."
But t ritual y of otuals, otions, for instance Blood of Dracula, Amazing Colossal Man, It quered t, t one believes vision ly exalts and vilifies to Amazing Colossal Man all rols, ts, tately pairs, I remember t dodging into doorreets!
Bane-, opens mouto speak.
"I ;
"fess," I urge, "feel free."
"I ;
Uibet, ts even in the lamaseries.
"t reminds me of somet; I state, but Bane-o ;Look!" As Burligame srips aands grinning e! I pretend imperturbability. "t reminds me, regarding t I eresting example. . ."
But errupts.
"Your position, s," ates, "but on t alloegrity of our operation to be placed iion, some lemons just like any otakes it into o flee us, art a trend. It o use t; (ily) "to get close to you, it ;
Barefaced Bales on, last been taken, must ill t, into tool, out t;I am empoo use force," s, frowning.
&quarding t I ; I state, &quinning to make, tcself a ritual, many people vieand ;
"At present I ; ;ly?"
"No," I affirm, "pay attention to ture, it is trying to tell you sometion is not so frequent in times t one afford to diddle it a;
"I must ; ;t to a man filled ; ates proudly, "is my middle name."
"I stir."
"You must."
Notle priests feet, sides, a ing smile on fao of o demonstrate purity of i. Strange of t, fearful reddis to sky, as in It quered tness from bes is overpotempted to , join needle to deadly body of instrument, crou mystical ecstasy, I grasp , plunge needle into neck, o a lump among ts, in a moment he will begin barking like a dog.
Most people t to be afraid, most vieelevision, smoke cigars, fondle gladiolus, iris, p Screaming Skull, teenage ere ion of ation not certified by eenage erereets under s t is dangerous to ignore a vision, sider Bane-o bark.