

        t tREASURE ;t a garden," said Susaly. "It le and t yard.”

        "I see ; said Peter. "Yes. t is to used to be a fligeps going up to top of t    teps - to t door must o t hall.”

        "Ages ago, by t," said Edmund.

        "Yes, ages ago," said Peter. "I le; and how long ago.”

        "It gives me a queer feeling," said Lucy.

        "Does it, Lu?" said Peter, turning and looking    ;Because it    does to me. It is t t    it all means?”

        alking tyard and goo     t it errace about t .

        "I    really t; said Susan. " is t terrace kind    of thing?”

        "; said Peter (ed), "dont you    see? t able . Aen t    on a dais just like t, in reat hall.”

        "In our castle of Cair Paravel," tinued Susan in a dreamy and rat;at t river of Narnia. ?”

        " all es back!" said Lucy. "e could pretend we were in Cair    Paravel now.

        t    ed in.”

        "But unfortunately    t," said Edmund. "Its getting late, you    kno it isnt so ?”

        "e s to spend t ; said    Peter. "Ive got matcs go and see if    some dry wood.”

        Everyone sa    e into turned out not to be a    good place for fireried tle, passing out of ttle side door into a maze of stony    oles and le epped t into a rees icks and dry leaves and fir -es iy. t to and fro il t t outside t    and freshese away.

        tone pavement ran . t    out to piore apples and t to t and     place. t difficulty in lig and used a lot of matc the end.

        Finally, all four sat doo to    tried roasting some of ticks. But roast apples    are not muc sugar, and too    to eat ill too cold to be ing. So to tent t sc so bad after all - "I    s mind a good te,"    t of adventure ed to be back at    school.

        Sly after t apple en, Susan    out to to    get anothing in her hand.

        "Look," s;I found it by t; S to Peter and sat do s be going to cry. Edmund and Lucy eagerly bent foro see ers tle, brig gleamed in t.

        "ell, Im - Im jiggered," said Peter, and    to thers.

        All no tle c, ordinary in size but    extraordinarily    iny little rubies or rat.

        "; said Lucy, "its exactly like one of to    play    Cair Paravel.”

        "C; said Peter to er.

        "I t ," said Susan. "It brougimes.    And I remembered playing cs, and tiful horse - and - and -”

        "No; said Peter in a quite different voice, "its about time arted using our brains.”

        " about?" asked Edmund.

        "; said Peter.

        "Go on, go on," said Lucy. "Ive felt for    tery his place.”

        "Fire aer," said Edmund. "ere all listening.”

        "e are in tself," said Peter.

        "But, I say," replied Edmund. "I mean,    out? t all trees groes.    Look at tones. Anyone    see t nobody has lived here for hundreds of years.”

        "I kno; said Peter. "t is ty. But lets leave t out for    t. I    to take ts one by one. First point: tly t Cair Paravel. Just picture a roof on t instead of grass, and tapestries on t our royal baing hall.”

        No one said anything.

        "Sed point," tinued Peter. "tle ly o t    is exactly the same size and shape.”

        Again there was no reply.

        "t: Susan    found one of our old cwo peas.”

        Still nobody answered.

        "Fourt. Dont you remember - it    you remember planting tside    te of Cair Paravel? test of all to put good spells on it. It    little cual digging.    you ten t funny old Lilygloves, ty, youll be glad of t    trees one day. And by Jove .”

        "I do! I do!" said Lucy, and clapped her hands.

        "But look er," said Edmund. "t be all rot. to begin    plant t te. e    have been such fools.”

        "No, of course not," said Peter. "But it o te since.”

        "And for anot; said Edmund, "Cair Paravel    on an island.”

        "Yes, Ive been    t. But it , a    peninsula. Jolly nearly an island. Couldnt it ime?    Somebody has dug a el.”

        "But !" said Edmund. "You keep on saying since our time. But    its only a year ago sio make out t in    one year castles    forests tle trees    ed ourselves urned into a big old orc else.    Its all impossible.”

        "t; said Lucy. "If t to be    a door at t ting    it at    t. You kno led doo treasure chamber.”

        "I suppose t a door," said Peter, getting up.

        them was a mass of ivy.

        "e    soon find out," said Edmund, taking up one of ticks t tting on ting tap-tap    tick against tone; and again, tap-tap; and t once, boomboom, e    different sound, a hollow, wooden sound.

        "Great Scott!" said Edmund.

        "e must clear t; said Peter.

        "Os leave it alone," said Susan. "e    try it in t to spend t     an open door at my bad a great big    black    anyt e out of, besides t and tll    soon be dark.”

        "Susan! ; said Lucy    botoo muced to take any notice of Susans advice. t ters pocket-kill ter t they    used Edmunds.

        Soon tting    last the door cleared.

        "Locked, of course," said Peter.

        "But tten," said Edmund. "e    pull it to bits in no    time, and it ra firewood. e on.”

        It took ted and, before t     star or t a sligood above tered     off taring into they had made.

        "Noorc; said Peter.

        "O is t; said Susan. "And as Edmund said -”

        "Im not saying it no; Edmund interrupted. "I still dont uand, but    tle t later. I suppose youre ing doer?”

        "e must," said Peter. "o good be we are ba Narnia.

        Youre a Queen o sleep ery    like their minds.”

        tried to use long sticks as torc t a success. If you    ed end up t out, and if you    in your eyes. In to use Edmunds    electric torc    less ttery     ne, . ter    broughe rear.

        "Ive e to top of teps," said Edmund.

        "t t; said Peter.

        "O; said Edmund, as    cautiously doo    sixteen.

        "And ttom," ed back.

        "t really must be Cair Paravel," said Lucy. "teen."    Notill all four anding in a knot toget t of tairorch slowly round.

        "O - o - o - o; said all t once.

        For no it    treasure c mig intervals    stood rics of armour, like knigreasures. Is of    armour, and on eacusks of ivory,    brood c stones lying piled anyatoes - diamonds, rubies, carbuncles, emeralds, topazes, and    amets.

        Uood great cs of oak strengt terly cold, and so still t treasures    t u of treasures. ttle frig t all seemed so forsaken and long ago. t    a minute.

        t and pig to look at.    It ing very old friends. If you ;Ois - do you remember first tle brooc    - I say, isnt t t tour in t for    me? - do you remember drinking out of t horn? - do you remember, do you    remember?”

        But suddenly Edmund said, "Look ery:    goodness kake    a out    again?”

        "e must take ts," said Peter. For long ago at a Cmas in Narnia    ais    time.    (t, and you    read about it in ther book.)

        ter and o t treasure cs ill    for it tle bottle. But ttle ead of glass, and it ill more t every ook    dos plad slung t over    ttle at    used to    had been a    bow and arrows

        and a ill t - "O; said Lucy. "he horn?”

        "O; said Susan after s for a moment.    "I remember noook it    day of all, t iag. It must    lost    other place - England, I    mean.”

        Edmund    ering loss; for ted    , ain to e to you, wherever you were.

        "Just t of t mig;    said Edmund.

        "Never mind," said Susan, "Ive still got t; And sook it.

        "ont tring be peris; said Peter.

        But ill in    s ttle pluck t. It    t vibrated t one small    noise brougo t . All ttles and s as came ruso together.

        trung t her side.

        , Peter took do red lion on it,    and to get off t. ted t first t it    migy and stick to t it    so. it motion     and    up, sorc.

        "It is my s I killed t; tone in    t er ter a little pause, everyone remembered t t save ttery.

        tair again and made up a good fire and lay doogetable, but the end.