Miss Amelia range reason, seemed una most of airs. ore, ss of so lo ucked i. tain on en sopped and just stood somberly looking do ting a lock of -cropped o most of t upstairs.
Dark came on. t afternooime. tars in t, icy drizzle in. tcreet. A o from to th.
toruck eigill not, after talk of t a fear in some people, and tayed o toget or ten me and ing about. t knoing for, but it imes of tension, ion is impending, men gat in ter a time t in unison, not from t or from t as tincts oget to no single one of t to t sucime, no individual ates. And tled peaceably, or ion in ransag, violence, and crime, depends oiny. So ted soberly on tore, not one of t t kno t , and t time e.
Noo tore o t er , rock dy, and tobacco . Beed and meal. t side of tore ly filled s and suc tore, to t, airs, and it t of tore to a little room t Miss Amelia called eig evening Miss Amelia could be seen tting before op desk, figuring ain pen and some pieces of paper.
ted, and Miss Amelia did not seem to notice tion on t order, as usual. t try. It ransacted all business. On typeer used only for t important dots. In terally to t. t and did a great deal of it. tles and various parap tients sat. S needle so t it turn green. For burns s syrup. For unlocated siess t medies be given to small cirely separate draugler and s-flavored. Yes, all in all, sor. touc t imagination and used cures. In t dangerous araordinary treatment s ate, and no disease errible but o cure it. In tion. If a patient came s tion of tand t t, or rubbing s toget songued otters people trusted soever and alients.
On te ain pen a good deal. But even so s be forever unaing out tcime to time seadily. But s to to demand al ter a time t seemed to annoy up, and closed the office door.
Noo ture acted as a signal. time ood for a lo beed long and just at t moment tinct to act came on t once, as to tore. At t moment t men looked very muc of tis, dreaming look in t t no one kno at t instant t taircase. tood dumb ure at all as ured to t a pitiful and dirty little cterer, alone and beggared in til t time. till as death.
t. In t days ly cill le coat, but it belonging to Miss Amelia. rousers suc to a pair of tigting little knee-lengtogs, and pletely covered, touche floor.
tore iff little strut and tood in ter of t ood looking t eadily at belt line for an ordinary man. tion to tisfied and s amount to muco firm ilted back ook in tare. t side of tore, and . Cozily settled, tle legs crossed, ook from pocket a certain object.
No took some moments for tore tain tarted t day, to speak. t whe hunchback was fondling, and said in a hushed voice:
" is it you ;
Eac it o Miss Amelias faty embellis of tling to herself.
"Yes, , Peanut?"