akes tem
tulliver s least ter and stronger symptoms of a gradual return to ion: tic obstru tle by little, losing its tenacity, and t ful struggles, like a living creature making its sno t slides and slides again, and ss up time o tc ful distant t of ts it -approae too quickly. ulliver os moment of most palpable g-masters able gunsmitiously preparing t t, duly pointed by a brave arm, urs, filing of bills in C or bomb-s ever a solitary mark but must fall tering. So deeply in is it in t men o suffer for eacably diffusive is even justice makes its victims, and ribution t does not spread beyond its mark in pulsations of ued pain.
By t advertising tullivers farming and otock to be folloer-diime, fancied ill in t first stage of unes en in alked in a feeble, disjointed manner, of plans least save Mr tulliver from leaving t and seeking airely strange life. For uncle Deane o i age of t , ion fuest and Co. to buy Dorlill and carry on t be increased by tion of steam poill Mr Deaer: t t akem gage on t put in into o bid for tate, and furto outbid tious firm of Guest and ental grounds. Mr Deaell Mrs tulliver someto t effect, o i `if Guest and Co. it, Mr tullivers fate Mill long before t firm of. Mr Deane, in reply, doubted ioments. As for uncle Glegg, te beyond ion: tured ma siy for tulliver family, but mes and o ives: but tulliver scoats y, and t ulliver a pound of tea no ea and see black.
Still, it Mr Deane oullivers. One day Lucy, le blond angel-self against Maggies darker cears. ters keep up a tender spot in t of many a respectable partner in a respectable firm, and perying questions about o make uncle Deane more prompt in finding tom a temporary pla tting ting evening lessons in book-keeping and calculation.
t migtle, if t e at time t be a bankrupt, after all: - at least, tors must be asked to take less to toms unteccy. not only be said to y, but to carried t obloquy to toms mind. For s isfied, t ts, ion: `not more ten or toigom like a scalding liquid, leaving a tinual smart.
of someto keep up s a little in t neransported from ted ennui of study- Mr Stellings, and tle-building in a `last sco ts at step toting on in ty, noisy affair, and implied going oea in order to stay in St Oggs and rongly of bad tobacco. toms young pink and doo tle cross if o him.
But all tulliver most to be dreaded, and prevent akem from eaining truly respectable and amiable entous anomaly, taking to refle and iing binations by o : t could tering. Mrs tulliver, seeing t everyto t soo passive in life, and t, if so business, and taken a strong resolution no er for appeared, of going to speak to akem on t, Mrs tulliver reflected, it est met end. It ulliver to go - even if o la akem and abusing ten years; akem o e against Mrs tulliver o t o trouble, so t oo. to be sure, akem t s to please t lent Mr tulliver to please t likely to put Mr tulliver torney mig? - , and at time Mrs tulliver marriage, tin spencer, and yet any ts of Mr tulliver, sainly to of all possibility t ertain anyt good s, ed to go to la present disposed to take Mr akems vies rat, if t attorney saable matron like o give en to ations? For s tter clearly before . And o spite likely enoug s Squire Darleig ten and often daen.
Mrs tulliver a to Mr Deane and Mr Glegg, t s mind going to speak to akem akem alone, in tone of men o give a did attention to a more definite exposition of . Still less dared sion to tom and Maggie, for `t everytom, s as muc against akem as tration of t naturally gave Mrs tulliver an unusual poermination, and a day or to be time to be lost s ratagem. tion - a large stock of pickles aculliver possessed and tervieo St Oggs t m: and s let t present - like o go about just yet - s at t in radig pickles s ined from tle girl, t ogetil suro, he offir akem.
t gentlema e to ulliver sit doe room and for long to before tual attorered, knitting tout blond ially: - a tallis iron-grey a rascal and as crafty, bitter an enemy of y in general and of Mr tulliver in particular, as ed to be in t eidolon or portrait of o exist in the millers mind.
It is clear t to interpret any c t grazed tempt oas in tion o y, required tive diabolical agency to explain t is still possible to believe t ttorney muilty toy is guilty t too near it, is cauged into ued sausages.
But it is really impossible to decide tion by a gla s of tenance are like ot alo read a key. On an a priori vie more rascality tiff s collar, too, along ory meaning ained.
`Mrs tulliver, I think? said Mr akem.
`Yes, sir, Miss Elizabeth Dodson as was.
`Pray be seated. You h me?
`ell, sir, yes, said Mrs tulliver, beginning to feel alarmed at ing t s settled in coat pockets and looked at her in silence.
`I last, `I a-t, and t in, and t broug to tly, for te aers. And as foing to la to be ans o my oo one abuse you as ot I niver of me.
Mrs tulliver stle and looked at t handkerchief.
`Ive no doubt of ulliver, said Mr akem, eness. `But you ion to ask me?
`ell, sir, yes. But ts o myself - Ive said youd ral feeling; and as for my been a-defending about tion - not but tter as said youd t I t believe but w youll beleman.
` does all tulliver? said Mr akem, rat do you to ask me?
`ulliver, starting a little, and speaking more to buy t so mucter, only my your .
Somet flasold you I meant to buy it?
`s none o my iing and I s of it, for my to kno to say as la em into t ud be to do trairy to t.
`A t did say so? said akem, opening , of an almost inaudible wle.
` and Co. ud buy t Mr tulliver for em, if you didnt bid for it and raise t ud be suco stay , t fond o t, to do Dodson to marry one; but I into it blindfold, t I did, erigation and everything.
` - Guest and Co. heir own hands, I suppose, and pay your husband wages?
`O dear, sir, its o tulliver, a little tear making its it ud look more like o be, to stay at to go any, my be struck better again as ting now.
`ell, but if I bougo act as my manager in then? said Mr akem.
`O sir, I doubt to do it, not if tood still to beg and pray of o s so as ts eigold him he was wrong...
` out Mr akem, fetting himself.
`O dear, sir! said Mrs tulliver, frig a result so different from t radict you, but its like enoug a many to talk about. And you like to o die; and ts allays unlucky o tell you as I remember your erday - Mrs akem , I kno - and my boy, as t nicer, raiter boy noo sch your son...
Mr akem rose, opeo one of his clerks.
`You must excuse me for interrupting you, Mrs tulliver, I must be atteo; and I to be said.
`But if you in mind, sir, said Mrs tulliver, rising, `and not run against me and my ying Mr tullivers been in t s been giving to ot - y - and I go and look at to stand.
`Yes, yes, Ill bear it in mind, said Mr akem ily, looking tohe open door.
`And if youd please not to say as Ive been to speak to you, for my son ud be very angry rouble enoug being scolded by my children.
Poor Mrs tullivers voice trembled a little, and so ttorneys `good m, but curtsied and in silence.
` t Dorlill is to be sold? o hey were alone.
` Friday is t six oclock.
`O run to insioneer - and see if o e up.
Altered m, ention of purce Mill, ulliver ed to ermining motives, and al glance being rasives run in fixed tracks, and to recile flig aims.
to suppose t akem of ie red toulliver, t tulliver os o t indignant roac good eating: it could only be ertain a strong personal animosity. If Mr tulliver ed ttorney, akem in of being a special object of vindictiveness. But t diable, ttorneys ts a o o be present, some jocose cattle-feeder, stimulated by opportunity and brandy, made a t at o old ladies sang-froid, and ky of substantial men t ly te `akem is to say, a ma ice. A man tofton, and decidedly t stock of port Oggs, o feel sure t even Mr tulliver , mig, under opposite circumstances, eness in trut `akem mankind is not disposed to look narroo t of great victors side. tulliver, tru to akem: on trary ed several times - a -tempered fello te t unsuccessful plaintiff - t pitiable, furious bull entangled in t?
Still, among to , moralists of being too fond of te for topping per meditative red toor ive roric against Yelloe life: but not be sorry, if launity favoured, to kick t Blue editor to a deeper se colour. Prosperous men take a little vengeanoake a diversion, o business; and su life, running t infli, blog t men out of places, and blaing cers in unpremeditated talk. Still more, to see people o us, reduced in life and ed any special efforts of ours is apt t influence: Providence, or some ot appears, aken task of retribution for us; and really, by an agreeable stitution of t prosper.
akem tidictiveoary miller, and noulliver tion into preseself to o do t ulliver t deadly mortification, and a pleasure of a plex kind, not made up of crude malice but mingling tion. to see an enemy ed gives a certain te, but t satisfa of seeing ed by your benevolent a of cession on is a sort of revenge ue, and akem an iion of keeping t scale respectably filled. ting an old enemy of o one of t Oggs almso tion; and unity of providing for anot. Suess to prosperity, and tribute elements of agreeable scious are not dreamed of by t s-siged vindictiveness, s o self in direjury. And tulliver ongue field by a sense of obligation, ter servant tuation. tulliver o be a man of proud y, and akem oo acute not to believe in tence of y. o individuals, not to judging of to maxims, and no one k all men like eo overlook tty closely: ical rural matters. But te Mill, quite apart form any benevolent vengean t al iment; besides, Guest & Co. o bid for it. Mr Guest and Mr akem erms, and ttorney liked to predominate over a stle too loud in toalk. For akem a mere man of business: fello Oggs, cted amusingly over tle amateur farming, and ainly been an excellent c t u of mural mos erected to t men o be more teo men o t s t Mr akem ot toage, and provided for t, iive to te Mill. ulliver alking, it o tances of t to e furnisable position for a certain favourite lad on in the world.
tal ditions on o act persuasively, and ion from t p fly-fis so as to make it alluring in t quarter for of a due acquaintance ivity of fishes.