For a o be a virgin and a mot a virgin, nor a motalks about miracles. Mary, toget Joant , doo tima, a servant, epped into a boat, tted to take t ed. It beachem near Marseilles.
Dont run aion pared to ts of Syria, ypt, or tes of Cappadocia, ude, found arid, inable crevices in emplate te, Roman cities all along terranean coast every. t pleasant. t would hy.
But tern motima -- dont fet Fatima -- set up a c tes-Maries-de-la-Mer. tayed. But t-mot stop. Impelled by t off on one er limestone s cut , sun burned e fruit t ree of its o Manice dropped berries. tinian as famine, hairy as a dog.
Sil so t of te-Baume. Sil so test part of t. topped. t speak to anot see anoty-then, she was old.
Mary Magdaleours picture does not s o be a peial garment, or, at least, t t s t on. Even t does not seem to disclose fles a fles o to ted by its o, from t up, to penitence, but, from t do, tion of .
Left-over finery? as it t sail in? Did so te-Baume in t? It doesnt look travel-stained or orn. It is a luxurious, even sdalous skirt. A scarlet dress for a scarlet woman.
tified t;; blue. But Mary Magdalene e tain a specific o describe a a moty as her profession.
Because Mary Magdalene is a o tay and make a church, where people e.
But , lying in front of t beautifully brus, fully repentant?
In Gees de La tours painting, times tafarians. Sometimes ricably mixed up o read o t t torments , repentant flesh.
Sometimes s never sated, u, o s , sunic of it. On transformation from tuous Mary Magdaley girl, taken in adultery -- on transformation is plete. Surned into se, into a female version of Joist, a , as good as ransding gender, sex obliterated, nakedness irrelevant.
Noers as Simeon Stylites, and otary cave-d Jerome. Ss er from to resemble an even earlier ination of t;; tist. Noo aential situation in , enlig animality, sion but virtue.
But t it. tellos Magdalene, in Florence -- stered by ootirely annied by t smell tity t reeks from s rank, its ras icism of penitence, you tell ed ;pleasure". tification of turally to Donatello inteo be not black but gilded, t does not ligs mood.
some anonymous Man of te on tour made ted ence".
Penitence bees sado-masoc is its own reward.
But it also bee kitscory of Mary of Egypt. iful prostitute until sed and spent ty-seven years of ent in t, clotook e a mouted . Mary of Egypt is and fresays miraculously unlined. Soucime as oucite. Ss on a ro t, bing out er uro sand. e imagile song.
Gees de La tours Mary Magdalene yet arrived at aasy of repentance, evidently. Perured about to repent -- before , alto t t of till taking care of of a Japanese ed scroll -- s just , reminding us t sron saint of of culture, not left as nature intended. used trument of y. , even as sates upon till has a claim upon her.
Unless ually to the dle flame.
e meet Mary Magdalene in traordinary er s of precious oi, sonisically precise it is surprising it is represented so rarely in art, especially t of teentury, so often toget beautiful o snare men as -- it, too. All in all, ture a repentant prostitute would make.
S time, and taken off time. Noself in time, t mirror ool of rade; it ss of ty s toget noead of refleg duplicates the pure flame.
of a dle flame. I een first tively lig o ride t eo trate my mind upon an imaginary dle flame.
Look at t is te and steady it is. At te flame is a e of blue, transparent air; t is to look at, t is to trate on. , I fixed all my attention on t t of t of trated enoug, it , too.
Soon time to tirely subsumed by t my body, doo finally let t t tention rated on the flame.
Os sself out; to me.
Mary Magdaleates upohan herself.
ture, for it is t silent of pictures, emanates not from t from te ligrao enlig. S speak, speak. In t, s, maybe, but s speecer ter sated upon t speec as s aside a, is being born out of tercourse he dle flame.
But somet of tercourse already. S a sacred o mori, a skull.