首页A Walk to RememberChapter 4

Chapter 4

        In tty mued to normal. My faton, D.C., o te nig kno    t attracted us so. Maybe it o do ombstoombstones , tually fairly fortable to sit on.

        e usually sat in a small plot ombsto easy to pass ts bad fortime my friends and I decided to learn    ton family, and    to to find out if anytten about to sit on someoombstone, you mig t?

        It turns out t t muc torical records, t oeresting tidbit of information. on, t or not. Supposedly    doree as fast as any tty vivid rig, so alked about . e used to racoastal aterioly , but I eheless.

        ell, Erid me    turday niging boiled peanuts and talking about on, e"     seen mucball season    of to feeam.

        "It ; I said, s to play it cool.

        Eric playfully elboed.    ty pounds.

        "Did you kiss ?"


        ook a long drink from    kno Eriever rouble buying beer,    everyone in town knew how old he was.

        ossing me a sidelong glance.

        "I    after s least kissed ."

        "ell, I didnt."

        "Did you even try?"



        "S t kind of girl," I said, and even t rue, it still sounded like I was defending her.

        Eric latco t like a leech.

        "I t; he said.

        "Youre full of crap," I ans out of me.     t Id he following day.

        "Yea be full of crap,"    me, "but youre tten ;

        I knereading on dangerous ground.

        "I    using o impress Margaret," I said. "And es sely, I re it must ;

        Eric laughe back again.

        "You and Margaret-nos funny. . . ."

        I kne dodged a major bullet, and I breation spun off in a neion. I joined in no I    really listening to ead I kept tle voiside me t made me    w Eric had said.

        t date I could    nigurned out. Not many dates- many people, period-ime, e didnt mean I liked    talked to    all si old myself, I o talk to o    o Cecils Diner for a basket of    I didnt    to do any of t. In my mind, Id already served my penance.

        t day, Sunday, I ion to UN addition to transcripts from my ion, type. If you could meet one person in ory,    influen your life and able-liseacold us o exped Id already ions in class as homework.

        Englis subject. Id never received anyt started s process ing. If it    rouble, especially if it included tions t talked about trains leaving an , traveling in opposite dires at forty miles an c. It    t I    least a C-but it didnt e naturally to me, if you know w I mean.

        Anying one of my essays co run doairs to grab t I couldnt make out too    sounded like Angela. I immediately smiled to myself. Even to    it up, sually pretty fun to be around most of time. And    least for t o to get togething.


        "O; I said, playing it cool, ";

        t pause on ther end.


        It    I suddenly realized I    speaking to Angela. Instead it    dropped t say t I he church records.


        "Im fine," I finally blurted out, still in shock.

        "Are you busy?" she asked.

        "Sort of."

        "O;srailing off. She paused again.

        "; I asked.

        It took o get t.

        "ell . . . I just ed to kno mind ing by a little later ternoon."

        "ing by?"

        "Yes. to my ;

        "Your ; I didnt even try to disguise t and    on.

        "t to talk to you about. I    ask if it    important."

        "t you just tell me over t;

        "Id rat."

        "ell, Im ion essays all afternoon," I said, trying to get out of it.

        "Os important, but I suppose I    talk to you Monday at sc;

        it, I suddenly realized t s going to let me off t alking one ried to figure out o alk at ion icularly good, t s    I could do o listen to    Im a nice irresponsible, if I do say so myself.

        Of course, t didnt mean everyone else o kno it.

        "No," I said, "today is fine. . . ."

        e arrao meet at five oclock, and t of ternoon ticked by sloer torture. I left my y minutes early, so Id y of time to get ted erfront in toric part of to a feracoastal ateroracks, so it ake me about t long to get there.

        It emperature    Beaufort    t ted practically forever. It mig    in t be a cold spell t lasted a    for t part all you needed o make it ter. today    days-mid-seventies    a cloud in the sky.

        I made it to Jamies    on time and knocked on , and a quick peek inside revealed t     around. It    quite ea or lemonade, and    in t anyto drink. to loself in t anyone o. time I didnt o move my c    been moved siime Id been there.

        "t; s;I kno I appreciate your taking time to do t;

        "So, ant?" I said, ing to get th as quickly as possible.

        Jamie, for t time since Id kning oget.

        "I ed to ask you a favor," she said seriously.

        "A favor?"

        She nodded.

        At first I t so ask me to e tio o use my mot some stuff to t     to go to. But it still took a fe t.

        Sogether again.

        "Id like to ask you if you    mind playing tom ton in t; she said.

        tom ton, like I said before, er, ts t for t    important role.

        "ell . . . I dont kno; I said, fused. "I t Eddie Jones o be tom. ts old us."

        Eddie Jones    like Carey Dennison, by talked to you id     squinervous, ime. ing ic blind man if you put    of a ake tutter, too, and it took ime to say anyt all. Miss Garber o do it, but even t    eacoo, but s ion, sino one else had e forward.

        "Miss Garber didnt say t exactly.    s Eddie could ried out for it."

        "t someone else do it instead?"

        But t anyone else, and I kne. Because of s requirement t only seniors perform, t year. t fifty senior boys at ty-team, and eam still in tate title, none of time to go to ty or so er-scice as ion s t.

        No    to do t all, and not only because Id e to realize t drama    about t b class ever ied. taken Jamie to    could t Id o spend every afternoon    mont being seen    would my friends say?

        But I could tell tant to    t s clear. Jamie never asked anyone for a favor. I ted t no one would ever do ion made me sad.

        " about Jeff Ba?    do it," I offered.

        Jamie s;. o ore after scil s ba ."

        " about Darren oods?"

        " week w. ;

        "Really? I didnt kno," I said, stalling, but Jamie kneas doing.

        "Ive been praying about it, Landon," sime. "Id really like to be special t for me, but because of my fat it to be t produ ever. I knoo o see me be t; Sing s. "It errible if t;

        Sopped again befoing on, ional as s on.

        "I kno    embarrassed to do t. Actually,    old me t s about doing it. Sometimes people at sc    Eddie to be . But . . ." Sook a deep breat;but t . . .     people ;

        I nodded, my lips pressed toget I . In fact, I already er Miss Garber    t t it ed it up made me feel terrible, almost siy stomach.

        Sraigtle in    and looked at me sadly, as if so say no. I guess s know    on.

        "I kno c of t I dont    to believe t to someone like my fates o God, o ty. And    o raise me on . . . ."

        Jamie turned a I could see tears in     time Id ever seen    of me ed to cry, too.

        "Im not asking you to do it for me," sly, "Im really not, and if you say no, Ill still pray for you. I promise. But if youd like to do someto me . . . ill you just t it?"

        messed on t my feet.

        "I dont o t it," I finally said. "Ill do it."

        I really didnt have a choice, did I?