首页Come Back, Dr. CaligariThe Jokers Greatest Triumph

The Jokers Greatest Triumph

        Fredric    over to    every tuesday nigypically sitting in udy drinking a glass of somet doudy in s.

        "ell Fredric w ;

        "No Bruce t sort of rog along."

        "ell tuesday nigion on tuesday nig;

        "I kno pick tuesday nigo e over."

        "You    me to turn oing on ttle musiy ;

        Bruce aynes radio ra features. ur on tening to tokyo or somein.

        "tell me Bruce    youre drinking t; Fredric asked.

        "Im sorry Fredric its tomato juice.    I get you a glass?"

        "Does it    or is it just plain tomato juice?"

        "Its tomato juice tle vodka."

        "Yes I    mind a glass," Fredric said. "Not too ;

        out to take t up and    over to exami y darkisance, probably some rare exotic poison .

        " is tuff on t; o the room.

        "I must    ttle of vodka in tmobile," Bruce said. "Os curare, deadliest of t; ;It attacks tor nerves. Be careful t scratc;

        "ts okay Ill just drink tomato juice straig; Fredric said settling    of t;O symbol spotlig t mean a call from issiordon at ers."

        Bruce looked out of t culminating in a perfect bat symbol lahe evening sky.

        "I told you tuesday nig," Bruce ayne said.    omato-juice do;e w;

        "Sure, take your time," Fredric said. "By till at Andover?"

        "Yes," Bruce said. "tle trouble ;

        "ell I dido interrupt you," Fredric said. "Go a look at t;

        After Bruce    out to tmobile and tplane ed.

        Batman o." "ake?" ;Its alerminate kind of assig like t;

        "Lets flip," Fredric suggested.

        "Do you er?" Batman asked.

        "No but I    s; Fredric said. tmobile, tails for tplahe    came up heads.

        "ell," Batman said as to table Batmobile, "at least you    s u."

        "I e to drink it straig; Fredric said.

        "Press t button t; Batman said. Fredric pressed tton and a panel on to reveal a little bar, er, soda, quinine, lemons, limes etc.

        "t; Fredric said. " I mix you one?"

        "Not man said. "Is ter? I fot to get some o tore last nig;

        "Plenty," Fredric said. onic as Batman mobile expertly treets of Goty.

        In issiordons office at Police ers t;Glad you finally got man. ;

        "t; Batman said. "Fredriissiordon." t;No?"

        "t; issiordon said. ;to you, Batman! Im afraid your old enemy, t;

        Batman ;is; o." "; Batman said. "to me like anoto a duel of s!"

        "Flying Dutc; Fredric exclaimed, reading ted on t;t vessel?     it mean!"

        "A cleverly disguised clue!" Batman said. "tc c    y tonig;

        "Good tman!" issiordon said. "I probably never    in a t;

        "ell    out to t!" Batman said. "s t o get t;

        "ell if I    34treet until you    take a rigil it ects er youre on ts clear sailing!" ed.

        "ait a minute!" Batman said. "ouldnt it be quicker to get on t es in t 11treet and take t to t you t ime?"

        "ell I e to    ; t;But tting in anot you o detour dorand, t over to 99to get ba takes you about t of your ; he said.

        "Okay!" Batman said, " 34t    anyt;

        "O; issiordon said. " Exeter?"

        "Its er its Andover," Batman said. "tle trouble ;

        "I tle trouble    myself," t;Où est man livre?"

        "Où est ton livre?" Batman said.

        "Où est son livre?" ting at Fredric.

        "tout cela sest passé en dix-neuf t vingt-quatre," Fredric said.

        "ell ter creep issioner," Batman said. "tty slippery er. e on Fredric."

        "Glad to    you issioner," Fredric said.

        "Me too," t;tman. ;

        " a friend," Batman said smiling under his mask.

        "e get togetuesday nig;

        " do you do Fredric? I mean ;

        "I sell Grit, a nes circulation trated in rural areas," Fredric said. &quy. Many of todays leaders sold Grit during t;

        "Okay," said issiordon, us of ;Good luck. télép;

        &qu; Batman said, and treet to tmobile, wruck zone.

        " op for a minute on t; Fredric asked. "Im out of cigarettes."

        "tment," Batman said puston. A panel on to reveal a freson of Viceroys.

        "I usually prefer Kents," Fredric said, "but Viceroys are tasty too."

        "t t; Batman said. "Most of ttes are just advertising as far as Im ed."

        "I    be surprised if you ," Fredric said. tmobile sped doreets of Goty to.

        "turn on t; Batman suggested. "Maybe c;

        Fredric turned on t t.

        At Got t     dismounting from    rip, es by respectful airport poli gray uniforms.

        "ell everyto be okay," Batman said. "ting to take Mr. van Voort to ination."

        "ts a ?" Fredric asked.

        it a man leaped the shadowy figure inside.

        hA hA hA hA hA hA hA hA hA hA hA hA hA hA hA hA hA hA hA!

        "ts t; Fredric reflected. "t be t;

        "Batman! I t t clue I sent you ely at sea!"

        "No, Joker! Im afraid t;

        "But not for long Batman! Im going t you doo eart;

        it movement, to terminal Building!


        "Great Scott!" Fredric said to ;Batman is stunned! ;

        "You foiled my plans Batman," t;but before t o lift t mask of yours and find out w;

        Fredric cri. "Great Scott! tman! Noman is really Bruce ayne!"

        At t Robin,    Andover, many miles aplane on trip and came rag to ted, grasped a cable loed sky t tmans face!

        "; Fredric called. "I t you    Andover!"

        "I    I got a sudden feeling Barman needed me so I fle; Robin said. ";

        "Fine," Fredric said. "But    tplane in t t-Cave. I dont uand."

        "e ; Robin explained. "Alts not generally kno;

        itunned Batman to ting Batmobile. "You drive tmobile back to t-Cave and Ill folloplane," Robin said. "All rig;

        "C; Fredric said. Dont you t to give tle brandy or somet;

        "ts a good idea," Robin said. "Press t button ts tton."

        Fredric pressed tton and a panel slid back, revealing a bottle of B & B and te number of glasses.

        "tty tasty," Fredric said, tasting t; a fift;

        "Around eig; Robin said. "t seems to be rest o ;

        "Great Scott," Batman said, "w ;

        "tunned," Fredric explained.

        " are you doing    you    sc; Batman said.

        "I ; Robin said. "Are you okay now?    you drive ;

        "I t; Batman said. " o t;

        " a; Fredric said, "but not before lifting your mask ;

        "Yes Batman," Robin said seriously, "I tity."

        "Great Scott!" Batman said. "If    to t er! ell, its a problem."

        to t-Cave, t ter, in Bruce ayudy, Bruce ayne, Fredrid Robin, hem.

        " makes tick I ; Fredric said. "I mean ions?"

        "sider    any level of duct," Bruce said slo;i, in interpersonal relations, in jail -- alraordinary tradi. y and pulsively , aloof and desperately gregarious, entid sullen, generous and stingy, a snappy dresser and a scarean and a biven to extremes of o apply tering aime in trivial pursuits, decorous and unseemly, land and cruel, tolera open to t eous varieties of bigotry, a great friend and an implacable enemy, a lover and an abominator of -spoken and foul-moutan, sed by inferiority, outcast and social climber, felon and p, barbarian and patron of ts, enamored of y and solidly servative, p, large of soul and unbearably petty, distant and brimmie liar and astonisrict ty casurous and timid, imaginative and stolid, malignly destructive and a planter of trees on Arbor Day -- I tell you frankly, t;

        "ts extremely ; Fredric stated. "I tful analysis."

        "I ; Bruce replied.

        "ell its very brilliant just t; Fredrioted. "I guess Id better go ;

        "e could all use a little sleep," Bruce ayne said. "By t sales ing along? Are you getting many subscriptions?"

        "Yes quite a fe; Fredric said. "Ive been doing particularly ions of Goty altrengt is usually found in rural areas. By t to borroo urday."

        "t," Dick said.

        "Okay Bruce," Fredric said, "Ill see you uesday nig;