首页The Spirit of the Chinese Peoplechapter 3

chapter 3

        But noo sum up in a fe problem of civilisation in Europe arising out of t first tried to maintain civil order by t. But after a    too mucrouble. ter ty years    a and called in to maintain civil order. But norouble even ts. Noo do? Send a? No, I do not believe t to call back t. Besides t no t are to do? I see Professor Loicle in tlantititled "t, " says: "Call in t; I am afraid to take t and soldier, rouble t and ts and soldiers in Europe    tion and anarcate of Europe o t call back t, and foodness sake dont call in t call in tizenso live in peace    priest and    soldier.

        In fact I really believe t tion of t problem of civilisation after t o unsuspected asset of civilisation    of civilisation is t of civilisation because    of a neio    of t neion is izenso believe t ture of Man is good; to believe in to believe in t tice. But izeo love your fat is tice? tizeice means to be true, to be faito be loyal; t try must be self-lessly, absolutely loyal to    try must be selflessly, absolutely loyal to o    t duty in tizens to say finally y of Loyalty, loyalty not only in deed, but loyalty in spirit or as tennyson puts it,

        to reverehe King as he were

        their King,

        to break t.

        t OF thE ESE PEOPLE

        A Paper t o al Society of Peking

        LEt me first of all explain to you ernoon to discuss. t of our paper I ;t of t;! do not mean o speak of ter or ceristics of teristi been described before, but I t su or eion of teristics of to ure at all of ter or ceristics of t is not possible to generalize. ter of t from t of ter of t from t of talians.

        But    of t by utionally distinctive in temper aiment of tinguis express    of our discussion type of y, or, to put it in plainer and ser he real aman.

        No, I am sure, you eresting subject, especially at t moment,     type of y_to disappear and, in o ype of y_t I propose t before type of y, disappears altogetake a good last look at inctive in    from all otype of y woday.