首页The Ballad of the Sad Café and Other StoriesA Domestic Dilemma-2

A Domestic Dilemma-2

        "Marianne!" Martin called, for even tion of t time broug, but no less precious to o t    on ions for t table and took coot    week.

        "Andy-t; Martin said. "Is t old critter still in your mout Daddy ;

        "I got a string to pull it ; t from    a ta;Virgie said to tie it to tootie t t;

        Martin took out a     toot;t toot of my Andys moutonigootree in t;

        "A ;

        "A tootree," Martin said. "Youll bite into somet tootootake root in poor Andys stomaco a tootree tle teetead of leaves."

        "S; Andy said. But ootle t;t any tree like t. I never seen one."

        "t any tree like t and I never sa;

        Martin tensed suddenly. Emily airs. eo steps, tle boy o ts and    s ttle. So yank open dra table.

        "dition!" s;You talk to me like t. Dont t. I remember every dirty lie you say to me. Dont you te t I fet."

        "Emily!" ;t;

        "t t see ty plots and sg to turn my o t see and uand."

        "Emily! I beg you -- please go upstairs."

        "So you    turn my c; tears coursed rapidly d to turn my little boy, my Andy, against ;

        it on tartled c;Listen, my Andy -- you    listen to any lies your fatells you? You    believe elling you before I came doairs?" Uain, t ;tell me. Mama s to kno;

        "About tootree."


        ted terror. "tootree!" S;I dont knoalking about. But listen, Andy, Mama is all rig s; tears ood up.

        "See! You urned my c me."

        Marianne began to cry, and Martin took her in his arms.

        "ts all rigake your ciality from t. I dont mind, but at least you    leave me my little boy."

        Andy edged close to ouc;Daddy," he wailed.

        Martin took to t of tairs. "Andy, you take up Marianne and Daddy e."

        "But Mama?" the child asked, whispering.

        "Mama ;

        Emily    tcable, in poured a cup of soup a before ion, irrespective of tou of tenderness. Un up and drink t;    ened and impl. tous urenor of her mood.

        "Ma-Martin," s;Im so as;

        "Drink t;

        Obeying er a sed cup so lead o trained. go to leave tumult, came again.

        "urned a me and turned a;

        Impatiend fatigue    ;You fet t Andy is still a little pre;

        "Did I make a se? Oin, did I make a se before t;

        ouc ;Fet it Put on yo sleep."

        "My ed a urned a;

        S in tin ;Fods sake go to sleep. t by tomorro;

        As    rue. ould t root in to fester in ter-years? Martin did not kno alternative sied    of Emily, foresaer ion: ties t glared from terating darkness of simes. Martin anticipated ,    t.    t ary rouble long ago and t sied    of rebellion against e; ed his wife.

        On t secure for t time t evening. Marianne fell do;Daddy, c; fell again, got up, and tiine. Andy sat in tootin ran ter in tub, o throom.

        "Lets    t toot; Martin sat on toilet, oot and toot moment split beterror, astonis, and deliger and spat into tory. "Look, Daddy! Its blood. Marianne!"

        Martin loved to batender, naked bodies as tood in ter so exposed. It    fair of Emily to say t iality. As Martin soaped te boy-body of    t furt ted ty of ions for tou of melaness t o pain.    names for ttle boy ies of daily inspiration -- tle girl alin patted dry t baby stomac little genital fold. t as floals, equally loved.

        "Im putting tooto get a quarter."

        " for?"

        "You knoer for oot;

        "s ter t; asked Martin. "I used to t it in t. It ;

        "ts en."

        " it t;

        "Your parents," Andy said. "You!"

        Martin er i over and kissed iny    lay palm-upward, flung in slumber beside her head.

        "Good nig;

        ter a minute Martin took out er under a nig in the room.

        As Martin pro tce meal, it occurred to    t once mentio must o tant -- tooter -- time less episodes like leaves in t current of a sream en on tin t.

        But tered by a drunkards e, ly undermined. And ty of inpre    be like in a year or so? itable e isasting. trutoe. And o a future of degradation and slow ruin.

        Martin pusable and stalked into t reet. By bedtime t upon    and    dragged as airs.

        t for ting ligin undressed quietly. Little by little, mysteriously, tion soundily in togs made to e appeal. in picked up t, silk brassiere and stood for a moment    time t evening    ed on t foreo Marianne, and tilt at te nose. In race ted c. As Martin quil slumber of    of ts of blame or blemisant from in put out t and raised t to a c time.    t flesy of love.