J. ms summer from any otime Mick could remember. Not so s or there was a feeling of
cime sed. In t to get out of bed and start going for t niged like o o sleep again.
Riger breakfast sook t, and except for meals t of time t roamed around treets—s and plans. Sometimes s of too Bill os and so grab o make her see him.
Early in t tle cool and tretc tall on t of t in t. t it to keep your eyes open. A lot of times t t o o imes it zerland and all tains ing on cold, greenish-colored ice.
Mister Singer ing uro tosi ogeter Singer regard for peril and s he plans always going on in her mind.
Usually after traiy good. If sold to go out of ance from Ralp ever find ing marbles t o o t tional Geograp roamed around and t some more. If s a dope or a Milky ay at Mister Brannons. he gave kids a
redu. s.
But all time—no matter ly to ts. Some s anywhere.
In t-time, as soon as t important time of all. A lot of t tell anybody about t nigions stle tale t sounded reasonable. But most of time if anybody called ran a for everybody except run aallest men in to and kindly t people were surprised when he spoke.
No matter o stop when her Dad called.
t il t about e person. A lot of times room o o s nig kno made and. Afterhough she knew him as good as she could knoerson.
It and so be at ther.
into t room. ting slumped over never did seem natural to see il time of last year er and carpenter. Before daylighe house in his
overalls, to be gone all day. t nigimes ra of times ried to get a job in a jeore e s on and a tie.
Noer any more a sign at t of tc look like most jeotle Jeall fether in a loose way.
stared at ell ed real bad to talk to ried to to begin. oo big for every single op of ul looked at speaking and she was in a hurry.
So be at t ime to e. I got somet maybe you treat yourself .’
o give because ed to talk. Out of tles y and one just opened. And alk to somebody. and sten like a kid about forimes imes in a little slit in . Sed to take t naturally open and ready.
I got so muco do I dont know wo begin,’
he said.
t te tood as sco fix, and nig at his bench, ing
old springs and o make t out until bedtime. Ever since eady o be doing somete.
I been t tonig on the back of his hand.
t and took a s of the glass.
S it and still. iced tried to say somet called to tell ed to talk tle ed to speak and s looked at eaess gre longer ahem could say a word.
t like s—sood it all along in every suddenly kne s to earn muc like off from ted to be close to one of t kno. like muybody.
Sood t eac gave c h a brush dipped in gasoline.
I kno nig do ats and expenses and managed in a different o -sleeve. Sayed nig for some reason s tell t t, dark nights.
ts , and of t important time. In t every
street came to be as plain to time as e places in t s. Girls from some in t girls s. If a person tain Man Dean at to fig if it y pounds s on.
ts o t suusic. reets so like toened kno was Mick Kelly.
S about music during ts in time. in ts of toed to hear.
t got all tras.
And at nigo to to listen. tiful s under a buser it s and time. t part of all tening to tudying about itCerra fa puerta, senor Mick said.
Bubber a, he answered as a eback.
It o take Spanis Vocational. t speaking in a fn language t made . Every afternoon since scarted sences. At first Bubber umped, and it o calked t on in a oo. Of course knoences meant,
but s say ter a it long before at t—nobody could put a thing over on old Bubber Kelly.
Im going to pretend like Im o t time, Mick said. tell better if all tions look good or not.’
S on t porcood in tia and y. tion umn leaves and vines and red crepe paper. On telpie tig up berack t yellow leaves.
trailed vines along table y decoration. It was O.K.
Sed her eyes.
Bubber stood beside ty to turn out all right. Isure do.’
t party so more t summer so a prom party. But none of to prom or dance, s stood by til all ts y going to be a bit like t one. In a feart ing and to-do would begin.
It ty. tion came to er sarted at Vocational. it from Grammar Suco take a stenograpta s special permission and took mecy eacher was Miss Minner. Everybody said Miss Minner had sold her
brains to a famous doctor for ten t after s t. On ten lessons sions as Name eigemporaries of Doctor Joe ten lines from "t; S a eacraveled on Europe.
S in Fra and talking os and t. And t any er in Franly wine.
In nearly all ional lus soon began to botogeto belong to some special bunco t t o any croo belong er. .
During t t being as muusic. ty.
Srict ations. No Grammar S and fifteen. Sed good enougo speak to t knoo find out. Selep sed at school.
On telep Bubber sti o listen. this is Mick Kelly, she said.
If t uand t on until t it.
tm y at eigurday niging you no Fourtreet, Apartment
A. t Apartment A sounded seleped. A couple of tougried to be smarty a on asking ried to act cute and said, I dont knoside of t en boys and ten girls and s ty, and it ter and different from any party so or before.
Mick looked over t time. By track sopped before ture of Old Dirty-Face.
to of tle.
Some kid once dre y.
t ure frame. On botures of Bubbers age. ttle also. A long time ago.
tm going to take ty. I t looks on. Dont you?’
I dont kno.’
S ture underrack. tion er Singer . table for supper. And ter supper it ime for ty. S into tco see about ts.
You t? sia.
Portia s. ts op of tove. t butter and jelly sand didnt take one.
I doold you forty times t everto be all rigia said. Just soon as I e back from fixing supper at o put on t o pusy.
turday night and highboy and illie and me
Sure, Mick said. I just you to till t of get started—you know.’
Sook one of tay ia and into t on tta lending clot t supposed to e to ty.
ttas long blue crepe de ce pumps and a roiara for was o imagine hem.
te afternoon s took t ime to begin no putting on t just sit around and . Very sloo ts and s and turned on ter.
Ss of ake a long time.
So to dress. Silk teddies s on, and silk stogs. Stas brassieres just for t. t on tepped into t time sood for a long time before tall t t t ood in front of tune, and finally decided siful. One or ther.
Six different tle trouble, so s curls.
Last of all suck tones in oy of lipstid paint. ed up ar. Slo iful s beautiful.
S feel like all. S
from Mick Kelly entirely. ty o t mess up ting doo press ement. S so different from t ster ty.
?Yippee! the punch!’
test dress------’
Say! You solve t one about triangle forty-six by twen------’
Lemme by! Move out my way!’
t door slammed every sed as to t voices souogetil t one r noise. Girls stood in buncs or R.O.t.iforms or ion t Mick couldnt notiy separate face or person. Sood by trad stared around at ty as a whole.
Everybody get a prom card and start signing up.’
At first too loud for ao tention. t table and t s alL Only o ttle paper cups. On t of track beside telling t be fourteen fhs.
Every person and slick. t-colored long dresses stood toget art y was O.K.
Im part Scotch Irish and Frend------’
*I got German blood------’