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Black Venus-2

        I ating memory must s spirit, alto do no suany scious desires. If s, so saints so little, but, alas, sill pricked by needs.

        t yaretce. Folding anot of a dismantled soo ignite a fres,    glass a-jingle and a-jangle, suro t to ask, in able s da of tilles, for a little money.

        Nobody seems to kno Cresses, Aglaé-Josepier and Marie Daubrun, are ed. Besides Duval, s Mauritius, in to Domingo, in take your pick of t sides of ta    t some time on t island during ive trip to India in 1841. Santo Domingo, bus roubled ory, borders upon i. oussaint LOuverture led a successful slave revolt against Frencation o time of tion.

        Alt debate t tional Assembly in 1794, it inique and Guadeloupe -- t in i -- by Napoleon. t finally emancipated until 1848. resses of Fren manumitted, togetermarriage ioo the same Napoleon.

        It is u Jeanne Duval beloo t, sinique, wo y.

        e in Man Coeur Mis à Nu: "Of tred of Beauty. Examples: Jeanne and Mme Muller." (ho was Mme Muller?)

        Kids is es at all aering along y of tes mockery, and, al full of all ters of Letreet    ;black bitc; or tering tiful ters s or ordinaire or rum uck up in the Africas.

        But sy in exile, for, of tire and erogeneous ries,    been dispossessed?

        Robbed of tes of t of teriiversity of timbuktu; of ty of glamorous desert cities before rumpets ts and    even so muco le    o. tio er h a rag-covered bed.

        o Jeanne: "I o te ion ill-born suckled me. I dont kno my fat coast nor in ances. My foster-motation. I ;

        ained a ive inance; if you tried to get o do anyt    to, if you tried to erode t little steely    of self as letience of to in, not even self-pity, only ty-nine legally permitted strokes of the whip.

        ois, kne badly and taug badly to Jeanne, o vert it into good Frenco Paris and started mixing    made a ,     in it, no    ongue    out and anot did not fit    so muc Jeanne did not uand troubled serenity of ry but, t it ual affront to ed it to    because    made    maed itself in a ter of ungrammatical recriminations and dema e fond of    ion, great ga black girl, good for notion, good for only oes ly at    of oblivion on her Amazonian head.

        test poet of alienation stumbled upon t strac,    his.

        t, t, lay resplely on to acle of o provide a sumptuous feast for    eyes t han his belly.

        Venus lies on ting for a o rise: ty albatross orm. hirlwind!

        Sed ross. A scallop-sark naked across tlantic; sco rosses che wee black cherubs blew for her.

        tross    fly around t days, if only it sticks to tormy places. t ; te mastery of it.

        Dotocks of tual cold t begins and ends our experience of tains ely penguin in    not unlike yours, Daddy, timable but, unlike you, uxorious penguin arctic may afford.

        If Daddy rosses in this house.

        ind is t of tross just as domesticity is t of t;R Forties" and "Furious Fifties", o east betest tips of ted tis and tmare of table ice, t birds glide in delig is tional souts parrot-forest and glittering beaciocless birds form tes orm -- like tting good and quiet    cists sucrapeze.

        t for tment. t. t from a ne.

        t oil    sicism transforms tco tropical islands imes persuade ion performs an alceration on tang of , fres smells of amon because s kind of fleshan his.

        It is essential to tion t, if s on te garments of nudity, its non-sartorial regalia of je retaiury mase impedimenta of frock coat (exquisitely cut); ailored); oxblood cravat; and impeccable trousers. to Le Déjeuner sur ls t, anoto do so; ful, tion of culture. oman is; and is t all, y, s one ure in a flesy t, s, is t abominable of artifices.

        Once, before s o kidnap omers at t, spirited    first protesting, treets in to take ted i, rig annou; o off into an alley to do it on    even leave go of    straddled tter, legs apart and pissed as if it    natural ted C liquid cascade!

        (At rousers.)

        Jeanne cs epped across t e stogs at t seemed to errified, exacerbated sensibilities t t bured cotton, dissolved ticoat, ays, , so t noiserrifying.

        fitted as tenderly close as t gynaecologists quilly recollected a red- ired from ter s proportion of omers ed noto ejaculate into    titian mane. (.) t t, on tasteful and more ercourse but it meant so    -eyed little tripped of its essential, natural oils. Seller and odity in one, a    in t take care of ing red- risk squandering al so recklessly but Jeanne never emperament of tradesperson, s feel sy and so so everybody except t, for o offer suc gift for nothing.

        "Get it up for me," said t.

        "Albatrosses are famous for tsics t tesque, a;

        Birds of tin Jnr

        t great    builders. A slig    a little mound of mud. t squalid cessions to trosss , as just sug kind of residen est madame of all, ed trange birds togetransitory exile, anything is possible.

        "Jeanne, get it up for me."

        Not of a fuck, bringing    drama erludes and ot could make you cry and, after    Jeanne t remember e for a couple of bottles, a bargain isfied because Jeaing into trouble and gro of e so much.

        angling togetory ression, t out; also, te, ser moon in top left-op left-s of clear glass in ts satellite star, pleted tion of its slooically laboured over reasure in oil, moon and star arrived toget t-hand windowpane.

        If you could see     so dark, sim of a robbery;    eyes are like abysses but so    raying to    trace elements of on y    ierly, for y promised by t.

        tar vanish.

        Nadar says er, deaf, dumb and paralysed, Baudelaire died. t, finally, so far estranged from , in t montriumpion in a mirror, ely, as to a stranger. old o make sure t Jeanne er but    give c to teetied around    you could still see t . errify ttle c stop to speak to her.


        You    buy teet s.

        t? S test idea o take over repreneur --    oped a mao smuggle to ime    looking. Fifty francs for Jeanne, y francs for Jea all added up.

        So find out h.

        Add to t or t used to ligs ions. Sale of cuff-links and dra rid of ter, any memorabilia of t, even c a portfolio erprising agent.

        In a neussore,    ravaged but carefully repaired face partially cealed by a flattering veil, seamer bound for table    fifty, after all. S    setting off er    first, to look out ty to buy.

        errupted by no albatrosses. S of te, unless it o pare able one. You could say t Jeanne o eartly . to give up rum, except for a si last t s ed.

        Seeing    black, leaning a little on ick but stately as only one ;Good m, Mme Duval!" sings out t it sounds. Saking last nigakings to t;t; As soon as s    taste of it, ston for deference.

        Until at last, ireme old age, so tège of grieving girls takes o tio dispeo t privileged of tration, at a not excessive price, table, tic, true Baudelairean syphilis.

        translated from:

        SED NON SAtIAtA

        Bizarre déité, brune e les nuits,

        Au parfum mélangé de musc et de havane,

        Oeuvre de quelque obi, le Faust de la savane,

        Sorcière au flanc débène, enfant des noirs minuits,

        Je préfère au stance, à lopium, au nuits,

        Lélixir de ta bouche où lamour se pavane;

        Quaoi mes désirs partent en caravane,

        tes yeux sont la citerne où boivent mes ennuis.

        Par ces deux grands yeux noirs, soupiraux de ton ame,

        ? démon sans pitié! verse-moi moins de flamme;

        Je ne suis pas le Styx pour tembrasser neuf fois,

        je ne puis, Mégère libertine,

        Pour briser ton ce et te mettre aux abois,

        Dans lenfer de ton lit devenir Proserpine!

        Les Fleurs du Mal, Charles Baudelaire

        to ten about Jeanne Duval, are often called t;Les Bijoux", "La C;, "Le Serpent qui danse, "Parfum Exotique", "Le C", "Je tadore à legal de la vo?te noe", etc.