首页Unspeakable Practices, Unnatural ActsGame


        SELL KEEPS ttac alloo play ting on ter ?ing "o; in a pre?cise, ed voiot so loud as to be annoying, not so soft as to alloet. I point out to S t from playing jacks t    ied. I edly to be al?loo play by myself, but ;; I ask. "t; ed o ttache case.

        It is unfair but t it. I am aco get my hem.

        S events take place upon to i our keys in te locks and turn our keys. Saneously tain scivated and t ty-t flocely So s me. e g eac t strange? I do not knoed. I do not know.

        Eaco s trangely. rangely is strangely? I do not knoion to t kno cealed in my attaca    strapped to    calf. Sometimes instead of cedly c ty I am gles in ty of    calf. If rangely    me not    ta. Similarly Sends to g idly atop my attag idly atop my attag idly atop my attache case.

        In took care to beion, speecs    t became apparent t an error    out relief    going to arrive. Oo an o an y-t became clear t an error     to be relieved, tions of normality    of January 1, called by us, t. Unifulations imes are no lorously ss of rank and prece empo?rarily put aside, a    of Senant. One of us c all times ratc all times, except c all times and if t one urn our keys in taneously and tem involves a delay of per? I do not care because I am not    care because    er t taco e a series of descriptions of forms    in nature, sue, an animal. On the walls.

        Se descriptions of natural forms on the walls.

        Sers degree in business administra?tion from ty of issin (alt in issin, aana or Ida do aana or Ida remember. e y-to an e    and tioning zips on and off erratically and Sroduc?tion to Marketing by Lassiter and Munk, making notes    pen. S    I do not kno, s a calm asped reads Introdu to Marketing and makes es    peation. I am not well.

        e y-to an    sure ay ly, or if not permaly at least for a year, for ty-five days. Or if not for a year for some number of days knoo t knoo us, suc may be t t in every detail but in sum. Per and t is very successful. I do not kno I suspect t tures into ting re?inforced crete rooms uo say t tem is t knoo us. e eat ed and tasty. e sleep uneasily and acrimo?niously. I imes, imes, in ry to pick ttaco get at ttaco get at trine, pale green ing and tioning wrine.

        I e descriptions of natural forms on tcile surface aire I tac do ain?ing tone, animals, a baseball bat. I am a t is not a natural form. Yet I described it. "t," I said, "is typically made of    is typically oer ile longer, fat at one end, tapering to afford a fortable grip at typically offers a slig tremity, to prevent slip?page." My description of t ran to 4500 ? I do not kno Sile strange. Yet it is ner trunks ta strapped to    calf and stood over trying to span stretce bet do it, I ried, standing over tstretce is too great. I o ent but did not ent, ent , ent ience, in te fe anding over tstretg to span stretce bethe locks.

        S aiures. t clear. It o de person. o be less affected by our situation t olidly, cudying Introdu to Marketing, boung eady, rious manner. o be less af?fected by our situation tolid.    aiures, certaiures    sure t I uand to do o tric oven. But    t be a quid pro quo. I insist on a quid pro quo. I hing in mind.

        I am not    knet. t tell us feted. I do not kno is planning. t is not my respon?sibility. My responsibility is to    events take place upon turn my key in teady, stolid, ro get my y-to an e on t;o; in a precise, ed voioles tively. I do not kneted. S himself.

        Sometimes I ot sleep. Sometimes S sleep. Sometimes en abend, gute Nac; or I cradle Sand    is S sucs    only if    is fair. ts me to do    only if urn. t is fair. I am not well.