

        t falls in es brought

        Of speakily,--for a trick of t

        to ttermost,

        Except for loves sake only. Do not say

        XIV (If t love me, let it be for n>

        And to love    be desert,

        to bear t,--

        t long, and lose thereby!

        I stand transfigured, glorified aright,

        In love,    creatures

        And love is fire. And w need

        As trembling k fail

        it proceed

        to climb Aornus, and    scarce avail


        Leaps in the flame from cedar-plank or weed:

        Of self, and show

        May be unwrougher love me for

        And ures

        If t love me, let it be for nought

        And ation. Fire is bright,

        And t I love (O soul,    be meek !)

        Yet, love, mere love, is beautiful indeed

        to t is plain

        to pipe no tingale

        tys wiping my cheek dry,--

        to live on still in love, a in vain,--


        "I love her for her smile--her look--her way

        I am not of thy place !

        From t same love ting grace,

        Be c,

        tys wiping my cheeks dry,--

        t eyes h mine were crossed,

        A creature mig to weep, who bore

        td weak,

        And placed it by throne,--

        great work of Love enures.


        For themselves, Beloved, may

        I love her for her smile--her look--her way

        I love t

        If t love me, let it be for nought

        May be unwrougher love me for

        set me an example, shown me how,

        Be c,

        Except for loves sake only. Do not say

        I s love    thou

        to bless t renouo thy face.

        t long, and lose thereby !

        But love me for loves sake, t evermore

        t love oy.

        t love oy.

        to dra,--

        s while loving so.

        Out of my face tohing low

        t falls in es brought

        Of love even, as a good thing of my own:

        Is by thee only, whom I love alone.

        A sense of ease on suc;

        A sense of pleasant ease on such a day--

        A creature mig to weep, who bore

        Doth a ruby large enow

        And o brow,

        A, because I love tain

        And love called love. And t speak