toms `First half
tOM tULLIVERS sufferings during t quarter Kings Lorton uinguiser Stelling Mr Jacobs Academy, life preseself to problem: ty of felloo play om being good at all active games, fig prece among to y of tom tulliver; Mr Jacobs of acles, imposed no painful a y of snuffy old es like o e like copperplate and surround tures o spell foret, and to spout `My name is Norval bungling, tom for in danger of ts. going to be a snuffy scer - a substantial man, like o go ing ty a bit of om s o go ing too, and to be generally respected. ting and spelling: as for o recile o t ime o be prolonged, and t to be brougo extremely pleasant, for it riding about, giving orders, and going to market; and t a clergyman ure lessons, and probably make le on a Sunday as . But in tion, it scer irely different from t to be at a deficy, in case of aken care to carry t ticular to be doo impress strange boys y om, t illusions of o be cruelly dissipated by Kings Lorton. been tnig to life, plicated not only in grammar but andard of Englision, business, made all t of basom, as you ion among boys for ease of address; but ty of enunciating a monosyllable in reply to Mr or Mrs Stelling , t o be asked at table resolved, in tterness of t o a neig only o aiicism about guns, and a general se elling t notly; a om to despise Mr Stelling as t Mr Stelling, it lay quite beyond toms poo detect it: it is only by a s t t full-groinguishunder.
Mr Stelling yet ty, andi, and large lig self-fidening to brazenness. ered on vigour, and inteo make a siderable impression oelling a man isermination to puser, in t place: for tal masterso be elli to as a preac alo preacriking manner, so as to ion s sensation y for a brots. tyle of preacemporaneous, on. Some passages of Massillon and Bourdaloue, ive ellings deepest tones, but as paratively feeble appeals of en t quite as striking by ellings doe icular sge of evangelicalism, for t elling t to elling o rise in o rise by merit, clearly, si beyond ionso a great la bee Lord tions naturally gets a little into debt at starting: it is not to be expected t yle of a man e all impson advaoune did not suffice for ture togetock of of a superior flo follorous manner, eit t be procured by some ot telling must go t alternative ination of ts of success, elli equal to anyted by s a Greek play, and i several ed ttle more tentions to Mrs Stelling; but old t fine o do some day, and s great fiden ood everyt sort.
But te step to future success on tom tulliver during t iation ing anot migellings favour, if it ood t young tulliver, time. It om about in grammar tion of some sternness. Not t Mr Stellirary: om at table, and corrected ment in t playful manner: but poor tom y, for o jokes at all like Mr Stellings, and for t time in elling said, as t beef ulliver! in for it? - tom, to s a pun o a state of embarrassed alarm t made everyto t o do in: of course beef, - ical joking es, from erious , made ions and survive ts, sooner aken tter of course. But tio may procure for ary pupil to a clergyman: one is, t of tlemans undivided ; tlemans undivided attention. It ter privilege for iatory mont Kings Lorton.
t respectable miller and maltster tom beate of great mental satisfa. it a tutor for tom. Mr Stellings eyes er-of-fact sloullivers o be sure, to be sure, `You your son to be a man ulliver sellor ylde, sessions, Mr tulliver t telling fello unlike ylde, in fact - ig coat. Mr tulliver by any means an exception in mistaking brazenness for s laymen t Stelling s ulliver several stories about `So t, ed for tom. t-rate man ed ion, and knely om must learn in order to bee a matculliver knoion on t is o laug ructed persons te as at all wiser.
As for Mrs tulliver, finding t Mrs Stellings vieo t recurrence of irely cided Mrs Stelling, ticipating , o tal cer of t teo leaving tom e of e sensible and mottily as could be.
`t be very ulliver, `for everyt ered silk s a pretty penny. Sister Pullet one like it.
`Aulliver, ` some ine besides tom ull be anoto mucrouble eit: eacural to s ulliver, turning ative tig on the flank.
Per eacurally to Mr Stelling t about it uniformity of metances ood to be ue teacure. Mr Broderips amiable beaver, as t curalist tells us, busied ly in strug a dam, in a room up tairs in London, as if ion in a stream or lake in Upper ada. It ion to build: ter or of possible progeny for able. itinct Mr Stellio ural metilling ton Grammar and Euclid into tom tulliver. tru: all otioerers. Fixed on t observe ted people ying smile: all t sort of t it ion Mr Stelling biassed, as some tutors ent of o Euclid, no opinion could iality. Mr Stelling ray by entellectual: on t belief t everyt religion totle a great auty, and deaneries and prebends useful institutions, and Great Britain tial bulestantism, and fait support to afflicted minds: el keeper believes in ty of t gives to artistic visitors. And in telling believed in ion: t tullivers boy. Of course, manner, Mr Stelling rest by an assura ood ed; for possible t about tter? Mr Stellings duty o teac ed ime in t of anything abnormal.
doom as a tupid lad; for t particular desions into ract as tioerminations could by no mea suc to enable nise a cive or dative. truck Mr Stelling as sometural stupidity: ed obstinacy, or at any rate, indifference, aured tom severely on of tion. `You feel no i in elling rue. tom y in dising a pointer from a setter, in, and ive po at all defit. I fancy te as strong as telling; for tom could prediumber beo tre of a given ripple, o a fra ick it ake to reac perfect squares on e any measurement. But Mr Stelling took no note of t toms faculties failed ras o on Grammar, and t ate b on idiocy o tration t triangles must be equal - t promptitude aainty t t telling cluded t toms brain being peculiarly impervious to etymology and demonstrations, implements: it ap try stituted t culture of t for tion of any subsequent crop. I say not Mr Stellings to o me as good as any ot turned out as unfortably for tom tulliver as if o remedy a gastric . It is astonis a differe os by capellectual stoma of try as plougo settle not t is open to some one else to follo auties and call t of e irrelevant. It less an ingenious idea to call t, but it useful beast. O Aristotle! if you age of being `t modern instead of test a, apelligeion t intelligence so rarely sself in speec metap by saying it is something else?
tom tulliver being abundant in no form of speec use aapo declare o ture of Latin: an instrument of torture; and it until on some us, t o call it a `bore and `beastly stuff. At present, iion to t in desions and jugations, tom ate of as blank unimaginativeness ing tendency of s trunk of an asree in order to cure lameness in cattle. It is doubtless almost incredible to instructed minds of t day t a boy of t belonging strictly to `tood to al darkness, sinct idea o be su on t so it om. It o ted a people ed till loo make and , ion irely latent. So far as tom ance Mr Jacobs Academy, rictly correct, but it no fart t testament. And Mr Stelling to enfeeble and emasculate o reduce tonic effect of etymology by mixing it teriraneous information suco girls.
Yet, strao say, ureatment tom became more like a girl to found itself very fortable in tioned rig no bruises and oo clear-sig to be a Mr Stellings standard of te different, ainly somet of t, and t brougact , om tulliver, appeared uncoutupid: to t into an uneasy dition ion, and gave ibility. to say obstinate, disposition, but te-like rebellion and recklessness iies predominated, and if it o o s ellings approbation, by standing on one leg for an inve lengtime or rapping ely against tary a of t sort, ainly ried it. But no - tom ten tanding, or strengt given to . It did occur to some , but as t, y and irregularity of introdug aempore passage on a topic of petition for . But one day ion, and Mr Stelling, vi t be carelessness, si transded tupidity, ured ing out t if o seize t golden opportunity of learning supines, ret it ermio try evening, after s and `little sister (o pray fgie o keep Gods as, o make me alin. tle to sider Euclid - o see meant, or ate at last elling say I s do Euclid any more. Amen.
t t t mistake t day, enced o persevere in to ralised any scepticism t migellings tinued demand for Euclid. But absence of all into t seemed clear t toms despair u tense did not stitute a nodus erference, and siies, in tudy, preparing to get dim over ted g and ion of superiority. And to obey t sign ure, knife and . tom, as I said, t epoc al development, o feel elling sidered som a service by setting o ctle c e a pretty employment for tom to take little Laura out in t umn day - it on Parsonage le c being an aplis present, ened round , by le dog, during tes in as t part carrying t of Mrs Stellings o orders. If any one siders toom, I beg o sider t tues inpatible. e trives under all ages to dress extremely o yle of coiffure at elegand pleteness of appoio o expect of s as a nurse elling ker: ainly not t tullivers gait, to carry a y of exercise in long elling er. Among telling inteo be more fortuirely given up t of ttle soul as ever breato Mr Riley, ellings bllets and smiling demeanour t rengt kno ic differences mig be entirely Mr Stellings fault.
If tom ion, aile c oo kind-ed a lad for t - too muc turns to true manliness, and to proteg pity for ted Mrs Stelling, and tracted a lasting dislike to pale bllets and broad plaits as directly associated iness of manner and a frequent refereo oty. But tle Laura, and liking to amuse er purpose - t elling for teaco play of playfelloo doat on ing acts of fetfulness; t ed it as a great favour on to let Maggie trot by his side on his pleasure excursions.
And before tually came. Mrs Stelling ation for ttle girl to e and stay ulliver drove over to Kings Lorton late in October, Maggie came too, saking a great journey and beginning to see t ullivers first visit to see tom, for t learn not to too mue.
`ell, my lad, o tom, o annouo o kiss tom freely, `you look rarely! Sch you.--
tom wisher ill.
`I dont tom. `I to let me do Euclid - it brings on toothink.
(tooto wom .)
`Euclid, my lad - ? said Mr tulliver.
`O I dont knos definitions and axioms and triangles and ts a book Ive got to learn in - t.
`Go, go! said Mr tulliver, reprovingly, `you mustnt say so. You must learells you. its rigo learn.
`Ill om, said Maggie, tle air of patronising solation. `Im e to stay ever so long, if Mrs Stelling asks me. Ive broug I, father?
`You tle tom, in sucs at t, t e eo see you doing one of my lessons! in too! Girls never learn sucoo silly.
`I knoin is very ly. `Latins a language. tin ionary. t.
`No om, secretly astonis "bonus" means "good," as it happens - bonus, bona, bonum.
`ell, ts no reason ;gift," said Maggie, stoutly. `It may mean several t every means t, as uff pocket-handkerchiefs are made of.
`ell done, little un, said Mr tulliver, laugom felt rated t t so stay ual iion of his books.
Mrs Stelling, in ation, did not mention a loime tay, but Mr Stelling, s stay a f Mr Stelling e proud to leave tle y of so appreciating strangers. So it s be fetcill tnight.
`Noo tudy, Maggie, said tom, as t do you soss your inued; for tion and ion to be tossing it out of makes you look as if you were crazy.
`O, I t , said Maggie impatiently. `Dont tease me, tom. O w books! sudy. `o !
` read one of em, said tom, triumply. `tin.
`No, t, said Maggie. `I read tory of the Roman Empire.
`ell, mean? You dont knoom, wagging his head.
`But I could soon find out, said Maggie, sfully.
`hy, how?
`I s it .
`Youd better not, Miss Maggie, said tom, seeing ellis nobody touc leave, and I sc, if you take it out.
`O very me see all your books, turning to toms neck, and rub h her small round nose.
tom, in t at o dispute and began to jump able. Aill Maggies like an animated mop. But tions round table became more and more irregular in till at last reacellings reading-stand, t it ts o t udy oried o t tom stood dizzy and ag for a fees, dreading telling.
`O, I say, Maggie, said tom at last, lifting up tand, ` keep quiet elling ll make us cry peccavi.
`s t? said Maggie.
`O its tin food scolding, said tom, not some pride in his knowledge.
`Is she a cross woman? said Maggie.
`I believe you! said tom, iod.
`I t Gleggs a great deal crosser ther does.
`ell, youll be a om, `so you talk.
`But I soss.
`O, I dare say, and a nasty ceited te you.
`But you oug to e me, tom: itll be very wicked of you, for I ser.
`Yes, but if youre a nasty disagreeable te you.
`O but, tom, you ! I s be disagreeable. I so you - and I so everybody. You e me really, om?
`O bots time for me to learn my lessons. See Ive got to do, said tom, drao presently being quite beion. It was unavoidable - s fess end s fond of ion.
`Its nonsense! suff - nobody o make it out.
`Aom, dra so clever as you t you were.
`O, said Maggie, pouting, `I dare say I could make it out, if Id learned w goes before, as you have.
`But ts couldnt, Miss isdom, said tom. `For its all t goes before: for t to say ion 3 is and get along go on in Grammar. See .
Maggie found tin Grammar quite sooter ical mortification; for sed i Latin at sligly made up o skip tax, - terious sentences s, - like strange s leaves of unknos, brougo ion, and ing because tongue of to interpret. It eresting - tin Grammar t tom iing. t fragmentary examples unis in; but tunate gentleman ed because ion afforded deal of pleasant jecture, and se lost in trable by no star, ,
`Nohe Grammar!
`O tom, its sucty book! s of to give it s muctier tionary. I could learn Latin very soon. I dont ts at all hard.
`O I knoom, `youve been reading t t.
tom seized t ermined and business-like air as muco say t o learn uro to amuse titles.
Presently tom called to and at t end of table, s when he hears me.
Maggie obeyed and took the open book.
`O, I begin at `Appellativa arborum, because I say all ain his week.
tom sailed along pretty et er, in speculating as to at Suiam volucrum.
`Dont tell me, Maggie; Suiam volucrum... Suiam volucrum... ut ostrea, cetus...
`No, said Maggie, opening h and shaking her head.
`Suiam volucrum, said tom, very slo o e sooner, ted for.
`C, e, u, said Maggie, getting impatient.
`O, I knoom. `Ceu passer, om took s on his book-cover... `ferarum...
`O dear, O dear tom, said Maggie, `ime you are! Ut...
`Ut, ostrea...
`No, no, said Maggie, `ut, tigris...
`O yes, noom, `it igris, vulpes, Id fotten: ut tigris, vulpes, et piscium.
itammering aition, tom got t few lines.
`No is learnt for to-morrow. Give me e.
After some ing of on table, tom returhe book.
`Mascula nomina in a, he began.
`No, tom, said Maggie, `t doesnt e . Its Nomen non creskeivo...
`Creskeivo, exclaimed tom, om ted passage for erdays lesson, and a youleman does not require an intimate or extensive acquaintan before iable absurdity of a false quantity. `Creskeivo! a little silly you are, Maggie!
`ell, you laugom, for you didnt remember it at all. Im sure its spelt so. o know?
`Pold you girls couldnt learn Latin. Its Nomen non cress genitivo.
`Very ing. `I say t as mind your stops. For you ougo stop t a semi as you do at a a, and you make t stops o be no stop at all.
`O cter. Let me go on.
tly fetco spend t of ted elling, om y. But sellings alluding to a little girl of he gypsies.
` a very odd little girl t must be! said Mrs Stelling, meaning to be playful, but a playful turned on y at all to Maggies taste. Selling, after all, did not t to bed in rats. Mrs Stelling, s, looked at raight behind.
to tom. So be in tudy o tin Grammar. tronomer selling if all astronomers ed icular astronomer. But, forestalling his answer, she said,
`I suppose its all astronomers: because you knoo talk and tars.
Mr Stelling liked tle immensely, and t terms. Sold tom so go to sr Stelling, as to it again, and s A B C meant: the lines.
`Im sure you couldnt do it, noom. `And Ill just ask Mr Stelling if you could.
`I dont mind, said ttle ceited minx. `Ill ask him myself.
`Mr Stelling, s same evening, oms lessons, if you o teacead of him?
`No; you couldnt, said tom, indignantly. `Girls t do Euclid: they, sir?
`ttle of everytelling. `t deal of superficial cleverness: but t go far into anytheyre quid shallow.
tom, delig, telegrapriump Maggie beellings cified: so be called `quick all tle life, and no appeared t ty. It er to be sloom.
`om, suco be quick. Youll never go far into anything, you know.
And Maggie iny t s for a retort.
But e lonely for tom, er and tter since selling so many questions about tin, `I buy it for a fartten nut, or o Latin - t tom ually e to a dim uanding of t t tunate as to knoin learning it ton Grammar. t addition to orical acquirements during to aomised ory of the Jews.
But to an end. om o see t yell before ternoons and t December snoo suns make t of t y-oicks deep in a er of t o a distao limbo, if it ure of sticks to travel so far.
But it tin Grammar - t lig o t familiar tern of te and t ideas t it o criticise ty aension of matter. t in ts became dear to us before ension of our oy: ed and loved it as ed our oend our o furniture of our early look if it up to au: an improved taste in upery ss it; and is not triving after sometter aer in our surroundings, teristic t distinguise - or, to satisfy a scrupulous accuracy of definition, t distinguisise? But striving migions a trick of tities of our life s in memory. Ones delig t cistus or fucself o undulating turf, is airely unjustifiable prefereo a landscape-gardener, or to any of ted minds does not rest on a demonstrable superiority of qualities. And tter reason for preferring t it stirs an early memory - t it is no y in my life speaking to me merely t sensibilities to form and colour, but te self into my joys when joys were vivid.